Daily Rome Shot 1102

Which drink is mine?

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Have you ever had an Aperol Spritz? Once, it was The Thing. Then it fell into obscurity. It’s back with modern marketing vengeance now. Thus, I saw a story that in Urbino (Italy) a Franciscan at the university parish advertised a free Aperol Spritz for mass goers via a poster showing a Host and chalice alongside the popular aperitivo. The bishop got involved and apologies were forthcoming.

Do these guys think at all before doing this stuff?

Speaking of aperitivi, I read a story about a Roman burglar who got caught because, during his nocturnal burglaring, he stopped for a while to read a book on the owner’s nightstand. The book was Gli Dei alle sei. L’Iliade all’ora dell’aperitivo… Gods at six. The Iliad at aperitif-time.

A spritz, by the way, is a concoction of prosecco, soda water and some kind of bitters such as Aperol, Campari, Cynar or Select.  These drinks came about in the 1800s in the Veneto region under the rule of the Habsburgs.  The Austrians stationed there were unused to the stronger wines so they asked for some soda water to be added, squirted in (spritzen).    Aperol was developed in 1919 in Padua and Select in Venice in 1920.  Their union with prosecco came about in the 1970s.  They can be refreshing on a warm day.

Nice people! Great service!

White to move and mate in 2. Good luck!

NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

In St. Louis at the Sinquefield Cup Nepo and Fabi took full points against their opponents. Nepo is now tied with “Puer”. Wesley and official World Champ Ding Liren drew.

I am thinking about driving to a nearby town for tournament tomorrow.  Should I stay or should I go?  It would mean making some decisions about openings as well as rearranging my day routine.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Not says:

    I have never got one of these correct. The one on the left.

  2. Is that your final answer?

  3. CSSML says:

    White queen to C5 then to C6 after black king and his neighboring pawn try to flee

    Sorry don’t know the shorthand

  4. Not says:

    Yes, Father Z. that is my final answer.

  5. A.S. Haley says:

    Black’s King cannot move to any adjacent square at present, so the trick is to maintain that lock on him: force him to move a blocking pawn. Thus —
    1. Qf3
    Black’s King still cannot move, and White’s threat is 2. Qe4 mate. So Black must play
    1. . . . f6f5, whereupon
    2. Qc6# is mate.

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