There is a cutsie story in the WaPo about the first batch of girls being allowed to serve at the altar in the Diocese of Arlington. Some quotes:
Taylor dreams of playing pro lacrosse. "I think I can be anything I want to be if I try hard enough," she said.
Um… except be a priest.
Taylor and Conor’s mom, Lyn McGee, said it was odd to have to tell her twins that one couldn’t do something that the other one could. "For this generation of girls, there is nothing they can’t do," McGee said. "This is probably the only thing in [Taylor’s] life she couldn’t do because she’s a girl."
You mean except be a priest, right?
"The girls, they were all like, ‘Yes! Yeah! Hurray!’ They were really excited," Conor said. And the boys? They’re cool with it, said Taylor. "They’re just like, ‘whatever.’ "
And so, one day, little Taylor and her, like… you know.. peeps… like might just say like "I, like, wanna like be a priest too!"
And the Cardinal Prefect of the CDF will just respond, "Like, whatever…".
Has anyone told these girls yet that they cannot be priests? Like, ever?