Do you have some good news?

Have any good news for the readers?

You could even include some good, useful point from the sermon you heard for Sunday or for today, the Feast of the  Assumption.

For my part, on Sunday evening I gathered with some priests to welcome back a friend who was in Iraq as an Army chaplain.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Navarricano says:

    Well, I had a fantastic day yesterday! I started off by showing a great group of some 55 young Canadian pilgrims who are in Spain this week for the World Youth Day celebrations in Madrid with the Holy Father around Pamplona, and later the monastery of Roncesvalles on the Camino de Santiago. Then I got unexpectedly pressed into service as an English translator for talks by the Father Abbot and the Prior of the monastery of Leyre during an evening visit and prayers there with the Canadians and another big group of German pilgrims. Great kids, great enthusiasm and great fun! And one of the Canadian chaperones of the group was even wearing a “Say the black, do the red” t-shirt!

  2. JenB says:

    The baby and I are both doing much better, and I have been taken off of bedrest. I have since managed to cook a dinner, do laundry, even wash a load of dishes :) More importantly, I made it to confession and to Mass! Today, I start back to work.

  3. Good news? Yeah. It’s the feast of the Assumption. Where else to be in metro Detroit on Assumption Day than at Assumption Grotto.

    Solemn High EF Mass at 7:00pm tonight, followed by candlelight procession, all ending around 9:30pm. Many other Masses available, along with lots of devotions today.

    People coming will want to consider parking at St. Veronicas and take the shuttle. See my post for details.

  4. Cristero says:

    Friends had their anniversary, it is the Feast of the Dormition (Divine Liturgy today), and will get paid for a budding side job. Taking the family for a nice lunch today!

  5. disco says:

    There will be a traditional Latin mass celebrated at 6:30 tonite at St Catherine of Genoa parish in Somerville, MA for the feast of the Assumption. I dont know how regularly TLMs are offered there but I’m happy to make my first visit to that historic church for the occasion.

  6. Jack Hughes says:

    Good News

    #1 – The liturgy for the N.O transfered feast of the Assumption was halfway decent yesterday, even included a nice hynm (sorry don’t know the name)

    #2 – Three of my friends set off yesterday for WYD, should be strolling the streets of Madrid by now

    #3 -Getting better at repelling the devil who is trying to make me doubt, could I please ask people’s prayers?

  7. benedetta says:

    Today on the Blessed Mother’s day it is raining very hard outside and for that this year I am grateful.

    I really liked reading Navarricano’s good news!

  8. jsing says:

    We have at our parish a visiting priest from England who is helping with Masses and Confessions. He is from a diocese in France and has sent a few years studying in Greece. He is in the US for the summer and likes to say the Latin Mass. At Sundays homily he was speaking about the Mass changes in November. He spoke about words people don’t understand but should learn. His third example was “ineffable” and he explained it. I thought of Father Z’s blog and how popular “inneffable” is becoming. Hooray!

  9. My wife is pregnant with our third child! Its still early, so prayers appreciated.

    We’re also enjoying some good weather and finally settling into our new parish, though we often travel for the Latin Mass on Sundays.

  10. It finally rained Saturday and Sunday here in North Texas! We have had no rain for over 50 days and were nothing but a fire waiting to happen. Thanks be to God for the generous rain, which we are expecting again on Tuesday.

  11. Joe in Canada says:

    4 novices are preparing for vows on Saturday.

  12. Kerry says:

    The Present-I-dent has released a three second video for his opponents use, “Because you deserve better”.

    And today is August 15th. Ave Maria.

  13. dontex says:

    As ‘semperficatholic’ said, thanks be to God for the generous rain in North Texas. Our bishop has composed a prayer for rain and apparently he has good connections.

  14. APX says:

    We have a visiting FSSP priest here this weekend and I was able to go to his mass yesterday, and ran into several people who used to go to my uber liberal parish bit left shortly after our priest arrived. I learned that our diocese is about 2 years away from having the FSSP there, which is good because th current priest saying mass is 85 and is probably past due for retirement.

