Your Sunday Sermon Notes

Was there a good point made during the sermon you heard for your Mass of Sunday obligation?  Let us know what it was!

For my part, though I haven’t given it yet, I intend to connect the Epistle (James 1) with the core message of the Fatima apparitions.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. John Grammaticus says:

    1st thing to remember. Our Parish has recently gone through a hell of a lot, we’ve had a new Priest since Lent, the Traditional Mass has been discontinued (the Bishop really doesn’t like it) and seeing this Priest at the University chaplaincy makes me suspect that he’s been told to ‘keep it folksy, or he’ll be sent to Siberia’.

    That being said he (a) said in his homily that Jesus is the only way to heaven (this to a NO crowd whom one suspects haven’t been told this for years), and (b) at the announcements about the First Holy Communion kids making their first confession, slipped in a reminder the we adults should go to Confession.

    I know it doesn’t sound controversial, but given the circumstances of the Diocese and the fact that the old Priest was likely removed for being to Traditional, this was dynamite.

  2. aliceinstpaul says:

    Our pastor explained that the place Jesus is going with many rooms is the Kingdom of Heaven, yes, but the Kingdom of Heaven as it exists here and now for us, not just after we die. The Kingdom of Heaven is Christ, and where he comes to us is in the Mass. That is, Christ brings Heaven to us here so He can be in us and us in Him. Where he is going is to and through and in the Mass.

    And then he is said the Kingdom of Heaven is the Church, this Church, our Church, here and now, because we are not to seek Jesus by ourselves, but united to this place that He comes to, Heaven on Earth, configured to allow us to join Him. The Church with her sacraments and all the rest of her historical and mystical experience.

    Jesus himself is the Way. Not some ideas, but He himself, and we can only know him by uniting ourselves with Him through the Church, through the Eucharist. Then we know Him and the Father.

  3. gsk says:

    Good explanation of the difference between ministerial priesthood and priesthood of all believers. Then, the difference between Catholic and Protestant versions. Finally, summarised by reminding the faithful of what “active participation” is, encouraging them to offer their sacrifice of praise along with the paschal victim. So rich and practical! (OLM in EG, RI)

  4. Charivari Rob says:

    With today’s reading about the first deacons, Father shared an anecdote about one his young nephews. Teacher in religious ed class was working his way through the students’ names and teaching/quizzing them about their patron saints. Teacher told class about nephew Stephen’s patron, including martyrdom. When asked his opinion of all that, the little savant said “I think he should’ve ducked”. This led into Father’s main point of the day – You can’t duck discipleship.

  5. GrumpyYoungMan says:

    We were reminded of the various reasons we venerate Our Lady, and how veneration is different than adoration. In his announcements, Father also mentioned that we should make sure and pour a nice, tall ale for our mothers today.

  6. jameeka says:

    Fifth Sunday of Easter.
    Father first made a joke about how he was going to talk about fathers, even though it was Mother’s day.
    Often, we are looking for our father after we have left home.; A father who provided for us in childhood and who we can rely on. (This was after a discussion of Thomas Wolfe’s largely autobiographical novel Look Homeward Angel)

    In the Gospels, Jesus first words recorded “Did you not know I must be in My Father’s house?”
    Jesus’ last words at His Crucifixion are “Father, into your hands, I commend My spirit”.
    He is His Father’s Son.
    At the Last Supper, Phillip asks “Master, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” Jesus IS showing us our Father–the Father who knows and loves us infinitely more than we know and love ourselves, Who ever provides for us and Who we can rely on.

  7. LeeF says:

    I am sad every week when I read this blog post of father’s. Not because I heard a bad sermon, but most often because I heard a mediocre one. But I would like to share something from the Holy Father which is him saying the following:

    Our Lady “foresaw and warned us of the risk of hell where a godless life that profanes Him in his creatures will lead,” Francis said during the canonization Mass Saturday. Such a life is “frequently proposed and imposed,” he said.


    For all that we bemoan about Pope Francis there is much good. He has never been shy about talking about the devil. Nor about confession. And I’ll bet dollars to donuts that his fawning liberal promoters ignore this warning about the possibility of going to hell, just as they do other things he says that do not fit with Fishwrap-type warped views.

  8. Ocampa says:

    This week was first communion at our parish. The priest stressed the importance of making a good confession before receiving Holy Communion.

    Last week I went to a first communion at a different parish. The priest, in the context of exhorting parents to continue bringing their kids to Mass (not “church” ie, protestant churches), said that he wished he could arrest parents who didn’t bring their kids to Mass for “spiritual child abuse,” which he pointed out is the worst kind.

  9. Ocampa says:

    Lee F, mediocrity, unfortunately, seems to be the norm today.

