Your Sunday Sermon Notes

Was there a good point made in the sermon you heard during your Mass of Sunday Obligation?

Let us know!

For my part, I will be involved in a Consecration of a Church with the traditional Pontificale Romanum.   That in itself is a 4 hour sermon.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Lisieux says:

    Here in the UK, our priest began by talking about the mixture of anger, grief and shame we feel about the abuse in the USA and here (a recent report on two of the Benedictine schools in England has revealed some horrific abuse). Then he pointed out that we could do something, quoting Ven. Fulton Sheen: “Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops, and your religious act like religious.” Then he picked the ‘eyes and ears’ from that quotation and moved on to the Gospel, and the healing of the deaf & dumb man. It was very skilful!

  2. pappy says:

    This isn’t from a sermon, but I was attending a lecture on the art of celebrating liturgy well.
    The deacon who was giving the lecture at one point remarked “and this is why bad liturgical music leads people to live bad lives”.

  3. maternalView says:

    See my comment on next thread “it’s about homosexuality “.

  4. SummerMarigold says:

    We were treated to a long story about a young crippled Jewish boy playing baseball. By the end of it I couldn’t remember what the Gospel reading was. Take away….uhhhh, oh yeah God loves me.

  5. maryh says:

    Many good things, but one thing especially spoke to me. Husband and wife should not have “discussions” unless they are in the state of grace.

    As soon as he said it, it seemed so obvious. Wouldn’t the first step in discerning God’s will during a difficult disagreement be to get in the state of grace? For a serious discussion, it would be good, if possible, for both husband and wife to go to confession first, and then have their discussion.

  6. fairkaye says:

    Fr. Jack Durkin at St. Monica’s in Duluth, GA lifted my spirits by reminding us that at Jesus’ death: one disciple had betrayed Him, ten had run away from Him and/or denied Him when He needed them most, and only one remained, (John), and His mother, Mary. Yet with that less than auspicious beginning, His church has lasted over 2,000 years despite every one of its members (except Mary) needing to go to confession regularly. His Church will triumph despite the sins people have committed. We must fast, pray, go to confession ourselves, stay in the Church, and proclaim the Good News of repentance and restoration.

  7. MrsMacD says:

    Our sermon was about spiritual blindness. Spiritual blindness can be caused by ourselves, by the devil or by God. By our refusal to detach ourselves from venial sins, by the devils messing with us and by God removing Himself from us that we may be purified. (I think I’m missing something, my memory is terrible!)

  8. JesusFreak84 says:

    TLM: It was Canon’s first Mass, so he applied “You never get a second chance to make a first impression” to the Gospel, and the main thrust was on humility, I suspect because it was on his mind a lot just because, “Wow, I’m HERE and actually CELEBRATING MASS!” Today was the first time I ever got to receive the First Blessing of a new priest :D

  9. iPadre says:

    Based my sermon at the EF on the Oration. We need to pray for grace and the grace to accept grace. I related how moved I was during my first trip to Italy as a young man. I left with the desire to become a saint. Obviously I haven’t been fully cooperative to that grace. If we responded without exception to the graces and inspirations to holiness, we would be transformed pretty quickly.

  10. iPadre says:

    And we out pray for that for ourselves and all people.

  11. JMody says:

    This was the Fall’s first “Children Are Too Stupid For Unadulterated Readings and Real Hymns” Mass (I think that’s what they call it. That’s what they should call it.) and Fr. tried to relate the admonition from St. James to the idea that we should respect and help as many as possible. He did point out that the miracle of curing the deaf mute means the man could share words –> Word of God –> we should always try to share our God-given gifts with the world around us. Actually quite good given the “theme” and audience.
    Needless to say, perversity, perjury, violated oaths, and the RICO Act did not come up.

  12. iamlucky13 says:

    Father talked a little bit about healing of the deaf man as a lesser form of healing than spiritual healing, which we all are in need of, just as much so today as in the time of the Gospel. The healing is needed not just for those who have been hurt, but from our own individual forms of brokenness.

    I think more insightfully, he also reinforced the link between 1st reading and the Gospel:


    “Then will the eyes of the blind be opened,
    the ears of the deaf be cleared”


    “Then he looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to him,
    ‘Ephphatha!’— that is, “Be opened!'”

    Father pointed out that the Jews of the time would have been quite familiar with the passage from Isaiah. Jesus was performing these miracles to reveal who He was not simply by performing great works, but specifically by fulfilling what the prophets had written.

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