ACTION ITEM! “Officer Down!”

Officer DownI am reposting this after learning of the death of a woman officer in Omaha who was scheduled to take maternity leave.  HERE  She was killed in a shootout with a fugitive.  She recently gave birth to a daughter, and was stepmother to two children ages 6 and 7.


From a priest friend comes something that I think quite good.

As you can see from, Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Andrews, NC, is spearheading a dinner at which the heads of all law enforcement agencies in the region will be present. The actual dispatcher will be reading out the “Last Call” and “End of Watch”. The point is to raise the level of due honor in our culture for our finest who have laid down their lives for us. The one blog post is meant as a paradigm for similar events that we hope will spring up around the nation. The names include all fallen officers since the end of Police Week last year. Believe me, the dispatchers and officers are very appreciative of this honor being given to their friends and ours. The dispatcher said she would cry though the whole thing. The Chief of Police said that that was the point, as it is like a funeral.

If you would encourage your readers to reblog and retweet @officerdownmd and FB this event in an effort to have it catch on elsewhere, our law officers of the judicial and executive branches of government would be most appreciative. It is supremely easy to put on this kind of event as everyone immediately wants to help to make it work. Basically, you just have to mention it, and it takes off.

I would rather be anonymous as this is about our officers who have given their all. Thanks!

Done and done.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. ocalatrad says:

    This terrible spate of violence against police is the fruit of so many decades of disdain for authority and, now, vicious calumnies against police in general by leftist rabble-rousers. Try going to a third-world country or to some undeveloped hole somewhere and see how the police really treat people and then try to complain about the professional police forces in our country. The rabble-rousers would have you think that because there is a worm in an apple, all apples are bad! It is ludicrous.

    I might add that this disdain for authority has crept into the church. I refer to “Catholics” readily promoting illegal immigration, “anarcho-capitalism”, and the obvious disregard for Doctrine along with other nonsense. The early Christians prayed for the Emperor and for Rome. Christians through the ages have been the true leaven of societies. Patriotism is not a sin, regardless of how rotten you may think your country is. We should be grateful to live where we do and work to make it an even better place. Part of that begins with rule of law.

  2. john_6_fan says:

    She was killed yesterday (5/20). Yesterday was her last day of active duty. Today was to be her first day maternity leave, the same day her premature, newborn daughter was coming home from the NICU. Just horrible. Praying for her and her family.

  3. Rachel Pineda says:

    Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace! This is so sad. I pray for the whole family.

  4. Marg says:

    Women in combat or combat type situations, not good.

  5. Luvadoxi says:

    She served with honor. Men are parents too.

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