NEW TRANSLATION 1st Sunday of ADVENT 2011!

The USCCB issued a press release:

U.S. Adaptations to Mass Prayers Also Approved
Parish Education Efforts Urged To Precede Implementation
Resources Available Through USCCB
WASHINGTON—Cardinal Francis George, OMI, Archbishop of Chicago and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), has announced that the full text of the  English-language translation of the Roman Missal, Third Edition, has been issued for the dioceses of the United States of America.

            The text was approved by the Vatican, and the approval was accompanied by a June 23 letter from Cardinal Llovera Antonio Cañizares, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. The Congregation also provided guidelines for publication.

            In addition, on July 24, the Vatican gave approval for several adaptations, including additional prayers for the Penitential Act at Mass and the Renewal of Baptismal Promises on Easter Sunday. Also approved are texts of prayers for feasts specific to the United States such as Thanksgiving, Independence Day and the observances of feasts for saints such as Damien of Molokai, Katharine Drexel, and Elizabeth Ann Seton. The Vatican also approved the Mass for Giving Thanks to God for the Gift of Human Life, which can be celebrated on January 22

            Cardinal George announced receipt of the documents in an August 20 letter to the U.S. Bishops and issued a decree of proclamation that states that [WAIT FOR IT…] “The use of the third edition of the Roman Missal enters into use in the dioceses of the United States of America as of the First Sunday of Advent, November 27, 2011. From that date forward, no other edition of the Roman Missal may be used in the dioceses of the United States of America.”   [HUZZAH!  In English of course.  Any priest can always use the 2002 Missale Romanum or the 1962 Missale Romanum.]

            The date of implementation was chosen to allow publishers time to prepare texts and parishes and dioceses to educate parishioners.

            “We can now move forward and continue with our important catechetical efforts as we prepare the text for publication,” Cardinal George said.

            In the coming weeks, staff of the bishops’ Secretariat of Divine Worship will prepare the text for publication and collaborate with the staff of the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL), which will assist Bishops’ Conferences in bringing the text to publication. In particular, ICEL has been preparing the chant settings of the texts of the Missal for use in the celebration of the Mass. Once all necessary elements have been incorporated into the text and the preliminary layout is complete, the final text will go to the publishers to produce the ritual text, catechetical resources and participation aids for use in the Liturgy.

            Receipt of the text marks the start of proximate preparation for Roman Missal implementation. Before first use of the new text in Advent 2011, pastors are urged to use resources available to prepare parishioners. Some already have been in use; others are being released now. They include the Parish Guide for the Implementation of the Roman Missal, Third Edition, and Become One Body, One Spirit in Christ, a multi-media DVD resource produced by ICEL in collaboration with English-language Conferences of Bishops. Both will be available from the USCCB. Information on resources can be found at

            Bishop Arthur Serratelli of Paterson, New Jersey, Chair of the Bishops’ Committee on Divine Worship, voiced gratitude for the approval.

            “I am happy that after years of preparation, we now have a text that, when introduced late next year, will enable the ongoing renewal of the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy in our parishes,” he said. Msgr. Anthony Sherman, Director of the Secretariat for Divine Worship of the USCCB noted, “A great effort to produce the new Roman Missal for the United States, along with the other necessary resources, has begun. Even as that work is underway a full–scale catechesis about the Liturgy and the new Roman Missal should be taking place in parishes, so that when the time comes, everyone will be ready.”

I am very pleased at this news.

I wonder how long it will be before there is a movement to seek formal approval to use the older, traditional ICEL translation.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. pcstokell says:

    What if we just said “WOO-HOO!”

  2. TJerome says:

    Deo Gratias and an ineffable too!!!

  3. La Sandia says:

    Somewhere in Erie, PA, there is wailing and gnashing of teeth!

  4. Father G says:

    I wish it were Advent 2011 already!
    This is also a golden opportunity to include catechesis about celebrating Mass ad orientem as well.

  5. TJerome says:

    he’ll be retired by then, so he’ll probably petition the Holy See for an indult so he can use the old translation since he is too old to change.

  6. mysticalrose says:


  7. Semper Idem says:

    Eat your heart out, Troutperson.

  8. MarkJ says:

    Fr. Z said “I wonder how long it will be before there is a movement to seek formal approval to use the older, traditional ICEL translation.”

