I made an adjustment to the blog to help it load faster by killing the flash version of the flicker badge which showed some of my photos (on the left side bar). Instead a put up an html version that shows only one photo thumbnail at random. I looked at the stats for the flicker and, frankly, not enough people used that feature to make it worth the extra drag on the page.
I hope this helps a little.
Good call killing that flickr flash, Padre.
Thanks for that. I must admit I’d adblocked the badge after the animated stuff going on in the corner of my eye became too distracting. The single random photo is much better!
Maybe something like that is slowing down the motu proprio and the post-synodal exhortation?
Definitely a good call. It was hanging my system if I left your blog up too long.
Okay… so even aside from the stats, the flicker gets a NO vote….