This is from a reader… great story about the Internet Prayer (always linked on the top menu)!
I am a vice principal and theology teacher at a Catholic K-12 school in Texas. Last week I printed your post about St. Isidore and the very appropriate prayer you composed regarding one’s use of the internet. I always begin my 8th grade class with a story of the day’s saint. Unfortunately I had come across your post the day after St. Isidore’s feast, whom I had already discussed with the kids. I printed the post and read it in class. “Boys and Girls, allow me to read the prayer Fr. Z. composed. Almighty and Eternal God,” I said before I was immediately cut off by the sound of 18 teenage voices in unison… “Who created us in Thine image…” Turns out their computer teacher had already taught it to them! Imagine my surprise. “Did she tell you who wrote it?” I asked. “No,” they replied. You’ll be happy to know that now the students not only know the prayer but proper attribution has been assigned. Thanks again for your informative and entertaining posts.
Fun story!
It’s nice to get some good feedback like that once in a while.
That school is doing something right – sounds like a tightly run ship.
Great story, well done to faculty and students.
Dear Fr. Z.,
I am in talks with the Klingon Language Institute for an updated version on my Klingon translation. I should have something, soon. I will post my correspondence with them when I am not posting from a phone.
The Chicken
Oh, here is a link to their website:
The Chicken