Your Good News

Do you have good news to tell the readers?

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. CaliCatholicGuy says:

    My charming bride and I saw the doctor on Wednesday – God willing our first child will be born in early June, Deo Gratias!

  2. Horatius says:

    Yes. Thank you for the prayers for my son, whose basic training as a Navy cadet was a resounding success. Wonderful altar boy that he was in both Forms he seems on his way to becoming an officer and a gentleman. He made his own way to Mass while on base, most important of all. If you knew him, I think you would wish to be protected from the air and sky by him from the evils on this earth brought about by men. But then too that is just a proud dad talking.

  3. Manhattan Trid says:

    Since today is the anticipated Columbus Day holiday I have the day off. I will be serving a Low Mass this morning at a Catholic institution in the Bronx. Later this evening at Holy Innocents we will have a Solemn Mass and then a big birthday party downstairs.

  4. Philangelus says:

    My book was published on Friday!!! :-) **happy dances**

  5. lux_perpetua says:

    i took my LSAT on Saturday. To celebrate, i took NINE NO friends to the TLM the next day for the solemn high Mass for the Holy Rosary. Three were first timers and two were second-timers who experienced the TLM for the first time because of an invite from me as well. i think i should get some sort of prize. :)

  6. The declaration of St. Hildegard of Bingen as a Doctor of the Church is a special boon for me, as I owe to her my motivations for becoming an academic and a medievalist; and much of my research work continues to center on the Visionary Doctor’s extraordinary place in medieval thought.

    Also, my wife acquired the long-lost recipe for her great aunt’s fudge and our essay into peanut butter fudge this weekend can only be described as “an epic win” (a term from online gaming that we learned about on NPR this weekend).

  7. norancor says:

    Deacon Gregory Bartholomew, FSSP, was Ordained on Saturday by Bishop Arthur Serratelli at St. Paul’s in Clifton NJ. It was a beautiful Mass with a multitude of Fraternity and diocesan priests and seminarians in choir. Father’s first Mass the next day was a solemn High Mass at the Fraternity parish in Scranton, PA. Father Bartholomew has a wonderful voice, and will be greatly enjoyed by the parishioners in Maple Hill, KS, his new assignment.

  8. cjcanniff says:

    I got some sudden inspiration last night while outside with my dog. Now I have a new idea for a short story I had been planning to write.

  9. Maxiemom says:

    My parents celebrated 62 years of marriage yesterday and last Monday was my father’s 90th birthday. I am so lucky to have such wonderful parents who set such a good example of marriage for myself and my two brothers (they are each married 35 years this year and my husband and I will celebrate our 25th anniversary next month – which meant that last weekend, when we were all together for my dad’s birthday, there was a cumulative 157 years of marriage between us!).

  10. Benedict says:

    Recently a Votive Mass in Honor of the Blessed Sacrament was celebrated in the Dominican Rite in the Main Chapel of the Dominican House of Studies.  It had been many years since the Dominican Rite had been celebrated in this chapel.  Here you will find photos.

  11. ocleirbj says:

    We went to Mass this morning to a church where we occasionally go on weekdays. It’s been a few months since we were there, and we discovered that they have done some major renovations. The most important is that they have brought the altar forward, much closer to the front pews, and moved the tabernacle from a discreet side chapel to directly behind the altar, its red candle on a bracket right by the door. The altar and tabernacle themselves have been redesigned to complement each other both in style and in the materials used, so together they provide a very strong visual focal point. I’m glad I can be so happy about a church renovation!

  12. Cantate says:

    Yesterday, my parish held its annual public procession for the Feast of the Holy Rosary, after the EF Mass. Priest, statue of the BVM, Knights of Columbus, many altar boys, schola, and a few hundred parishioners processed from our church, down Main Street in our town, praying the Rosary and singing en route–Latin and English hymns to the BVM, an act of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, then processed back to the church (it was a misty rainy day) where the Litany of Loreto was chanted in Latin, followed by a prayer to St. Joseph, the priest’s blessing–and refreshments afterwards. We are blessed in this parish.

  13. mysticalrose says:

    My mom found a small crucifix in the basement from my great grandmother that contains a relic from the catacombs. What a wonderful sacramental for the Year of Faith!

  14. CatholicCaliGirl says:

    We just brought our pet bird, Beatrice, home! :D

  15. NickD says:

    Today, I told my mother about my calling to the priesthood.

    Let’s just say, she saw it coming :-)

  16. Bea says:

    Our pastor is practicing the TLM.
    We are holding our breath.
    Brick by Brick

    Over 100 people at our Right to Life Prayer Chain yesterday, Mostly young confirmation students.
    A stranger approached us asking us what we were doing and who we were. We explained.
    He was looking for a church (any church, any denomination) We directed him to our parish and gave him the Mass times. I’ll now include him (and his family) to my prayer list.

    Praise be Jesus Christ, NickD May God watch over you.
    Your mother will now have a busy prayer life. (if she didn’t already)

  17. Gregg the Obscure says:

    I was able to go to Confession without having to take time off from work. Confessor gave me some good direction and a fitting measurable penance. It doesn’t get much better than that!

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