    I will also be going to the EF mass tonight and confession prior.

    Tip from yesterday’s sermon- we need to make sure we’re not abusing te sacrament of confession.

  15. gkeuter says:

    My daughter was accepted into the University of Nebraska Cornhusker Marching Band yesterday. She is the fourth generation to attend the University and we are all so proud of her. My wife and I have already purchased our plane tickets to go see her at homecoming against Ohio State University (they have a pretty good band too).

  16. Charivari Rob says:

    Last Sunday at our parish for one of our priests – moving to a new assignment in a couple of weeks. We’re sad to be losing a priest who has been such a blessing to us. The good news is that he’s going someplace where he and his skills are really needed. Lovely parish lunch gathering as a sendoff.

    (He’s not one to coast to the finish line, either. 10 minutes before Mass time and he was still on-duty in the confessional with a few people waiting.)

    Also – this weekend I got to visit some of our Maronite brothers and sisters at the annual Fair at Our Lady of the Cedars. Lebanese food – yum!

  17. dcs says:

    Assisted at Solemn First Vespers of the Assumption yesterday — in fact, I was one of the acolytes while my son was the crucifer — and made it home safely despite some of the worst rain (and flooding) this area has seen in a while.

    Tonight, will be assisting at Solemn Mass for the Feast of the Assumption.

  18. catholictigerfan says:

    I begin at the seminary on saturday, I will be a seminarian for the diocease of baton rouge, will spend 2 to 3 years in convington louisana, and 4 years in New Olreans, if God so wills. Then if God so wills for me to make it that far I will be ordained, but that is way down the line for me.

  19. krisvog says:

    My son, along with 13 others were confirmed yesterday (Sunday) in the Extraordinary Form.

  20. Grateful Catholic says:

    In a neighboring parish where I attended 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass yesterday, there was good, reverent organ music and one cantor instead of the usual hootenanny band. In his homily, the pastor did a good job talking about the new translation and explaining why “It will be shed for you and for many” is correct. The bulletin featured a full four pages of Q&A by the pastor offering thorough instruction, with ample citations to Scripture and the Catechism, “On the Last Rites, On Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick & Viaticum, and On Funerals, the Vigil, Wake, Visitation & Eulogies, and On Funerals Within Mass & Funerals Outside Mass, and On Cremation, Committal & Burial, and On Prayers & Masses Said for the Dead.”

  21. My good news- I have this blog to read each and every day! Also, the prayer to the IHM that you so graciously posted- thank you! I began praying it and my prayers were answered TWICE that very first day of praying it! (Now if I could only figure out how to download the podcast of it to iTunes so that I can carry it in my iPod!) I have made multiple copies of the prayer and laminated them and they are always with me and my husband. Thank you Father Zuhlsdorf!

  22. wanda says:

    Jack Hughes, you’ve got prayers! Praise God for the rain in Texas. I’ve been praying for Texas that God may send more of his merciful rains to you. Happy to read everyone’s good news here this morning. Blessings to all.

  23. Made it to Mass on time yesterday, thanks to a Good Samaritan who took pity on my huffing and puffing attempt to run up the hill to church. :) Also, went to a recital that afternoon by an eleven-year-old boy. He’s already a darned good piano player. (I know his teacher, and she solicited for warm bodies to make sure of a full house.) The recital was held at a nursing home, which made it a nice gift for the residents by the family (since the kid could play), and made for a generous elderly audience for the kid. I wonder why more performance groups for kids don’t take advantage of this.

  24. Sid says:

    Today at 6:30pm at Holy Angels Catholic Church in Mount Airy, NC, a Missa cantata for the Assumption will be offered. Good news, especially for a state where Catholics in significant numbers are a relatively new development.

  25. msproule says:

    It has been a magnificent three days! Saturday morning was spent in prayer, followed by Confession. Sunday my family experienced our very first Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form! This morning, I spent an hour in Adoration of Our Lord followed by Holy Mass (Ordinary Form ad orientem with intinction) for the Solemnity of the Assumption. I was blessed to spend the remainder of the time with my beautiful family!

