Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Are you wondering what to give Mom for Mother’s Day?  (It’s Sunday, 13 May, by the way.)

How about the Mystic Monk Coffee 

Mother’s Day Gift Set?

The Wyoming Carmelites describe the contents:

This gorgeous set includes:

  • One bag of our Mystic Monk Blend
  • One bag of our limited Seasonal Flavored Coffee
  • One bag of our Hermits Bold Blend
  • One Mystic Monk Mug
  • Two sample bags of our favorite blends: Cowboy Blend and Midnight Vigils Blend

Please note: The coffee in this package is already ground

Very nice!

And you might also consider helping the “Soap Sister”, the Domincan nuns in Summit, NJ.   I sent some of their soap to my mother a while back and she really liked it.  They have shaving soap for men, too.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. poetgrl says:

    My mother tried their coffee while visiting last year and loves it. She has hinted at wanting more for the last month…so of course I ordered the gift basket for Mother’s Day.
    I think I may have to order the 5lb bag of her favorite blend when her birthday rolls around.

  2. plemmen says:

    poetgirl: A 5 pound bag barely, just barely, make it a month in my household. I am allowed 2 cups per day by my physician, however, she did not specify the size nor capacity of said cup, so I had to make that determination for her … “always err on the large size” also works when purchasing clothing from Wal-Mart.

  3. mike cliffson says:

    If Fr will permit me to be provocative, anti(historic)protestantism tradbrit, yuropeanin a sense , and possibly classifyable as antiammerican , (I’ll know if the comment sinks without trace )
    WHY oh why did you cousins become independant and , one the one hand
    keep (many protestants, to this day) a whole series of anticatholic statutes of westminster regarding religion voted by the westminster PARLIAMENT which had american representation and influence, sure, but NOT your elected representatives (which even if it had had, since when does Ceasar, etc)
    yet drop celebrating , on laetare sunday aka mothering sunday , in the first place, holy mother church in the concrete case of your baptismal parish , of instead of that, your cathedral church, and seconadarily but not separably, your physical mother , a mother’s day in Lent? Which even the Anglicans kept, from all the maelstrom of prohibited and abolished catholic feasts.
    Or even May as the month of Mary?
    Thanks to usuallyantiamerican-yes- jeanswearing pizzamunching MSMbelieving moderns outside the States, your beutifullyand idealysecular, Idont think,your smaltzy emotionalblackmail secular mother’s day is gaining on the above , which is not your fault ! Mostly.
    Please don’t trot out that ghastly story of mrs woman, whoever, who lobbied congress on account of honouring her own mother, Ive heard it too often – your tax money goes on your consulates pushing it abroad, wholesomer that pushing abortion I admit, but that said….
    Love and honour your mother , that your days etc.Quite right too.Today if you must. that leaves 364 other days you dont have to.Mothers especially stay home ones( like MrsPalin or Romney, so respected and honoured, the whole world’s ringing!) gonna get their reward in heaven , sure enough not gonna get it in this world
    AND Our Lady. Two count em two mums we catholics got. Cool or what?
    And holy mother church! Makes three!
    Mean ter say, what?

    [Indeed! What?]

  4. ContraMundum says:

    @mike cliffson

    What is that, the e e cummings translation of James Joyce’s novel Ulysses?

  5. mike cliffson says:

    No, just a moan couched smarmily in polite-cum-pithy pitch, simulating dead trolling.
    Translation :
    I do NOT approve of a secular Mother’s day from the USA taking over other better older more catholic mothers’ days elsewhere, nor of secular mother’s days as such, however much better they be than lenin’s birthday etc.
    Fr Z and his readers NOT personally responsible, but at least might appreciate point , others tag one as antiamerican and take umbrage.

  6. Elizabeth says:

    Coffee is a nice gift. One could also help out the traditional Benedictines at Clear Creek Abbey by purchasing Mom a nice Rosary, CD, DVD or book at Or even better, have a Mass said for her at any of these worthy orders, including the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest at

  7. HeatherPA says:

    A Novena of Masses for my mother.

  8. AvantiBev says:

    Mother’s Day gift idea? How about a Mass or Novena of Masses offered that the gifts of the Holy Spirit will be visited upon medical researchers especially those researching the causes and treatment of Alzheimers. We have to move my Mom from the residence where she is presently residing, and once again as 5 years ago, my sis and I while visiting alternative care find ourselves plunged into the truth about how this horrid disease is affecting moms and dads everywhere.

    We Catholics pray for the sick, we pray for the dying and the souls of the dead but where are the constant supplications being made for those who are talented medical researchers? We MUST pray that they are bolstered and encouraged by the Holy Spirit. If Salk and those who preceded him had been sidetracked, defunded or discouraged, you and I might be dead or walking with a limp. THIS ALZHEIMERS IS THE POLIO CHALLENGE OF OUR GENERATION and as our parents did for us with their March of Dimes and the sacrifices those dimes entailed in the midst of Depression and WWII, we must pray and give. The mind IS a terrible thing to waste….away.

    God, pour out Your Spirit of Wisdom and Knowledge upon these men and women seeking answers to unlock Alzheimers and other diseases.

  9. BaedaBenedictus says:

    Father, my mom is a coffee guru so she’ll want whole bean. How do I make an order while getting you a cut?

    [Use the link, below. You can always find it on this blog’s side bar too!]

    Click here to buy.

  10. APX says:

    My mom likes their coffee, but can only drink decaf. BTW, it never ceases to amaze me how expensive flowers are, an then there’s all the extra costs.

  11. BaedaBenedictus says:

    Ordered it, Father! I can’t wait for my mom to taste it. Maybe it’ll help her come back to the Church. Fiat fiat, Deo volente!

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