A priest wrote to asking for a good source of good… well… here’s his mail.
I am in the market for a nice alb and surplice that has plenty of manly lace (such we have seen adorning the Papal Master of Ceremonies as of late). Do you know of any good, quality, and economic business that would sell such items? Places with websites (especially if they are not [?] stateside) would be helpful.
I think Father must have meant especially if they are in the United States…. since he was writing from the USA.
Let’s put our heads together to help this priest. Other’s will benefit as well.
On a personal note: I am grateful to a long time reader of this blog and my columns, H, and his wife, A, for providing me with a very nice linen alb. I had brought back from Rome an old surplice with some nice lace, but the surpice was unusable. A took the lace off and then applied it to the alb. You can see me wear this alb with some frequency at the chapel of the Sabine Farm, and it is visible on the Z-Cam when I go live.
So, that is another way to go. If you have old albs or surplices, you might consider salvaging the lace.
Finally, if you are thinking about getting an alb or surplice for a priest, you might want to consult him first.
The Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles from Kansas City, Missouri:
Granda Liturgical Arts in Chicago can supply albs with lace made by Los Rosales in Madrid. http://www.usagranda.com 800-425-0828
http://www.luzarvestments.co.uk They are in England but have really nice stuff!
Does anyone know the rubrics for the amount of lace that one can use depending on his ecclesial standing? Some priests have told me that I (an uninstitued acolyte) should not use any lace on my surplice while serving Mass, as it is a sign of higher standing in the Church (i.e., Monsignors and above). However, the traditional societies and some other priests, deacons, and lay MCs tend to wear lace frequently. Any ideas?
St. Joseph’s Priory: Norbertine Nuns (a contemplative, cloistered convent in Tehachapi, CA). Mother Mary Augustine is an expert seamstress and makes beautiful vestments as the priest wishes. Her work is top quality.
The email address is: Norbertine Sisters – prayer requests
The Norbertine Website didn’t copy. Here it is again: pray_req@cybersurfers.net
In case it doesn’t go through again, I’ll type it out here:
You could try:
They have wonderful vestments and altar furnishings.
God bless you.
“You could try:
They have wonderful vestments and altar furnishings.
God bless you.
Comment by danphunter1″
They are beautiful indeed, but they are way out of my ballpark.
Dear Doug Gates: There are no rubrics governing the use or non-use
of lace, although the best authorities discourage its being used
with violet or black vestments (a “rule” that was generally ignored
in Rome in the “old days,” however). O’Connell remarks that “by
Roman custom” lace can be understood as a sign of ecclesiastical rank
and so simple priests and lesser clerics should wear lace minimally “or,
better still, not at all.” However, he does not cite any source and
photos from the Vatican “in diebus illis” show richly adorned surplices
being worn by all and sundry. In summary, let your own discretion *and
good taste* be your guide.
I suspect he meant if they were not in the US, where he is, it would be easier to communicate with them if they had a WEB presence, rather than necessitating costly trans-Atlantic phone calls, air mail, etc.
(Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
We sell albs and surplices at Catholic Church Supply.
The Trappist will make whatever you want according to your directions. They are located in Spencer, MA and call this division of their work: The Holy Rood Guild http://holyroodguild.com/
Do vestment companies, equipment companies, etc. provide gift certificates? I mean, I would think it would be better to let the priest pick out his own stuff and provide his own measurements, but a gift certificate would be more giftish than a check.
Also, if it turned out he didn’t like the company’s offerings, he could then pass the gift certificate along to some other priest who did. No waste!
“Do vestment companies, equipment companies, etc. provide gift certificates? I mean, I would think it would be better to let the priest pick out his own stuff and provide his own measurements, but a gift certificate would be more giftish than a check.
For sure you can do that with the Norbertine Sisters. I have done something similar myself with them.
I want to make alb(s)for some needy priests. My question: Does the fabric have to be pure linen? Recently, I was given an alb which appears to be a cotton/poly blend. I want to trim it and add some
hand-made lace, and give it to a priest I have in mind. But I hesitate to put very expensive lace on cheap fabric. Would it be better to make one from pure linen? I\’m pretty good with a sewing machine.
Perhaps you will reconsider your recommendation after viewing this: