In the midst of the NYC hoopla, did you notice this item on VIS?
Il Santo Padre Benedetto XVI ha accettato la rinuncia al governo pastorale della diocesi di Hong Kong (Cina), presentata dall’ Cardinale Joseph Zen Ze-kiun, S.D.B., in conformità al canone 401 § 1 del Codice di Diritto Canonico.
Gli succede S.E. Mons. John Tong Hon, Coadiutore della medesima diocesi
The great Card. Zen, is now Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong.
Many thanks to Card. Zen for his service.
WDTPRS hopes he will be able to continue to contribute effectively to discussions about the Church in China.
He will be sorely missed. May he continue to work faithfully in the vineyard of the Lord during his retirement!
In my book, he’s a hero. Few men have the spine of this brave leader – religious or not.
Cardinal Zen is definitely a great leader in the Church in Hong Kong, we really need more priests (and lay faithful too) like him here.
A wdtprs reader from Hong Kong