Fall Back!

Did you reset your clocks and watches?

Fo you use a watch anymore or just your mobile device?

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. dep says:

    But wait! I saw the president with a sign that said “Forward.” Apparently he can’t get even that right!

    I don’t just wear a watch, I wear one that must be wound up.

  2. APX says:

    I always get DST messed up. It’s too bad the rest of Canada can’t just be like Saskatchewan and leave the clocks alone. I really don’t get the point of DST.

  3. dnicoll says:

    Haven’t used a watch in 18 months or so. Clock watching is so ‘alpha male’. If I’m having fun, I carry on. If I don’t like it, I do something else.

  4. Kerry says:

    Change your clocks on Saturday and your President on Tuesday.

  5. wanda says:

    Clocks – check. Wrist watch, always, check.

  6. Chris Garton-Zavesky says:

    My internal chronometer didn’t get reset: I woke an hour earlier than I did yesterday.

  7. Mamma B says:

    Don’t forget to reset your President on Tuesday.

  8. Geoffrey says:

    Mobile device. Though having to reach for it is getting annoying. I am thinking of getting some sort of a strap for it and attaching it to my wrist.

  9. Bea says:

    We are one of the few states that doesn’t have to do this. Yeah.

    I use my cell phone “watch” I forget my wrist watch 99% of the time.

    @ Kerry
    “Change your clocks on Saturday and your President on Tuesday.”

    Loved that.

  10. mrthomaskeep says:

    I have a pocket-watch.

  11. Lori Pieper says:

    My computer and my Android both reset automatically at 2:00 a.m. on the changeover days.

    It was just about 2 a.m. yesterday when I finished work and looked at my computer’s time, which had jumped back a whole hour – at first I couldn’t figure out why! I had forgotten all about the change of course. It’s a good thing I have that automatic reset. I was happy to not be going to bed so late after all.

    I use my Android as both a watch and an alarm clock – I haven’t had either for a long time.

  12. AnnAsher says:

    Just my iPhone – for watch and alarm clock and camera and Internet and reading this blog and writing this comment and sending text and email and oh sometimes I talk on it too, but rarely.

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