Today is the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist. I consider this (also) my name day, and in a way it is even more appropriate than the Nativity of John in June!
Here is the Roman Martyrology entry for " the greatest man born of woman", as the Lord called him:
Memoria passionis sancti Ioannis Baptistae, quem Herodes Antipas rex in arce Macherontis in carcere tenuit et in anniversario suo, filia Herodiadis rogante, decollari praecepit; ideo, Praecursor Domini, sicut lucerna ardens et lucens, tam in morte quam in vita testimonium perhibuit veritati. … The memorial of the suffering and death of St. John the Baptist, whom King Herod Antipas held in the prison in the citadel of Macheron and, on his birthday, since the daughter of Herodias was making the request, ordered to be beheaded; thus, the Precursor of the Lord, like a bright shining lantern, gave witness to the truth in death as much as he did in life.
St. Augustine spoke often of St. John the Baptist, "the voice" of Christ’s "Word".
Here is a piece of s. 380, preached in a year we can’t quite figure out. As a matter of fact, it might not be an actual sermon, but something assembled from other pieces. Still, it is Augustinian:
8. So let us recognize these two things in the very differences of [Christ’s and John’s] deaths. We read that John suffered martyrdom for the truth; was it for Christ? It wasn’t for Christ if Christ isn’t Truth. It certainly wasn’t for His Name, and yet it was for Truth itself. I mean the reason John was beheaded, after all, was not that he had confessed Christ. But he was urging self-control, he was urging justice; he was saying, "It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife" (Mk 6:18). The law, you see, which had commanded this, had also commanded about those who died without children, that brothers should take the wives of their brothers, and raise up seed for their brothers. Where this reason was lacking, the only motive was lust. It was this lust that John was rebuking, a chaste man rebuking an incestuous one; because this too is what he represented: "It is necessary for him to grow, but for me to diminish" (Jn 3:30).
The commandment had alredy been given that if anyone died without seed, his closet relation should take his wife and raise up seed for his brother. After all, why had God commanded this if not to signify in this way that the brother’s seed was to be raised up to the brother’s name? The commandment, you see, was that the child to be born would have the name of the deceased. Christ was deceased, the apostles took His spouse, the Church. Those whom they begot of her they did not name Paulians or Petrians, but Christians.
So let both their deaths also speak of these two things: "It is necessary for him to grow, but for me to diminish." The one grew on the Cross, the other was diminished by the sword. Their deaths have spoken of this mystery, let the days do so too. Christ is born, and the days start increasing; John is born, and the days start diminishing. So let man’s honor diminish, God’s honor increase, so that the honor of man may be found in the honor of God.
Augustine makes the connection between the change of seasons and the births of John the Precursor and Christ the Messiah. Very nice.
It is something to reflect on when on the deck of The Sabine Farm.
The days are getting shorter.
St. John the Baptist, ora pro nobis!
Happy name day to you and many years! As you are likely aware this is also a major “feast” day in the Orthodox Church although it is in fact observed as a strict fasting day. Many Orthodox observe various pious customs on this day such as avoiding the use of cutlery or plates for whatever food they do eat.
Happy name day to you and many years! As you are likely aware this is also a major “feast” day in the Orthodox Church although it is in fact observed as a strict fasting day. Many Orthodox observe various pious customs on this day such as avoiding the use of cutlery or plates for whatever food they do eat.
Happy name day to you and many years! As you are likely aware this is also a major “feast” day in the Orthodox Church although it is in fact observed as a strict fasting day. Many Orthodox observe various pious customs on this day such as avoiding the use of cutlery or plates for whatever food they do eat.
“…et in anniversario suo… decollari praecepit”
“Decollared” indeed!
I have a small icon of St. John the Baptist looking up to his Lord Jesus in the heavens. John has a basket at his feet containing his own head (!). Behind him is a tree with an axe propped against it.
May the Spirit that moved John to speak the truth to a hard-hearted world also move us – both to speak and to hear.