Chicago Workshop for Celebrants went “spectacularly well”

Good news over at Musica Sacra.

Success at the Celebrant Workshop
By CMAA on October 23, 2007 at 1:58 pm

The celebrant workshop (Missa in Cantu) went spectacularly well. A total of forty priests and seminarians attended. They participated in daily sung liturgy in all forms. St. John Cantius hosted the CMAA and were wonderfully helpful. Many notes of appreciation have come our way, but this one was particularly striking:

“Thank you so much for the workshop in Chicago. It was eye-opening and life changing. It is hard to explain but everything seems different now. From not singing really anything, to this past Sunday I sang the collects, intoned the Sanctus and Agnus Dei, and butchered the final blessing. Oh well, you can’t win them all.”

Many others have reported excellent progress, and after only a two-day workshop. Thank you to all for your support.

I would love to have first hand reports from priests or seminarians who attended.


As I have written many times, contact with the Roman Rite, properly celebrated, especially in its older expression, will have a profound impact on the way younger priests think about and celebrate Holy Mass.  This will accelerate the "gravitational pull" of the older use of Mass on the newer.

Pope Benedict’s "Marshall Plan " is being greatly aided by workshops such as these.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. dcs says:

    This is interesting because it shows that all it takes sometimes is the adoption of a certain “attitude” by the Pope. There was no juridical reason these workshops couldn’t have happened two, five, or ten years ago. But our Holy Father’s attitude toward the liturgy has created a climate in which these workshops can exist and flourish.

  2. chris says:

    what happened to the post about Steubenville and the Latin Mass?

  3. May the good Lord bless the wonderful work of this workshop (and any others) and bring it to fruition.

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