#CQ – 14 Aug -St. Maximilian Kolbe, priest, martyr, #HamRadio operator, intercede for the Fishwrap! #SP3RN

Maximilian KolbeToday, 14 August, is the Vigil of the Assumption.  It is also the Feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe, a Franciscan priest put to death at Auschwitz.

St. Maximilian Kolbe, has a special relevance for Catholic media.

Today, dear readers, say a prayer to him, asking his intercession with God for the conversion of catholics who use the media to confuse the faithful and to distort the teachings of the Church.  I have in mind especially intentions for the the conversion of the staff of the National Schismatic Reporter (aka Fishwrap), RU-486 (aka The Tablet), Jesuit-run Amerika, as well as several individuals who prate in the media with messages that distort the Faith or some aspect of the faith or morals.

Pray, people, on your knees, even with a special visit to the Blessed Sacrament, that the whole body of Catholic bishops of these USA will soon formally demand that the Fishwrap to remove the word “Catholic” from its name.

Remember the prayer to St. Joseph for the Conversion of the National catholic Reporter which I posted HERE.

NcR must be converted, please God, or like the priests of Baal, they must fail.

Also, please ask St. Maximilian to intercede, asking God to keep those who are dedicated to making Christ and His Church known and loved in their fullness faithful, charitable and courageous.

Finally, I remind you hams out there that St. Maximilian, was also a ham.


In 1930, Franciscan Father Maksymilian Maria Kolbe left Poland for Japan, China and India where he organized monasteries. When in Japan, Father Kolbe got acquainted with a network of small broadcasting radio stations. To supplement a large number of religious periodicals that he was publishing in Poland and abroad at that time, he decided to start a radio station as a new medium. In 1930, he applied for a radio broadcasting license in Poland. However, only the Polish Radio Warsaw (1925) and a military radio station held exclusive radio licenses at that time. Radio receivers were allowed to be owned by permission early in 1924.


More HERE.

These tools and skills will be needed, if thing keep going the way the are going.  Feel free, hams out there, to make a donation or two.

Also, Zednet exists on the Yaesu System Fusion (Wires-X) “room” 28598, which is cross-linked to Brandmeister (BM) DMR worldwide talkgroup 31429, which essentially gives world-wide multi-mode access to a common ham radio network.

Any fellow hams who have access locally to a Yaesu System Fusion repeater, a repeater on the BM network, or a multi-mode hotspot that’s registered with BM can get on and have a rag chew.

WB0YLE gave me a clear list, with links, of everything you need to get involved.


This morning I had a longish rag chew with an Easter Catholic Deacon in Atlanta.

I’ve been mentioning for a while now a real Net on a regular basis. One of these days!

Thanks for remembering St.Kolbe. He is an important man for our sad times, especially as the normal modes of communication are being co-opted by the forces of evil.

I would also remind fellow hams about a possible Special Event: Shrines on the AirHERE  It is a relatively short distance from where I am to the National Shrine of St. Maximilian.   We should get something going.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Paul says:

    Passed my Tech recently! KC1NPJ


  2. Aman4allseasons says:

    St. Maximilian Kolbe – pray for us! I’m still aiming to sort out an MMDVM to access the digital modes…my DMR HT is patiently waiting for it. :) Lots of people ask if my call sign means I’m retired from the Royal Navy (VE7XRN) but it was chosen for our patron saint (VE7RN was already taken).

    @KC1NPJ – welcome to the hobby! May your SWR be low and remember to keep a VHF wavelength from your fellow hams in these troubling times! ;)


  3. Paul says:

    Thanks @VE7XRN

    Trying to find an Elmer currently, the more I research the further down the Ham rabbit hole I go, and getting lost. I found a neat guy that does a lot of great Ham videos and has a nice, helpful discord group. Called HRCC (Ham Radio Crash Course).

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