My View For Awhile: U-Turn

I completed my two talks at the Serviam conference, giving them my ¢2 about the orientation of the soul, towards God, death and our sacred worship.

Meanwhile, I spotted a Cubs flag in the airport parking lot.

Waiting for boarding.

As I listen to the announcements, I hear a combination of good news and rather ominous news.  Good: they announced that Mass was to be celebrated in the chapel (of this dreadful airport) at the top of the hour.  Bad: when they announce other things, they that you have “two minutes”.   No, they something like “TWO MINUTES!“.  “The doors are closing NOW!”  I’ve noticed a deep interested in minutes here in Canada, especially the final minutes.  Could this be the influence of hockey?

The venue for the talks.  We had Mass in the morning.  Not shot of that, alas.

At display tables someone was peddling Rosaries (some of which I blessed) and books of my friend Fr. Heilman.

And now, it’s a quick turn around to the USA.

We did our US customs here in Toronto, oddly enough.  I remember something of the kind when I visited Vancouver.  It was a rather complicated and tedious process even with the fast track that I have.  I’m glad I brought the special card, which was the only way that the rent a cop was going to let me into that line.

This will be a mercifully short flight and layover.   And…

… don’t we set our clocks back tonight?  SLEEP is needed, desperately.


ZUHLSDORF’S LAW kicked in.

How many Delta guys does it take to change a lightbulb?

We’ve now had a couple hours delay. Apparently they couldn’t change the light bulb.   

And so they changed airplanes.  It was going to be here “any minute”… from the hanger.

They didn’t specify which hour that minute might be in.

Eventually, however, they found another plane.  Now that it’s here, they have to clean it.   Good grief!  Everyone knows that you don’t put your horse away wet!  

This is becoming absurd.

I was so in need of sleep before a really early Mass.


Hours after our sched, we are boarding.  I suspect all will be motivated to complete the process with alacrity.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Charles E Flynn says:

    We do set our clocks back one hour at 2 A.M. Sunday. Apparently, Daylight Saving Time “fall back” doesn’t equal sleep gain.

  2. gracie says:

    Welcome back to the jungle.

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