    BTW, before clicked on your link, I misread the headline in the URL as “Pope Francis [is] leading a godless life. Carries risk of hell.” That says more about me than the Pope, I believe :-/

  10. hwriggles4 says:

    Tonight, we had a recently ordained priest from the Legionairies of Christ say Mass at our NO parish. He highlighted on the Gospel of John reading “do not let your hearts be troubled.” He tied the readings into Mothers Day by recalling in his childhood (and us as kids) how oftentimes we ran to mom for comfort, like when we fell off our bike or out of a tree, which I did more than my share of times. The examples the priest used were masculine, tying into sports and skateboarding.

    Near the end, the priest mentioned spiritual mothers, notably the Blessed Mother. I can tell this recent ordained priest is going to be one of the good ones. I have confidence that our Pastoral Administrator will invite him to return during the summer months.

  11. Irish Timothy says:

    At St. Paul’s in Alliston Ontario we had Bishop Paul Tighe (from Ireland no less!) visiting and in his sermon he spoke of how God is always with us and is even closer to us when we fail and need him. That he always loves us no matter what what. A good way of saying we cannot lose hope at anytime and in my mind the importance of getting back up when we fall – aka – as Fr. Z would say go to confession.

  12. un-ionized says:

    The priest here is beginning a mission and he spoke of Our Lady and how there is heresy in a popular book and movie called The Shack which I never heard of before, lucky me. Good sermon. A very good natured priest too, he invites people to confession and offers a penance discount. One guy will give you a rosary, I’ll give you a half a rosary, etc. very amusing.

  13. ctln says:

    We didn’t have a sermon at mass today. We watched a video (??!?!?!?!????!?! projected to the side of the altar!!??!?!!????) about the diocesan appeal beginning next week.

  14. Nan says:

    I met a priest in Jerusalem during Holy Week. He said he had been born in the Holy Land and now lived in the Promised Land. I made no queries about the Blarney Stone. He was an Irishman living in the Holy Land.

  15. JonPatrick says:

    This weekend we attended the Fatima 100th anniversary conference held at St. Anthony’s Friary in Kennebunkport ME. This Friary seemed like an appropriate place since it was founded by Lithuanian Franciscans who fled Communism after World War 2 to found the Friary there in 1947. I had a hard time following the Sunday homily but wanted instead to relate one of the talks given by Fr. John Bacevicius OFM the Guardian of the Friary who struck me as a very holy and humble priest, born in Lithuania in 1932, fleeing with his family from the Communists in 1944 into Nazi Germany then finally to the US. She spoke very strongly about how many people at Mass go up for communion yet how few go to confession, that people are not aware of their sin or the fact that it offends God. He went on to speak about perfect and imperfect contrition and the difference between them. This was the real message of Fatima, the need to repent and turn back to God.

    After the talk practically the entire room lined up at the 2 confessionals in the chapel and the 2 priests available spent several hours hearing all of the confessions. It was quite a sight.

  16. Adaquano says:

    We were urged to say a rosary with or for our mothers

  17. PhilipNeri says:

    Had I been there with the disciples, listening to Jesus’ words with my own ears, I would’ve been tempted to blurt out: “How is faith alone gonna protect us from our enemies?!” And I imagine Jesus would’ve said something like, “When did I promise you that having faith in me would keep you safe from the world?”

    Fr. Philip Neri, OP

  18. Filipino Catholic says:

    (Ordinary Form)

    –Jesus did not say he was *a* way/truth/life, but the Way, Truth, and Life. As such, we cannot pick and choose from His teachings as one would a smorgasbord or eat-all-you-can buffet.
    –We should avoid using the phrase “wherever they may be” regarding someone deceased, as it implies a lack of faith in Christ’s promise to go and prepare a place for us in His Father’s house. (Minor quibble: while insisting on trusting His word is admirable, wouldn’t this downplay the necessity of praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory?)

  19. Gail F says:

    Many good points but I particularly appreciated the reminder that while there are lots of bad things going on in the Church, this is not the worst time ever for the Church. There have been worse before.

  20. lmgilbert says:

    Jon Patrick, You write,
    “After the talk practically the entire room lined up at the 2 confessionals in the chapel and the 2 priests available spent several hours hearing all of the confessions. It was quite a sight.”

    Thank you for this account. It is very heartening. So you have a couple of bright priests who know that if they are going to preach on the value of going to Confession, after Mass they should make a beeline for the confessional.

    Yet, I have heard a priest give a heart melting sermon on the same theme, worthy of St. Paul of the Cross, and then did not hear confessions afterwards. Instead he seemed to be hoping that this grace would perdure for another six days, till Saturday. Talk about a missed opportunity! So you are blessed with good fishers of men for priests.

  21. AvantiBev says:

    Some priest with a funny German surname from the wrong side of Lake Michigan was the guest celebrant at the Latin Mass at Sacred Heart of Jesus, Grand Rapids, Michigan. He just drones on and on while I was thinking, “I drove 45 minutes from the cottage for this!”

    LOL Father Z. I enjoyed your sermon on our Lady and the little children of Fatima,especially the timelessness of her entreaty for reparations to the Sacred Heart. You are welcome in the Mitten anytime. Of course the Latin Mass and Father Sirico are worth the drive any Sunday.

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