    Will that mean ultimately the formation of a semi-schismatic SSPVI (Society of Paul VI)?

  9. roamincatholic says:

    Not to get into semantics, but do you think that some will use the quote from Cardinal George, that “From that date forward, no other edition of the Roman Missal may be used…” some with an agenda would use to argue that the 1962 Missal cannot be used after that date?

    Could that be a valid argument?

  10. xgenerationcatholic says:

    Advent 2011 can’t come soon enough! I can hardly wait to hear people say, “through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault.” That’s going to knock people all over the place. Maybe it’ll get people to want to do confession more. Wahoo! It’s heartening to see that liberals are so sad about this. Must be good if that’s the case.

  11. JohnMa says:


    Yes, I am 100% certain that argument will be used; however, last time I checked Cardinal George can’t overrule the Holy Father. That is all that needs to be said to morons that make that argument.

  12. Peggy R says:

    I had the same exact thought as RoaminCatholic. Card George’s statement would have been more precise had he said that no other Roman Missal may be used in the US for the “ordinary form” of Church’s liturgy.

  13. roamincatholic says:


    True, but, at least with regard to the enforcement of law, doesn’t the USCCB have some sort of juridical competence on these sorts of matters?

  14. “Comment by roamincatholic — 20 August 2010 @ 11:52 am”

    Under the auspices of the Apostolic See, yes.

    I think the former ICEL translation will be forgotten, except maybe in a few places, make that very few. I’m also surprised that they intend to stay on schedule with this, which is great news, really. Come Advent of 2011, whether it’s buying a new missal, disseminating seasonal missalettes, or creating new musical settings of the Mass, the new translation will simply be the only one available.

    Since I usually attend the TLM, it’s possible I won’t even notice.

  15. adamrgh says:

    Was there a new Spanish translation done by Spanish-speaking conferences as well? Or will the current Missal in Spanish continue to be used in the U.S.?

  16. Adam Welp says:

    What will happen to the Eucharistic Prayers for Various Needs or Reconciliation or Masses with Children? I hope that EP I-IV will be the only ones allowed here in the US.

    I can’t wait for Advent 2011!

  17. loupizzuti says:

    Now, we need a good translation for the Liturgy of the Hours!
    And more volumes from Solesmes of the chant for the LOTH.

  18. loupizzuti says:

    Re: 1962 Missal
    Certainly Cardinal George cannot over-rule Pope Benedict.
    Also, the text specifies “the Third Edition of the Roman Missal”, which automatically eliminates the 1962 Missal from the conversation regarding the translation, it being a different Missal.

  19. Will D. says:

    In addition, on July 24, the Vatican gave approval for several adaptations….

    It’s not clear from the website, but has the dreaded option “A” for the Memorial Acclamation (Christ has died…) been removed? I know that was a pending adaptation.

  20. Andy F. says:

    what if we just said, ineffable? (regarding our excitement)

  21. Jon says:

    Now, with that “reform of the reform” battle won, what comes next? As a member of an FSSP apostolate, I only have a puppy in this hunt, but since I have to suffer through Bugnini’s brain child at weddings, funerals, and the occasional trip to see the folks, may I suggest, in order of priority:

    1. Mandatory restoration of the ad orientem posture from the Preparatio/Offertory onward.

    2. Restoration, at least as an option, of the traditional Offertory in place of the Preparatio.

    3. Replacement of the NAB with the RSV 2nd Catholic Edition.

    4. Reception of Holy Communion on the tongue only, and to the kneeling.

    5. Elimination of altar girls.

    6. Elimination of EMHC’s.

    7. If all else fails, jettisoning the GIRM, and imposition of the 1962 rubrics over the whole thing.

    You have your orders. Sergeant, sound the charge!

  22. @Will D.:

    The USCCB’s site on the changes in the people’s parts does not include it, nor do the PDFs which contain musical settings thereof.

    Incidentally, to ease the transition at this point, I have used the current Form C (“When we eat…”) as it is the least modified translation of the three remaining options.

  23. Henry Edwards says:

    I wonder how long it will be before there is a movement to seek formal approval to use the older, traditional ICEL translation.

