40 day Rosary for conversion of Pres. Obama’s heart on life issues

From a reader:

Perhaps others have already contacted you about this, but I believe you could be very helpful in this and therefore, I will bring it to your attention also.

Today, the coalition of students against President Obama’s invitation as commencement speaker at Notre Dame held its first public demonstration, with a speech from Catholic lawyer Harold Cassidy, followed by a recitation of the Holy Rosary.  It was also announced that beginning this Wednesday (8 April), we will officially begin a 40 day rosary prayer vigil with the specific intention of the conversion of Obama’s heart in regard to life issues.  It was decided that if Our Blessed Mother would ask this for the conversion of Russia, then surely Notre Dame, Our Lady, would appreciate such a response to the current situation at Her university.  We hope that at the end of 40 days, which is the day of commencement (17 May), we will essentially be able to present our president with a spiritual bouquet of millions of rosaries prayed with him in mind.
Fr. Zuhlsdorf, you know that many Catholic people around the world read your blog daily.  If you could help promote this rosary campaign to make it even more effective, we at Notre Dame would be very appreciative.

I am not sure how this will be organized, but it sounds like a good project.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Christa says:

    I have been offering a daily rosary for several intentions, including President Obama’s conversion on this issue. I would be interested in knowing if a special rosary should be said for this intention, and if there is a special time we should do it, or anything else that would help this cause.

  2. irishgirl says:

    Good idea.

    I also offer my own daily Rosary for President Obama’s ‘conversion from the culture of death to the culture of life’.

    The more Rosaries, the better! Our Lady will gather them up!

  3. Mary in CO says:

    A spiritual bouquet would be a great idea. Is there a web site where we can sign up?

  4. Domer says:

    There will be a counter available soon on NDResponse.com where people can log their rosaries. The 40-day countdown to Commencement Day starts on Wednesday.

  5. enonymous enow says:

    I try at least once a day to pray on Obama’s behalf, “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee” 3x. I offer up this prayer because it’s exceedingly doable and because Obama carries a Miraculous Medal in his pocket.

  6. little gal says:

    Although this project is a good and worthy one, I suspect it is long term. Wouldn’t a more practical goal have been to pray for the conversion of Fr. Jenkins and the ND Board of Directors vs a vs the speaker @ the May commencement?

  7. Mary in CO says:

    Domer, thanks for that info. Lil gal, let’s pray for them both!

  8. Bill in Texas says:

    Sent information to parish Pro-Life and to station manager at KATH-AM 910 (Guadalupe Radio Network).

  9. DarkKnight says:

    You’re all more charitable than I am at present. Would rather pray for Paisley and that is on my schedule for a long, cold day.

    Perhaps, someday I ascend to your heights.

  10. DarkKnight says:

    This will just give his press office more material, “X Million American Catholics are Now Praying for Obama.” He’s going to turn this into another political endorsement.

    A noble sentiment, but ….

  11. lavatea says:

    Just curious as to WHY Pres. Obama carries a Miraculous Medal in his pocket.

    I will try to make this a priority in my prayer life. Anyone have any good tips on how to say the Rosary well for a person who is new at it?

  12. Bill in Texas says:

    lavatea — Can’t help but lol, Obama carries a number of items with him — the Miraculous Medal, a small bhudda, etc., that he seems to regard as talismans or “good luck charms.”

    Of course, Our Lady did a wonder for Alphonse Ratisbonne (not sure I spelled his name correctly), even though he was an atheist at the time. Still, I wonder whether I shouldn’t send Obama a Green Scapular, with the suggestion that he should carry it in his pocket, too. Then we could all say the prayer on the Green Scapular for him every day … said with faith and trust, this is actually our best avenue to change his heart.

  13. Bill in Texas says:

    lavate, here’s a link to a photo that was published in Time last summer, showing Obama holding the items that he carries in his pockets: http://www.sepiamutiny.com/sepia/obamahanuman_1.jpg

    Photo caption: “Amongst the things that Barack Obama carries for good luck are a bracelet belonging to a soldier deployed in Iraq, a gambler’s lucky chit, a tiny monkey god and a tiny Madonna and child.”

    Just in case anyone wants proof.

  14. lavatea says:

    Bill in Texas – Thanks for the information. I’m in the process of converting so these things are new to me. The story and meaning of the Green Scapular is awesome! I’m hoping to get one soon for myself and a few other people I know that need prayer.

  15. Maria eire says:

    We have been praying for Barack Obama’s conversion during our family
    rosary ever since he took office.
    This is our only hope now.

  16. LeonG says:

    Following the large number of red envelopes sent to the White House representing aborted babies, what better than millions of Rosaries for a man who is severely misguided in his perspectives on matters concerning human life and human behaviour. Some Holy Masses said on his behalf would be very powerful too. We need priests for this one.

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