PRAYERCAzT: 1st Vespers of Pentecost (BrevRom & LitHor)

For the tired brethren bound to say the office…

No frills 1st Vespers for Pentecost Sunday with both the older, traditional Breviarium Romanum and also the newer Liturgia Horarum.  The exception is that with the later, the Liturgia Horarum, I sing the hymn from the Liber Hymnarius.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. torch621 says:

    Awesome that you included the current Liturgy of the Hours. I own the current four-volume set and I find it a wonderful spiritual practice despite being a layman.

    Though on the Intercessions, I thought the parts in italics were supposed to be recited as part of it.

  2. They certain can be in communal recitation.

  3. torch621 says:

    I see, thank you.

    I will keep that in mind the next time I visit my grandmother. I’m sure she would like to recite the office.

  4. Tom in NY says:

    Sequendum breviarium romanum antiquum, novissimis diebus liturgiam horarum aranea digitorum oramus. Mirabilis!
    Salutationes omnibus.

  5. Consilio et Impetu says:

    This question has nothing to do with the Divine Office. Often I see paintings portraying the first Pentecost. In the paintings I see a flame above the head of the Blessed Virgin. If Mary was conceived without the stain of original sin (Immaculate Conception) and the Holy Spirit overshadowed her at the Annunciation and Jesus was conceived in her womb, why would Mary have to receive the Holy Spirit on Pentecost?

  6. Consilio: Without this becoming a rabbit hole…

    We don’t know. However, we can make some conclusions based on what we do know. Yes the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary at the time of the Incarnation. However, being so united with Her son, she has a privileged role in the Church. She is Mother of the Lord and Mother of the Church. At Pentecost the Holy Spirit breathed life into the Church. Holy Church’s Mother was there present. She, perhaps, received there additional graces to be Mother of the Church, spiritual mother of all the members of the Church.

    The centrality of the Mother of Jesus in the midst of the disciples with the same flame of the Holy Spirit in an attitude of reception of the gift and of thanksgiving speaks to us of the “Marian profile” of the Church, where Mary represents the very essence of the Church: pure reception and transmission of the gift of God.

    This is why she was present and is depicted as receiving also the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

  7. The Cobbler says:

    It beats my question, which would’ve been, why’s the Holy Spirit ignite the Apostles via laserbeam?

    My sense of humour must be a bit out of control lately; I don’t know that I’ve made a serious comment here in a while… but then, everyone else generally beats me to any points I’d want to make.

  8. YadaYada says:

    Merci, mon père.

  9. CeeLee says:

    Happy Pentecost!

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