Confraternity of Catholic Clergy in the UK!

I am delighted to relate to the readership that there is now a Confraternity of Catholic Clergy in the UK.  The British Province of St. Pope Gregory the Great.

I am sure they chose Gregory the Great (+604) because he sent missionaries to England.

From their desire to continue the good work begun during Pope Benedict’s state visit, to continue that “Benedict Bounce”, the brethren have ganged up.

The Confraternity aims to promote fidelity, formation and fraternity among priests.

You will be able to donate to their effort through PayPal.  When they active their link it would be good for you to drop a tenner in their collection basket to give them a little seed money for their future projects.  If 100 readers would do that, I am sure they would be grateful.

Please stop and say a prayer to St. Gregory for their project.

I’ll let you know when you can send that tenner.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Fr_Sotelo says:

    I have been a member of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy in the Los Angeles area, and have met some of the finest brother priests through this involvement. My heartfelt prayers rise up that the Confraternity will be a great bulwark and support for English priests.

  2. don Jeffry says:

    I want to join! don Jeffry

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