Video of Card. Burke at Clear Creek!

Recently His Eminence Raymond Card. Burke visited Clear Creek Monastery within the Diocese of Tulsa, which the wonderful Bp. Slattery reigns:


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. AloysiusJM says:


  2. Urget_nos says:

    Perhaps Fr Z can clarify something seen in the video. It appears that all of the monks are genuflecting on the right knee before kissing the Cardinals ring. I was always taught that the left knee is to be used when genuflecting to kiss a bishop’s ring, and that the right knee is for God alone. Is there a difference in the Benedictine tradition? Gloria in excelsis Deo!

  3. Supertradmum says:

    Fantastic to see this and the organ sounds great. Glad to see the nuns there.

  4. Urget_nos, you are right, perhaps it’s just of a matter of genuflecting on left knee looks clumsy without practice. At least for me anyways.

  5. edm says:

    Although that is frequently taught and heard, there is no basis in any liturgical book for genuflecting to persons on the left knee. Genuflections are genuflections. However, if somne one wishes to use the left knee, I suppose it is better than nothing!

  6. amsjj1002 says:

    I’m glad Bishop Slattery adjusted Cardinal Burke’s mozzetta — my fingers were anxious to fix it!

    The Mass I found both simple yet immensely beautiful. One of my patrons was a Benedictine (just coming out of English penal times) and I hope he was able to worship in such a moving way.

  7. Emilio III says:

    I don’t believe that genuflecting with the left knee would be covered in any liturgical book, since it is clearly no part of any Latin Rite liturgy that I know of. However, FWIW it is treated here:

    But you must remember that back when monarchy was the usual form of government the forms of “courtesy” were part of standard protocol and AFAIK in all Catholic countries the right knee was reserved for God alone. I don’t know of any remaining secular use of genuflection other than when a new admiral in the Spanish navy receives his flag. Usually from a Royal lady, always on the left knee:

    I’ve often wondered what Captain Aubrey would have thought of such a ceremony… :-)

  8. catholicmidwest says:

    I wish there was someplace around here like that where I could go to mass.

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