FROM THE ARCHIVE: 1993 – When Mother Angelica EXPLODED!

Today something passed my screen which reminded me of that incredible Catholic TV moment when Mother Angelica exploded about the shenanigans at World Youth Day in 1993 where a woman portrayed Christ for a Way of the Cross done in mime style. (Yah… dumb, I know.)

For a long time this video had been “disappeared”.  A friend of mine managed to dig it up from an unknown source – very cloak and dagger, I think – and gave it to me to post.

The video on top played right away on Chrome.  The bottom one in Chrome said that the plugin isn’t supported.  No joy in IE.  Safari, no joy.  “Download” worked.

NB: There are some blanks and flaws here and there in the video.  There are a couple loop backs.  Be patient.  This is the condition the video was in when I got it.


Here is YouTube.  A priest friend of mine posted it.

Here is my post (ORIGINAL Published on: Aug 12, 2014):


Back in 1993 Mother Angelica blew up when, at World Youth Day (10-15 August), there was a mimed Stations of the Cross during which a woman portrayed Christ.  Someone gave me a recording of her reaction.

She called out the dissident nomenklatura reigning at the time.

Mother’s reaction caused a lot of people to run in circles and ring their hands.  It could be argued that this moment was a watershed in the Church in these USA.  Dissidents push and push and push the borders little by little as far as they can.  She stood up, like Leonidas, and said “No!”.


This was the moment, by the way, when Mother and her community rejected their modernized habit and went back to more traditional habits.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Mike says:

    I was watching this “live” that unforgettable week of WYD Denver.
    Mother loaded up for bear, and let them have it.
    My experience of the TLM was zip back then. I only had experienced a Latin NO beautifully chanted at the National Shrine, but even after that, I knew we have been robbed, we children of the Council. Mother brought focus and clarity to countless souls about the disasters in the wake of V2. She was a brave soul.
    Mother Angelica, pray for us!

  2. Patti Day says:

    What an amazing woman. There will never be another one like her. Dear Mother Angelica, pray for this sad world, and especially for our Holy Catholic Church.

  3. Not to distract from a great message, but isn’t that priest who introduced her a young Timothy Cardinal Dolan?

  4. Benedict Joseph says:

    Saw it live. A moment of conversion for me, though it still took a good long time.
    Can you imagine what she would have to say today? And to whom? The lads would be sweating from Rome to Birmingham.
    This is a Catholic woman.

  5. Cdn Catholic says:

    I found it interesting that right after Mother Angelica died – I think it was on Raymond Arroyo’s show – EWTN aired the clip of Mother smacking down Cardinal Mahony that got her in hot water.

  6. JARay says:

    Thank God for that wonderful woman Mother Angelica. What this world owes to her will come out fully when we arrive at that Final Day when Jesus comes again as he says he will. And all will be revealed.

  7. Kathleen10 says:

    Oh my gosh I feel so blessed to have had Mother Angelica as an influence in the 1980’s, so grateful. She was just incredible, such a devout Catholic woman, so in love with Jesus and the church! Devotions, the sacraments, all the programming on EWTN at that time only reinforced authentic Catholic teaching, traditions, and thought. It was her leadership that made it though, she stood out as a force. I remember this clip, she was heated, and for good reason, what a spectacle. It wasn’t easy to be her, reading Raymond’s biography of her put a punctuation point on that. She fought the good old boy system, and they obviously resented her influence and popularity. God rest her great soul. I’ll always feel like a spiritual daughter to Mother. EWTN is a shadow of it’s former self without her.

  8. Huber says:

    Mother Angelica’s Captain Picard moment.

  9. Manducat in the hat says:

    I wonder what Mother Angelica of 1993 would say about many things today.

  10. David in T.O. says:

    E. Michael Jones has just done a video interview with some online commentator. In it, he insults Mother for this action and goes so far as to call her a narcissist.


  11. Andreas says:

    Oh, that such words be spoken openly, without fear and with equal heartfelt devotion, directness and passion from every pulpit throughout all of the Christian world. May our Lord always bless this courageous woman’s stout heart and beloved soul.

  12. Eliane says:

    If Mother were living today, she would be forced to decide whether to take on a pope. I think she could have met the challenge, but who knows?

    Regarding what she did in her time, as history is written of the counterrevolution against Vatican II, her angry exasperation at the World Youth Day 1993 must be seen as a pivotal moment that invigorated the fight to save the Catholic Church from its enemies . Yes, there was push-back that mitigated against her, but nothing can erase that perfect moment and its liberating inspiration for a multitude looking for a way to fight gross abuses that had become the norm.

  13. Supertradmum says:

    I was at Notre Dame from 1979-1984. During that time, once at the very largely attended Stations of the Cross in Lent in the Basilica, a woman played Jesus. Yes, it was stupid. This denial that Jesus is an actual Man still bothers feminists. Mother Angelica created a forum for real Catholic teaching. God bless her and may there be miracles in her name.

