Audio Books, Red Shirts, and You

In addition to using my Kindle, and using regular books, I also listen to a lot of audio books as I drive or travel or putter about doing chores drinking Mystic Monk Coffee.   I’ve found has a great range of things, even courses and language training.  I have an Audible membership, so I get monthly credits that I can apply to items that would otherwise be a good deal more expensive.

I can play the audible books through my computer or phone, and they sync, so you always have the right location.  You can even listen to audible books on your Kindle.

Spiffy.  Since I’ve been using Kindle and Audible along with regular books, my consumption of books has shot way up.

Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks

BTW… if you are a Patrick O’Brian Aubrey/Maturin fan… check out the whole series read by Simon Vance. HERE  (NB: Make sure you get the Vance version, not the Tull version.)

BTW again… the Audible option came to mind because I had received a note from author Chris Kennedy saying that the series of SiFi books in which I am a character are now available on Audible.  They are a sequel to two others.

And maybe you still have a chance to join the “Red Shirts”.

PS: I was killed, but there’s a chance that I’ll be brought back as a time lord or something.  Maybe if enough of you buy some version of Kennedy’s books….  After all… I’m a black shirt.  Glück ab!


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Legisperitus says:

    Father, just wondering if you’ve seen the web series “Star Trek Continues.” Incredibly faithful re-creation of the original series.

  2. TWF says:

    Audible is a wonderful service. I’ve been building quite the collection of audio books since last summer.

  3. Suudy says:

    I’ve been an Audible member from nearly the beginning (since about 2000). Wonderful service. And despite Amazon’s purchase, it seems to retain its brand identity.

    Contemporary, orthodox, Catholic writings are sparse. But some good stuff is there: Chesterton, CS Lewis, Some Hahn and Madrid. There’s some Kreeft and Fesser, though philosophy focused. And lots of classics: Avila, St John of the Cross, Augustine, and more. And some good stuff from Great Courses and Modern Scholar.

    Now, I’ve perused the catalog a lot. But I’d love to hear recommendations! I go through about a book a week on my commute. The more the better!

  4. Deo volente says:

    Father, I love the Aubrey/Maturin Audiobook novels but prefer the Tull versions. I think that Tull’s accent is much more of the time and I love what he does for Maturin’s voice and his many ponderings. I tried the Vance versions and feel Tull is far better. De gustibus….

  5. av8er says:

    I’m up to “Far side of the world”, 10th book in the series for you landsmen, on the Vance version. I have not heard the other but I am really enjoying these books. My next dog I’m going to name Killick.

  6. The Egyptian says:

    speaking of red shirts, you all will love this, good reference to red shirts, good laugh
    you star wars fans will love it too
    may the force be with you

  7. The Masked Chicken says:

    Star Trek Continues is okay. Another good fan-based recreation is Star Trek Phase II:

    The Chicken

    P. S. It appears that someone might have accidentally installed spyware on one of the college computers I used to teach a class with, so, lending what the IT people say, I might have to change login and screen name :(. I’ll let you know.

  8. ghp95134 says:

    Father Z sez: Glück ab!

    Wie bei Fallschirmjäger? “Glück ab!” erinnert mich an ein Lied …

    Glück ab, Kamerad!

    Glück ab Kamerad,
    Der Starter winkt,
    Dem Gas lasst den Motor singen,
    Glück ab Kamerad,
    Jetzt kommts drauf an,
    Heut muss es uns gelingen,

    Und trifft es dich,
    Und trifft es mich,
    Daran wird nicht geweht,
    Vor uns der Tod,
    Der Tod vom Feind,
    Wir haben umsonst nicht gelebt,
    Vor uns der Tod,
    Der Tod vom Feind,
    Wir haben umsonst nicht gelebt.

    Glück ab Kamerad,
    Die Zeit ist da,
    Jetzt heißt es sich Mannhaft zeigen,
    Glück ab Kamerad,
    Bist nicht allein,
    Wir fliegen mit zum Reigen,

    Und spielt der Tod,
    Zum Tanz uns auf,
    Wir tanzen ja nicht allein,
    Der Feind muss mit,
    Mit schnellem schritt,
    Er soll unser Vortänzer sein,
    Der Feind muss mit,
    Mit schnellem schritt,
    Er soll unser Vortänzer sein.

    Glück ab Kamerad,
    Jetzt ists soweit,
    Schon siehst dus im Westen blitzen,
    Kopflos drauf zu,
    Das ist der Feind,
    Jetzt lass dein Eisen spritzen,

    Wer muss hinab,
    Ins kühle Grab,
    Verschwinden aus dieser Welt,
    Dann Sturm es drauf,
    Zum nächsten drauf,
    Bis der Gegner im Meere zerschellt,
    Dann Sturm es drauf,
    Zum nächsten drauf,
    Bis der Gegner im Meere zerschellt.

    Halt ein Kamerad,
    Es ist vorbei,
    Wir können nun heimwärts fliegen,
    Und kommt der feind ein ander mal,
    Wir werden wieder siegen,

    komm triffts mal dich,
    komm trifft es mich,
    Das brauchts wenn Deutschland lebt,
    Vor uns der Tod,
    Der Tod vom Feind,
    Wir haben umsonst nicht gelebt,
    Vor uns der Tod,
    Der Tod vom Feind,
    wir haben umsonst nicht gelebt.

  9. benedictgal says:

    With the way things are headed with the Synod, I wonder if we are going to see some red shirts there.

  10. The Cobbler says:

    If a team of redshirts fought a squad of stormtroopers, who would win?

    (My other favorite redshirt commentary is from How It Should Have Ended on the Star Trek reboot — ejecting the warp core doesn’t push the Enterprise out of the black hole, so the next thing Kirk comes up with is… “Scotty, jettison every crewmember wearing a red shirt!” “But I’m wearing a red shirt, captain!”)

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