In downtown Detroit check out Henry the Hatter on Broadway. Great hat store!
Gents need hats.
And you might have an adventure!
We did!
I came with another priest.
We met all sorts of really interesting people too!
But we made it out alive.
At first, in the shop, they thought we might be rabbis. I assured them we were not.
And then there was the episode with the tire jack! (No… not our tire…).
Detroit is a lot of fun, I can tell you.
I’ve made a few hats in the past at a friend’s hatter shop. It’s a great trade. I’ve never had the chance to go back and make a fedora though. I had a collection of cowboy hats…
The one on the lower left makes me wonder, “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?”
OK now I’m a bit confused…
I know of HARRY the HATTER but now you have HENRY the HATTER.
I have a vintage fedora at home with HARRY the HATTER stamped in the sweatband.
Are they the same or different?
What fun! I didn’t know real live hat stores still existed!
One of the tales about how we Capuchins (for whom the beard was required by our 1536 Constitutions as “manly, austere, an imitation of Christ and the apostles, and despised”)here in the New World received permission to go about beardless, was that when the friars were in the streets of New York in clerical clothing their beards obscured their collar tabs, and they were presumed to be rabbis.
pseudo: I know of HARRY the HATTER but now you have HENRY the HATTER.
Well… we hadn’t been formally introduced.
Seriously, it was Henry the Hatter in downtown Detroit on Broadway. And they have a shop, I am told, in Southfield as well.
It sounds as though your visit added dimension to the old term ‘mad as a hatter’.
Traditional men wear hats.
I found a great hat shop in Phoenix. They had some Stetson fedoras that were 1920’s style, and I bought two. The company was cleaning out an old warehouse in MO and came across the old molds and decided to make a run of them. I’ve never found a fedora I like better, before or since. (Heritage Hats on Cave Creek road.)
@Melody Alas, but The Shadow probably lacks facilities to hear confessions.
TomB: fun!
It is doesn’t have to be “traditional” men.
Just “men”.
We are all waiting with baited breath to hear more about the tire jack…
Nice chapeaus; what style did you choose? I prefer the traditional Homburg on a cleric.
My teenage children assure me that I look silly in a hat. Of course, they also assure me that I look silly without a hat.
In Christ,
The Shadow does know what’s in the hearts of men, but as a layman, he just causes men to feel sudden intense contrition. :)
Crime does not pay! The Shadow knows….
Fr. Z,
What styles of hats are appropriate for priests when out and about [in cassock, habit or clerics, of course]?
Hm… Off-topic, but given the interest,
I got a look at Father’s new hat today at the conference. Very sharp!