    In which case, perhaps Pope Benedict will request that bishops show respect – a la Ecclesia Dei 6c (1988) — for the feelings of all those who are attached to the older liturgical tradition of Paul VI, by a wide and generous application of directives issued by the Apostolic See for appropriately limited use of the Roman Missal according to the typical edition of 1970.

    If so, let us hope that bishops will obey such a request by Pope Benedict just as generously as they obeyed the request of Pope John Paul II for generous availability the Mass of 1962.

  24. diezba says:

    @Jon (12:54 pm): the battle isn’t over yet. We still have to /implement/ the new Missal. And as the whole period of Catholic liturgy from 1970-present shows, it’s the implementation that’s the hard part.

    But, in response to this news, I hope Fr. Z will tolerate this:

    Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will.

    We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father.

    Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.

    For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

    Thanks be to God!

  25. Mystery of Faith (formerly the Memorial Acclamation)
    Mystery of Faith (formerly the Memorial Acclamation)

    Priest: The mystery of faith.

    A – We proclaim your death,
    O Lord,
    and profess your Resurrection
    until you come again.

    or B – When we eat this Bread
    and drink this Cup,
    we proclaim your death,
    O Lord,
    until you come again.

    or C – Save us, Savior of the world,
    for by your Cross
    and Resurrection,
    you have set us free.

  26. Father G says:

    @ Adam Welp

    The Eucharistic Prayers for Masses with Children is being dropped:

  27. Servant of the Liturgy says:

    What’s that sound I hear: choirs of angels? No! Can it be? Yes! Yes, choirs of angels! Singing: Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

    Advent 2011 or bust!

  28. John V says:

    Will D.

    As noted by Aristotle A. Esguerra and followed up by thomas.dunbar, that acclamation does not appear on the Roman Missal site. Previously, it appeared there with the parenthetical “U.S. adaptation under consideration by the Holy See” (or something like that). I think it’s safe to assume from the fact that it no longer appears there, or anywhere else, that this adaptation was not approved. That acclamation has died, that acclamation is not risen, that acclamation will not come again.

  29. Charivari Rob says:

    “…Card George’s statement would have been more precise had he said that no other Roman Missal may be used in the US for the “ordinary form” of Church’s liturgy.”

    Probably it would be even more accurate to say “…no other … may be used in the dioceses of the US for celebration of the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite in English.”

  30. Geoffrey says:

    The national element annoys me. What about the rest of the English-speaking Church? The Church in the UK, Australia, Canada, Ireland, etc. Aren’t we all supposed to be using the same translation, minus regional additions?

  31. TKS says:

    And I pray this will bring Priests back to “Say the black, do the red” instead of various personal adaptations. I travel extensively and attend daily Mass most of the time no matter where I am. Anymore, I find myself beaming with joy when Mass is correct; tears actually streamed down my face once. Unfortunately that has only happened twice in the last few years, and I did thank the Priests afterwards who looked at me funny then smiled. Not a good percentage from my point of view. I will be very curious to see what our ‘do nothing about anything’ diocese in Washington state does. Thanks Aristotle for the link.

  32. cpaulitz says:

    I can’t say I’m excited to see a new novus ordo, but I am rather perplexed as to why it would take a year and a half to implement such nominal changes in verbage? It’s not like this is an entirely different Mass (unfortunately).

  33. TNCath says:

    This is welcome news! Now, if we can just get the priests to actually follow it without ignoring “the red” and adding, change, deleting, or ad libbing “the black!” This will be the major challenge of the implementation and is my biggest fear.

    While the text may indeed read, “The mystery of faith,” undoubtedly there’s going to be somebody that’s going to want to continue saying, “Let us proclaim the mystery of faith,” or “Let us now join together in song in celebrating this great mystery of our faith” or some other nonsense.

  34. SimonDodd says:

    Question: on the first sunday in advent 2011 and thereafter, it will be licit to celebrate Mass using the new translation. Will it be licit on that sunday and thereafter to celebrate Mass using the 1973 translation? Should we prepare for resistance?

  35. Supertradmum says:

    Thank the Lord! I went to NO Mass this morning and the readings were being read from a loose-leaf binder of a translation I have never heard and were not the readings of the Memorial of St. Bernard. The wording of the Preface was odd and may have been made-up. The references to St. Bernard were couched in plurals, praising the “saints” rather than the saint. It was all very irregular.

    Again, thank God, and I hope the priests and bishops are obedient.

  36. Henry Edwards says:

    As a member of an FSSP apostolate, I only have a puppy in this hunt

    Actually, Jon, I believe this new OF translation to be just as significant for the EF. After all, if it takes folks part way down the road toward a more sacral Mass, won’t many won’t to complete the trip?

    In regard to your suggestions for revision in the OF itself, I suspect that they are already on the agenda for the CDW group working on the 4th typical edition.

    Except for #7 — imposition of 1962-like rubrics on the OF — which is what that “mutual enrichment” of the forms is about.

    And can we agree that when #1-#7 have all been done, there will remain only a single form of the Roman rite. Namely the EF with flexibility for mixing Latin and vernacular, and for mixing degrees of solemnity (i.e., erasing the rigid EF separation between high and low Masses).

  37. SimonDodd says:

    Let me rephrase my question above. I get that Card. George says that “from that date forward, no other edition of the Roman Missal may be used in the dioceses of the United States of America.” What I’m asking is, if we encounter a Mass said using the 1973 translation, can we politely approach the priest and point out that it isn’t actually licit to use the old translation, or is there a different argot?

  38. DT says:

    Thanks be to God!!

  39. Jon says:


    When #’s 1-7 have all been done, well, that puppy will be a regular St. Bernard.

  40. janerc2004 says:

    Thanks Be to God! I dare say there will also be wailing and gnashing of teeth in Atlanta, GA!

  41. Father G says:

    “As noted by Aristotle A. Esguerra and followed up by thomas.dunbar, that acclamation does not appear on the Roman Missal site. Previously, it appeared there with the parenthetical “U.S. adaptation under consideration by the Holy See” (or something like that). I think it’s safe to assume from the fact that it no longer appears there, or anywhere else, that this adaptation was not approved. That acclamation has died, that acclamation is not risen, that acclamation will not come again.”

    Funny you mention that because this morning the parenthetical “U.S. adaptation under consideration by the Holy See” was there. Now that I have revisited it again following the announcement, it is no longer present.

  42. Ef-lover says:

    Would it be legal for priest to use the new translation before advent 2011?

  43. Andy Milam says:

    In a bit of sad news, I just got off the phone with a priest friend of mine from my home diocese (not the one in which I currently live); he informed me that he will NOT be celebrating Mass with the new books, because he feels that the translation is too close to the Latin and doesn’t make sense. He feels that this is an overt move backward and that the Church is sabotaging itself, so he is not going to participate.

    During the course of the conversation, I asked him how he felt about the changes which occured after Vatican Council II. He was VERY supportive of said changes. I asked him what he thought of the priests who opposed those changes. He told me that they were rigid and unbending in their view of the Church. I then told him to stop acting like those priests and to start being open to “the Spirit of Vatican Council II.” (I have a very open relationship with him regarding honesty, almost to a fault.) He was offended, obviously, and said that the changes which he endorsed were a clear move forward and I told him that the prevailing view is the same, that the clarity of the English is a positive development.

    The banter continued on for a bit and finally he simply said that if he is going to be viewed as a reactionary, then so be it. I said to him that he isn’t so much acting as a reactionary, but more like any group that is disobedient. I ended the conversation intimating that he is going to be depriving the faithful of a properly celebrated Mass according to the approved books. He didn’t have much of a response.

    Sad news…my question becomes, How many of these type priests will come out with the new translation taking effect in 2011?

  44. Will D. says:

    @Aristotle A. Esguerra, thomas.dunbar, and John V: thank you for the follow up. I didn’t see it on the site, but was afraid that the adaptation was still lurking somewhere.

    That acclamation has died, that acclamation is not risen, that acclamation will not come again.

    I needed a good laugh, thank you! I wonder what my choir director is going to do, that’s her go-to favorite.

  45. AnAmericanMother says:


    Re: I dare say there will also be wailing and gnashing of teeth in Atlanta, GA!

    May I ask why?

  46. jaykay says:

    Ah, the bricks are starting to be brought to the building site. Foundations still have to be begun in many places but they *will* be, by God! I am very pleased. I speak especially of my own dear Hibernian homeland.

    Although as one who had to learn the 1965 translation off by heart for 1st communion I wonder if we’ll hear that lovely localvariant in the confiteor “Through my own most *greevious* fault

  47. Jon says:

    Don’t look now folks, but if you don’t act quickly a certain something ISN’T going to have “pride of place.”