    On the flip side, it was too cloudy and bright to see the tears of St. Lawrence during the “peak” evenings! Perhaps next year…

  26. Mark Pavlak says:

    My admissions board interview on Friday went just fine. I start seminary September 1st.

  27. Brent S says:

    My friend, Jenice, and I are attending our first High Mass this evening!

    Feast of the Assumption of the BVM at Saint Patrick’s Oratory in Kansas City, MO!


  28. Inigo says:

    Just booked the date of our secular wedding, it will be one week before the actual wedding. A wedding and solemn nuptial mass in the usus antiqior.

    Pray for us!

  29. DisturbedMary says:

    Read Ven. Maria de Jesus de Agreda’s telling of our Blessed Mother’s Assumption into heaven. Get it free (yes free along with other version of Agreda’s story of the life of Blessed Mother). It’s a Nook book on “City of God: the divine history and life of the Virgin Mother of God manifested to Mary of Agreda for the encouragement of men” Everything in this book is good news.

  30. Luke Whittaker says:

    But, private revelation?

    My good news is simply that I am finally fit enough to help set up the tent for the upcoming parish festival. There is something about swinging a sledge hammer that I have missed for a few years now. Thank you, Lord, for our ability to heal.

  31. irishgirl says:

    Well, it’s Assumption Day, and I went to the TLM chapel for noon Mass. Had a great sermon by the young priest about a connection between today’s feast and the souls in purgatory (a story from the writings of St. Peter Damian). The same priest did an awesome sermon yesterday, giving a history of the Temple in Jerusalem, from its foundation by King Solomon to its destruction under Emperor Titus (I didn’t know that Titus wanted to spare the Temple). These priests give great stories in their sermons!
    And on Saturday, I got a surprise phone call from my priest-friend in England! He had been feeling ill the last month or so (temporarily lost his sense of taste and smell–his doctor checked him out and at first thought he ‘had a bleed’ [Brit-speak for stroke]) Thank God he didn’t, and it eventually cleared up on its own! I hadn’t heard from Father Kevin (that’s my friend’s name) in quite awhile, so it was a joy to hear his voice on the other end of the phone line! (He doesn’t have email, so we communicate via ‘snail mail’)

  32. a catechist says:

    Went to EF yesterday and kids were very well behaved (they love the Low Mass). It was only the 2nd public EF for that priest, since our regular is in Madrid. Tomorrow I have a day of reflection at a beautiful & entirely orthodox retreat center. And right this moment, I have the first loaf of bread made from my newly caught sourdough cooling on a rack.

  33. Laura R. says:

    I had a major medical screening procedure this morning and came out with a good report. Deo Gratias!

  34. pm125 says:

    First, thank you for the preview of the Collect. I had a mishap and was late…..
    The homily started with how the Gospel related to some kind of saying wherein ‘women get the last word’ which, of course, got the attention (to where it should be). I saw heads snap up. There were a lot of nuggets, but one that fascinated me was about how many of our maladies are caused by demons. I’d like to read up on that subject, where to start. Jesus knew the woman’s faith so He cured her daughter, as well as showing His disciples the beginning of what He would tell them about going into all the world, for Gentiles as well as Jews. Good thing for us.
    Today, the Assumption of Mary, her empty tomb a sign of ours on the last day. Meanwhile, those pesky demons …

  35. Angelika says:

    Tonight, we assisted at our first “ad orientem” OF Mass EVER. Thanks to Fr. Martin Fox! ( more here: )

  36. Jeremiah says:

    Went down to Alton, Il (~St. Louis) for the first profession of a college friend to the Sisters of Saint Francis of the Martyr Saint George. Beautiful Mass on the Solemnity of the Assumption, 3 bishops and ~2 dozen priests concelebrating, and of course my friend radiantly joyful in her vocation. If I might add a prayer request, pray that she might be able to be a faithful spouse of Christ.

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