Brick by brick… big bricks… in Lyon

Here is a nice brick by brick story picked up from NLM:

Recently there was a meeting of French faithful attached to the usus antiquior, the rencontre pour l’Unité Catholique (Meeting for Catholic Unity), in Versailles, France. In the course of the meeting, Fr. Laurent Spriet of the Association Totus Tuus made an important announcement.


Fr. Spriet announced, that Cardinal Barbarin will open next year in Lyon a "bi-formalist" seminary, i.e. a seminary dedicated to both forms of the Roman Rite, which will be both taught and celebrated there. This is the first diocese in France after that of Toulon which offers this possibility to its seminarians. Cardinal Barbarin’s project will even go further than that of Toulon: not only will the seminarians have the opportunity to be formed according to the extraordinary form, Mass according to the usus antiquior will be celebrated every day in the seminary, open to all seminarians, including those of the ordinary form.


What I think we have to call into question is the reference to speaking about "ordinary or extraordinary form seminarians".

I don’t think priests should be ordained for books.

I praise, laud and applaud the initiative to bring all the men together for integrated formation.  That is very important.  However, I think that all men should be trained equally in both forms so that, in their ministry, they have all the tools they will need for the future as Roman Catholic priests.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. FrCharles says:

    Yes, we need priests of the one Roman rite, free and competent in both its expressions.

    For me, it finally happened: a parishioner came to see me about exercising the right given him by SP to have his funeral in the EF. So now it’s up to me to mold some bricks and soften others so that when the day comes it can happen.

  2. Choirmaster says:

    I agree, Fr., that they should be formed in both uses. After all, if it is truly two uses of the same Roman rite, why the either-or attitude?

    Clearly, the segregationist and separatist attitudes are not confined to the Traditionalists!

  3. brianwalden says:

    Aren’t seminaries required to teach both forms since they’re both a part of the Latin Rite. I realize it will be some time before this actually happens, but isn’t that what’s required by canon law?

  4. Fabrizio says:

    Well stated, Father! We have spent such a long time Anglicanizing ourselves (best case scenario) that people have lost the ability to think and talk priesthood and ecclesiology in a properly Catholic way.

    Who is the priest? As soon as Catholics recover the ability to answer this question with sufficent precision, we won’t see people who should know better talking as if priests were ordained for books and not conformed to Christ because of the character they receive. Tu es sacerdos in aeternum…

    The EF – and liturgical accuracy in general – is especially necessary in this regard: it leaves little doubt as to who is the priest and the sacrifical nature of what happens at the Altar. That mysterium tremendum et fascinans is what generates (also) books, not the other way around.

    That said, this is great news, especially from France. About time to have a bi-formalist diocesan seminary in Rome, and then everywhere

  5. pelerin says:

    This is good news for France. In November last year the parish priest of one of the churches in Paris where both the EF and the OF are celebrated daily was moved to Lyon as an auxilliary bishop. I wonder if he is behind this?

  6. William says:

    “However, I think that all men should be trained equally in both forms so that, in their ministry, they have all the tools they will need for the future as Roman Catholic priests.”

    Sound reasoning from Father Z! A serious question arises, however, when considering groups like the Saint Peter Fraternity, Christ the King Institute, etc., who ordain for and perform only according to the earlier “books.” Are they to deny their charisms and train for and perform the OF as well? Would they?

    These groups are producing many holy priests. What will happen (and I do certainly hope it will happen) if priests from their ranks are made bishops/ordinaries? Will the new bishop perform exclusively in the Extraordinary Form?

  7. Ferde Rombola says:

    Isn’t the little town of Ars in the Diocese of Lyon?

  8. pelerin says:

    Ferde Rombola asks whether Ars in in the diocese of Lyon. No, it is the diocese of Belley-Ars.

  9. Kimberly says:

    FrCharles – I would love to be in your parish. So many, many priests have no idea how to pray the EF and the requiem mass is so beautiful. I just pray that the Priests will not meld the two forms together.

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