    And although it might be late to give Mr. Haas a few questions for his “bread breaking,” may I respectfully suggest you let this crowd (excluding Jeff Tucker and Msgr. Wadsworth), know exactly what you think.
    #18 by David Haas on August 20, 2010 – 3:02 pm

    Reply Quote

    I am here in Atlanta for the much “anticipated” workshop with myself, Jerry Galipeau, Jeffrey Tucker, and Msgr. Wadsworth (head of ICEL)… the workshop is tomorrow…. but TONIGHT (in 3 hours!) we will all be having dinner together.. should be a VERY interesting conversation…. so – does anyone have any questions that you want me to ask tonight… especially with the head of ICEL being across the table from me… and the head of a publishing company (Jerry Galipeau fro WLP).. let me know!

    I was in the car with Jerry coming to the hotel here from the airport, and of course, we were all ablaze with talking about it. Another thing that no one has mentioned yet – they also tweaked the final doxology as well – a bit different from what we thought it would be.

    So let me know if you have questions – I will be breaking bread with these guys in 3 hours…

    Sure will be fun, I am sure!

  48. Brian2 says:

    Jon: Thanks for your offer. This is what I want to know: will they be required to print the chant setting with the ordinary of the mass, rather than stuck in the back in an appendix. And will there be some verbiage requiring or strongly suggesting that at least for the ordinary of the mass, the official chant tones be used.

    WIthout these, I don’t see any major improvement in most Sunday masses. Bad music will cancel out good translations. The Musical Directors needs some clearer directives.

    But largely spoken daily masses will be a lot better.

  49. YadaYada says:

    “no other edition of the Roman Missal may be used”,

    …except, of course, the Latin edition!

    [Good catch. And I would add “editions”.]

  50. chloesmom says:

    Does anyone know what will be happening with the new translation in Canada? Haven’t heard a word about it in my Quebec parish. No surprises there, though, unfortunately. Our pastor said to me once that “whenever anything comes from Rome, we close our eyes”. So I’m not very optimistic.

  51. Central Valley says:

    All those years we were told we were wrong and we were trouble makers. We kept the faith and we were right. Modernist hippie priests and bishops put his in your thurible and smoke it………

  52. Mitchell NY says:

    Priests who hold out will be a small minority and only cause scandal and harm to their Parishoners. This is treacherous after all these years. It just makes you wonder what other shame they have brought upon themselves and the Church. Are they really going to subject their flocks to this? Imagine when everyone in neighboring areas is using the new translations and they are not. How long will they hold out? How long create division? How long deprive people of a decent, not to mention, correct translation? It is misguided at best. Nothing like making your Parishoners feel like the world has moved forward and you are left out. As a lay person thats gotta feel good. Way to go rebels.

  53. TJerome says:

    Mitchell NY, “they can dish it out, but they can’t take it”.

  54. capebretoner says:

    @cloesmom: It is the same here in Nova Scotia; no one seems to know there is a new translation coming. It will be interesting to see how and when it is finally presented to those of us in the pews.

  55. Re: priests that don’t wanna say it —

    To be fair, that’s how I’ve reacted to various good changes. After I’ve had some time to get used to the idea, even foot-dragging me usually starts to feel more positive about such things. So the priest who doesn’t want to use the new translation today may feel totally different after going to his diocese’s training classes and finishing his grumbling.

  56. Oh, goodie…they kept the special texts for Independence Day and Thanksgiving…I’ll do a votive Mass those days, thank you very much…if not the 1962 Missal.
    Unless, of course, these prayers have been HIGHLY revised (don’t bet on it)…
    I’m sorry, but the Pilgrims and the authors of the Declaration of Independence are not canonized Saints and I’m not going to continue the heresy of “Americanism” (another reason to kill me, folks!).
    I love the USA, I thank God for being a US citizen, but these texts just make me retch and gag.
    I will rather, offer votive Masses in honor of Our Lady, our Patroness, or for the welfare and peace of our country.

  57. becket1 says:

    I’ll be Woo Hoo’n when altar girls and EMHC are abolished. And priests start facing the same direction as the people. Then I’ll Woo Hoo!.

    Check this story out. From the Daytona Beach News Journal.

