QUAERITUR: Bilingual TLM hand missals in Latin and Spanish

From a reader:

I have a friend (she is learning to speak English) that attends our Tridentine Mass and needs a Complete Latin/Spanish Missal of the 1962 Mass. I want to buy one for her and I have been looking online, but I cannot find one. I cannot read Spanish and Google Translate is less than helpful. If you or someone that you know is fluent in Spanish, if a commenter can find one online could they post the link so that I can buy one for her? Our parish offers the little paperback ones for the Ordinary of the Mass but they do not have the readings or the Propers of the Mass. All I could find are the complete Latin/Spanish Missals for the Novus Ordo Mass. If they are not yet printing the complete Missals for the 1962 Mass in Spanish that is a crime, and whoever publishes one will corner the market!

I’ll leave this to you readers.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. george says:

    Since we started going to the EF Mass, I have become a bit addicted to buying Missals. I got a friend “hooked” on it, too (both the Missal buying and the EF Mass :). My addiction is in remission for now (which makes my wife happy), but I got almost all of them from ebay. Here is an example of a Latin/Spanish Missal:

    It is a bit pricey (at least by our family’s size/income ratio :), but if you patiently watch, you may find one in good condition and more reasonably priced.

  2. JonPatrick says:

    One website (Veritatem Facientes) noted that Angelus Press would be coming out with a Spanish-Latin Missal sometime in 2011. But there is nothing on their web site so I’m guessing it must have been delayed. You might contact Angelus Press to see if they are still planning to issue it and when.

  3. Traductora says:

    You can order the little booklet missal (the one with the red cover) in Spanish and Latin from Biretta Books(http://birettabooks.com/go/webstore/products/category/for_the_faithful/P10/). It’s about $7.

    It’s harder to find the complete bilingual 1962 Missal in Spanish than the pre-Vatican II missal (for the “Misa Tridentina”). However, you or your friend might try an on-line used book seller such as Iberlibro. Go to http://www.iberlibro.com and put “misal” into the search box. This will turn up everything from pre-1965 missals to 1965 missals to 1970 and beyond. What you’re looking for is sometimes described as the “Misal de Juan XXIII.”

    Prices are reasonable and you can order on-line. The books are sent from Spain but they arrive quickly and it’s not expensive to buy them this way. The condition is described and I have always found it to be accurate.

    Most of these missals will be from Spain, so even if you get a complete one, it won’t have the calendar in use in the Americas. There are a number of Una Voce chapters in Spain and Latin American countries that have some resources, but most of these are devoted to the pre-Conciliar form.

    In general, however, when I have been to these masses in Spain, I see people using the booklet form (except for a few who have probably managed to get their hands on their grandfather’s old missal).The Spanish is the same as the English and has a simple, clear explanation of what’s going on.

  4. APX says:

    We have a few of these at our parish. The FSSP sell them through their online bookstore. Regular $6.95 on Sale for only $4.95. They can also be purchased in bulk pricing.

  5. APX says:

    I guess it would be helpful if I provided the link for the FSSP’s bookstore. http://www.fraternitypublications.com/labomi1.html

  6. Traductora says:

    Oops, I meant “1965 missal.”

  7. JKnott says:

    The parish I attend on Sundays for the EF Mass is replacing those usual NO missalettes with a permanent missal that incorporates both the EF and NO in English and Spanish. Have no idea who the publisher is yet. They must be pretty decent because those who donate will have the opportunity to memorialize them.
    The Spanish version of that red book mentioned by magister63 from Angelus Press is the one Father provides for the Spanish speaking parishioners to the EF.
    I suppose that these will be eliminated when the new compiled version comes on board.

  8. Cathy says:

    Father Z, found this on the internet, says you can have it for free if you have a blog. http://www.aquinasandmore.com/catholic-books/latin-spanish-tridentine-booklet-missal/sku/59602

  9. Sarto says:

    Dear Father, and others,

    I spoke with Angelus Press and it seems that they will have a complete Latin-Spanish Daily Missal (just like their Latin-English Missal) out later this year.

  10. quovadis7 says:

    Unfortunately, I can’t help with resources for a full Latin/Spanish 1962 Missal.

    However, for our Spanish speaking parishioners & visitors at the FSSP parish in the Dallas diocese that my family and I attend, we provide on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation pamphlets of the Propers (prayers which change at each Holy Mass) from the 1962 Missal in Latin/Spanish.

    In lieu of having a full-fledged Latin/Spanish 1962 Missal, these pamphlets work quite nicely in tandem with the tan colored (and very inexpensive!) Ecclesia Dei 1962 missalette which has the Ordinary/unchanging parts of the Traditional Latin Mass. The tan Latin/Spanish missalette can be ordered from http://www.fraternitypublications.com/labomi1.html .

    Here are several links for obtaining and printing out the Latin/Spanish Propers (the prayers which change at each Mass) for most Sundays & Holy Days:


    Also, a downloadable/printable version of the Ordinary (unchanging) parts of the tan colored Latin/Spanish Ecclesia Dei 1962 Missal above can be obtained for free from:


    Pax et bendictiones tibi, per Christum Dominum nostrum,

    Steve B.
    Plano, TX

  11. SK Bill says:

    I wasn’t able to come up with anything different from what has already been suggested. As a last resort, you could always try to find a source in South America. I’d bet these are available in Argentina or Peru.

  12. Jerry says:

    The Ecclesia Dei missalettes can also be ordered directly from Ecclesia Dei: http://www.ecclesiadei.org/missalfm.htm

    The single item price is the same as the FSSP Bookstore, which has the advantage of providing on-line ordering (Ecclesia Dei orders must be mailed to them). For large volume purchase (50+), Ecclesia Dei has larger volume discounts.

  13. bwfackler says:

    im not sure which currency these are in. if its pesos the prices are good.


  14. Reginald Pole says:

    I believe the prices are in Argentinean pesos: 1 ARS = 0.216 USD.

  15. cpmarino says:

    I have a 1962 Latin Spanish Missal (Dom Gaspar Lefebvre Misal Diario Y Vesperal) published in Europe in pristine condition. If you would like me to send it to you simply e-mail me at marino.charles@verizon.net and provide me with your name / address and I’ll mail it to you.

  16. Mr. Marino, Thank you so very much! May God Bless you!

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