Fr. Z’s Voice Mail: Forty Hours Feedback and a Candle-Mass in CA

z-voice-mailI very much appreciate reader feedback by email and it is great to get voicemail.

Here are a couple voice mails.  First, please know that I had a deuce of a time getting the audio off the computer and on to the blog.  Since Skype updated something or other (when aren’t they?) the application I use to get the voicemail shows an audio file, but it doesn’t have sound.  Grrrr.   So, I went through a few gyrations to do this.

Any way, here is a reaction from a young man who came to Masses for Forty Hours Devotion when I was in Colorado recently.

So… double feedback!  Sermon and blog.  Thanks.

Also, alas my tech problems prevented me from posting this earlier.

Kudos for their Mass!   Brick by brick in California.

Please leave me voice mail. I don’t call back, but I listen to it. You have three options:


 020 8133 4535


TIPS for leaving voice mail.

  1. Don’t shout!  If you shout, your voice will be distorted and I won’t be able to understand you.
  2. Come to your point right away.
  3. Let me know at the onset if I can use it on the blog.  I may be able to anonymize it a little by editing if need be.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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