  58. Grabski says:

    Sorry for the ignorant query, but does this new translation affect the Hours and other liturgical celebrations?

  59. Henry Edwards says:

    does this new translation affect the Hours and other liturgical celebrations?

    In general, the opening collects in the Roman Missal are closing prayers in the Liturgy of the Hours. so this translation provides much of that piece for the revision of the Office. The biggest totally missing piece in English has heretofore been the specified hymns for each hour, for many of which there are now translations in the Mundelein Psalter, the forthcoming St. Louis Hymnal for the Hours, etc. The revised Grail translations of the Psalms will be used in both Mass and Divine Office. So, although I’ve heard nothing specific about it, it looks like all the pieces for a new translation of the Liturgy of the Hours are rapidly accumulating.

  60. Grabski says:

    Henry Thanks!

  61. TJerome says:

    becket1, that “fair and balanced” article by AP (it could be renamed Anti-Papist if they were interested in truth in advertising) had all of the usual suspects. Much of the “reform” was accomplished in the 1960s via a conspiracy between the vast-left wing media and Church “progressives” so this is hardly a shocker. They’re still working together today. What strikes you is the absolute condescension Father Reese displays for the laity. The translations will “confuse” the people in the pews. I think the only one that is confused is Father Reese because the laity will have absolutely no problem adapting. After all, it’s still the English language. On the other hand, Father Reese will probably need to check into Bellevue (if it’s still open) for intensive therapy. I know change is hard, Father Reese, when you get to be a certain age.

  62. Kaneohe says:

    Two weeks ago I was told by “someone” at the diocesan office that while the new translation is approved and the USCCB says it is to be implemented Advent 2011, that in fact it will not happen as the publishers don’t plan to have the Missal printed or available by then. I was told to cool my heels and not even think of any catechesis for the parish.

    Does anyone have any news on publication dates?

  63. becket1 says:


    Keep in mind that most Catholics will be reading articles from the secular press than they will be reading Blogs like this. So if the secular press puts the new translation in a bad light. It will be received in a bad light by most Catholics. No matter what we say. Just a thought. As what Kaneohe posted. It doesn’t surprise me one bit. Most Catholics only know about the Church from Vatican 2 forward. The church before Vatican 2 is not their church.

  64. TJerome says:

    becket1, but that’s my point. Unlike you or me, most Catholics will be lied to by atheists and anti-Catholics in the media who are in harmony with fake Catholics aka “progressive” Catholics. I plan to tell any Catholic I know not to believe anything they read in the
    “mainstream” media about the translations or anything else pertaining to Catholicism because they are the enemy. As far as I am concerned “progressive” Catholics are collaborators similar to the French who collaborated with the Nazis.

  65. janerc2004 says:


    There are some within the Archdiocese that will not welcome the new Roman Missal. It is not a good situation here and the faithful are running out of options. Please pray for the faithful of this Archdiocese and our priests.

  66. TonyLayne says:

    @ Kaneohe: Unless your source at the diocesan office is hard-wired into the publishing industry, I think it’s safe to bet that he’s engaging in wishful thinking. Publishers are subject to the rules of capitalism like any other industry; given that the new edition is likely to bring in a heavy hunk of up-front money, plus provide a steady source of income for a couple of decades, they’ll want to have it ready well before the implementation date. In fact, if I owned a printing firm, I’d do everything I could to get the contract! Heck, I’ll bet the pre-order forms will be ready by this Advent!

  67. Frank H says:

    TonyLayne – Check out the blog Gotta Sing Gotta Pray for insight from a publisher…

  68. catholicmidwest says:


    I expect that Tony’s right because the same thing happened with the CCC. The Vatican was wise enough to ensure that some publishing houses more interested in the publishing business than in liturgical warfare got contracts. And thus it was “regardless of your leanings, publish or lose your shirt.” It was a good job and an indication that the Holy See had come out of its coma.

    It’ll be interesting to see how many copies are printed and where they appear. I’m hoping that just like the CCC, copies of this will show up everywhere and that no one will be able to manipulate them to their own ends.

  69. TonyLayne says:

    @ Frank H: Thanks for the link. From what Dr. Galipeau is saying, World Library is working hard to have everything ready by 11/27/11. Go ahead and start planning the catechesis, Kaneohe!

Comments are closed.