Daily Rome Shot 1028

Today is the Feast of St. Giovanni Battista de Rossi, who was at Ss. Trinità dei Pellegrini in Rome (my adoptive parish). He was entombed beneath the altar of one of the side chapels for a long time, until a church was built on the periphery of Rome. His body was translated. However, the side chapel and tomb are still sacred and relics, by the fact that the saints body was there.

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White to move and mate in 2.  There’s more than one way to skin the black king.

NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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One Comment

  1. A.S. Haley says:

    Black’s King has just two legal squares, but his pawn can also move. The key is to limit Black’s choices with the first move:
    1. b2b4!
    Now only the King can move. If he chooses . . . Kc4, 2. Be2+ is mate.
    And if he chooses . . . Ke3, White mates with 2. Rb3+.

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