Your Sunday Sermon Notes

Did you hear some great point in the your Sunday sermon?

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I know that many of you readers in England Wales heard a letter from the Bishops.  Relate your reaction and what people said about it.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. LadyMedievalist says:

    Our pastor talked about confession and likened it to Jesus cleansing the temple–sometimes confession is painful, but if we let God in to cleanse our hearts despite the pain, His grace allows us to function properly.

  2. bvb says:

    “America is great because America is good”—and to keep it that way, we the congregation have to be good.

  3. James Joseph says:

    Priest spoke about something. I think it was about the Temple being built after 46-years and then about Christ getting perturbed at the marketplace found therein. I think he was linking the sellers and shopkeepers to hard and fast Catholics whose hearts are hard. Honestly, I think the good father would do well to preach on Mary once, say, a decade.

    My mind wandered off because I have never been able to pay attention for 5-minutes in my entire life.

    Number of homilies on Mary heard in person during the course of my lifetime, current count: 2.

  4. NoTambourines says:

    Referring to the Gospel, our pastor discussed how what seem like random, chance encounters for us are occasions for God to work in our lives, and how one such event, as the Samaritan woman’s meeting Jesus at the well, can turn our entire lives around. He talked about what a mundane, humdrum task going to the well must have been for her, that she may well have done 1000 times before, but even that would never be the same again.

  5. ceich says:

    Our pastor (recently named diocesan vocations director–Deo gratias!) compared the renewal of the liturgy to our Lord’s cleansing of the temple. He just came back from visiting the seminaries of Denver and Lincoln, Nebraska, and was powerfully impressed by the correct liturgical practice he saw there.

    The choir has just started singing Simple English Propers and the parish hosts an EF missa cantata once a month. Brick by brick!

  6. Charivari Rob says:

    Very nice homily from Father – moving from the allusion to tearing down (the “walls” of) the Temple to how we can welcome God’s Love to tear down all the walls of fear, anger, etc… that we build up in and around ourselves.

    Wish I could better remember and articulate his bridge between the two themes. Unfortunately, brain is a bit tired after truncated night’s rest (daylight savings time, sigh…) and a hundreds-of-miles drive.

  7. pm125 says:

    Visited a church that St. Anne, who taught Mary well the Ten Commandments and rest of her Jewish faith, would decry.
    ‘Folk’ songs on the organ, Priest saying “is with you” for “be …”, Jesus our Brother, not all the black.
    The sermon from the middle aisle was the news that we have be given a way in the first reading to make our lives better and to keep that in mind. Daylight savings or plasma rays aside, I did myself in and am still doing so with this comment.

  8. APX says:

    Our priest’s sermon today was exceptionally long and informative. He spent a good 20 minutes or so talking about making a good Confession (I love that he covered how to properly confess sins. No one ever explains it all that well.), as well as healthy shame vs unhealthy shame and meriting good works in heaven.

    A few notes:

    -We’re bound to confess all mortal sins in number and kind, as well as any circumstances that might change the seriousness/nature of the sin
    -No need to confess other people’s sins
    -When confessing concentrate on one’s own sins (priest’s emphasis)
    -One usually doesn’t need to give too many details about their sins
    -Going into unnecessary details makes the confession longer, and unnecessarily delays other people’s confession
    – When going to confession, we shouldn’t worry about the priest
    -Priests are like doctors of souls, always there wishing to help souls
    -If you feel a repugnance towards one priest, you’re free to go to another priest who is authorized to hear confessions
    -A healthy sense of shame helps us not to give into temptation
    -The devil gives us confidence when committing sins, but gives us shame to keep us from confessing sins
    -When we confess our sins, our good works are restored, we receive an “eternal crown of glory”

    That’s the Readers’ Digest Super Condensed Version. It was just too good of a sermon. I wish you all could have heard it.

  9. aquinasdad says:

    A visiting priest (who conducted a retreat this weekend) discussed the Hypostatic Union and tied it to the reading on the accusation that Christ was casting out demons via the power of Baalzebub to cover some excellent theological points on the nature of God, Man and the needs of the Church.
    [note: FSSP parish]

  10. GOR says:

    Well as Father frequently quotes the National Catholic Reporter and Fr. Richard McBrien, you can imagine that the homily was scarcely uplifting. This was hardly surprising as he turns cartwheels to avoid using the male pronoun in reference to Our Lord, emphatically proclaims “for you and for ALL..” at the Consecration and never wears a Chasuble at Mass – just Alb and Stole.

    But the nadir of the homily was when he complained: “Why don’t we have deaconesses today like they did in the Early Church…?” [sigh]

    I do try to tune out the banalities and concentrate of the reality of the Mass – but it is getting more and more difficult…

  11. jrobinson says:

    Our pastor gave a wonderful homily this week. It is a NO parish so we heard the gospel of the Samaritan woman at the well. Our pastor talked about how president Obama and other politicians are trying to give women in our country poison water to drink- the lie of ‘reproductive rights’ and contraception. He spoke of how they are trying to force Catholics to pay for these things that are against our moral beliefs. He went on to say that any Catholics who believe that artificial contraception is good could not possibly have read Humanae Vitae and need to learn what the Church teaches. It was a very good homily and although I do not like applause in Mass, I wasn’t too upset when the packed church spontaneously applauded at the end of his homily.

  12. St. Peter Canisius says:

    Father T. explained the first three of the Ten Commandments and urged us to keep the Sabbath Day holy, plan head for shopping, get errands done Saturday and go to Mass Sunday! Then actually rest and meditate the rest of the day. For someone ordained last June he is wise beyond his age. He has excellent mentors at our parish and God Bless Them All.

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