  14. ignatiusa21 says:

    How sad that today our holy father creates the cracks for the faithful to fall into. As a Catholic, I just want to cry. Love you Mother Angelic for speaking the truth.

  15. HighMass says:

    GOD BLESS YOUR SOUL MOTHER, How we miss you so….

    She hit this square on, “the spirit of VII was always used for the progressives to get there way” Saint J.P.II knew what was going on in the church that is why we have all those beautiful encyclicals From Him and Pope Benedict!!!

    THe Liturgy is what got hit the hardest….said in solemnity the N.O. can be beautiful….THank GOD the new PRIESTS out of the seminaries are more orthodox than we have seen in the past 50+

    The church was infultrated from within….I do believe by Pope Benedict giving us back the Mass of 1962 and the MASS OF THE COUNCIL!!!!!! It is bringing folks back….

    Rest in Peace Mother, Love you like I Loved my mom!!!

  16. Kathleen10 says:

    You know, sometimes we think about something we posted and wish to clarify. I said earlier EWTN is a shadow of it’s former self without Mother Angelica, and this is naturally true because she is not there to be the visible leader of EWTN. While this truth is unavoidable, it wasn’t my point. My point is that EWTN has more or less moved away from the hard identity Catholicism of Mother Angelica in it’s orientation and programming. Maybe this is natural, given our papal situation and where our leadership is, which cannot be in any sense called hard identity Catholicism. Still, I miss the old EWTN, and can’t help but feel that it is only with that kind of Catholicism that we are going to attract Catholics and potential Catholics.

  17. WYMiriam says:

    Wow. What I heard, loud and clear, most of the way through the video, was: “Choose this day whom you will serve — but for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

    I am so glad that Mother Angelica backed up her words with actions. (And she looks much more Roman Catholic — of the Latin Rite! — in a traditional habit!!)

    God rest your soul, Mother, and may He raise up more courageous leaders like you.

  18. KAS says:

    She brought a lot of people into the Church and taught them Church teaching in an orthodox fashion–no fudging or hair splitting–just the unvarnished teachings spoken clearly. Like Archbishop Fulton Sheen did on his programs, she did the job teaching that hardly anyone else was doing–even when it was and is their job.

  19. iPadre says:

    I will always remember that broadcast. May she rest in peace and intercede for us, that we may have 100 women like Mother Angelica.

  20. Gerhard says:

    Time to call out the MANIFEST BAD FAITH of the heterodox bishops and cardinals. How much more must we tolerate before someone sensible in the hierarchy will react? Canker must be cut out. And the Divine Physician will do it His own way if no-one in the Vatican has the inclination or the guts to do so.

  21. Orlando says:

    Thank you for posting this video. Very powerful and an incredible reminder that our faith , is the one true faith. We are all called to be strong witnesses and to defend Holy Mother Church to the last breadth. When did we American Catholics become such wimps? Why do we cower in fear and not speak the truth like Mother did? Are we so programmed by the left to be politically correct that we can’t think for ourselves? Why did we surrender the battlefield of Faith without a fight? My only answer is that we became , rich , content and worldly . We didn’t want to rock the boat. As a result in the majority of the country the Protestantization of the Catholic faith has been absolute .

  22. gloriamary says:

    “Well now I’m going to make a STATEMENT.” I love you Mother Angelica!

  23. LaramieHirsch says:

    “E. Michael Jones has just done a video interview with some online commentator. In it, he insults Mother for this action and goes so far as to call her a narcissist.”

    Yes. Jones goes over this quite a bit in his latest book about Michael Voris.

    He rambles on about how when Mother Angelica was abandoned by her father in her childhood, she became transformed into a narcissist. And she likens this narcissism to Michael Voris’ narcissism:

    The fact that Mother Angelica never acted on the childhood wound sexually does not mean that the wound wasn’t there. The narcissism that flowed from it gradually found expression in her apostolate as well, in ways uncannily similar to what happened at Church Militant.

    Insane, I tell you. Jones has one wrong.

    “[I]nstead of bringing liturgical abuse to the attention of Bishop Stafford privately, Mother Angelica denounced him publicly in a way that bespoke–dare we say it?–narcissism and self-dramatization.”

    St. Thomas, St. Augustine, and Sts. Peter and Paul would disagree with Michael Jones’ criticism.

  24. catholictrad says:

    Mother hit on something that appears to be used and taught at every parish in our area; centering prayer. “You Liberals and your ‘centering prayer'”.

    The practice of ‘centering prayer’ appears very much like the Buddhist practice of emptying the mind except for a single word. Being a big fan of indulgences and finding none attached to this practice, I’ve avoided it. At least one writer at the National Catholic Register agrees with Mother’s assessment:

  25. Uxixu says:

    I really want to see her “apology” to Cardinal Mahony.

  26. Uxixu says: her “apology” to Cardinal Mahony

    I have looked and looked. I cannot find it.

    Anyone? Start scouring!

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