The Feeder Feed: Eucharistic Dove Edition

I am at the Met with a priest friend, the great Fr. Pasley.

We have admired the Eucharistic doves.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. They are used as a sort of hanging pyx, in place of the more-familiar tabernacle, especially in some Eastern churches, where their origins date to the early centuries of the Church. Were they adopted in the Roman church, they might discourage the practice of mostly relying upon the reserved Sacrament (which has long been officially tolerated, albeit discouraged), rather than that which is consecrated at that particular Mass.

  2. tealady24 says:

    A beautiful day in NYC to be out and about! I have not been there in too, too long! Something to think about. The doves are very beautiful. I love all things medieval. I don’t know why, but when I look at the cathedrals in Europe, I am astounded at what so-called primitive peoples were capable of! And I loved that every other day was a holy day/feast day!

  3. Susan the Short says:

    St. Emma’s Benedictine Monastery ( in Greensburg, PA has such a dove as the tabernacle in their Fatima chapel….much larger, and no legs (that I can recall)

  4. Fr. Basil says:

    I have seen one church with a silver spherical hanging pyx.

    The trouble is, these days they are not very secure, are they?

    More and more I think an aumbry is the best way.

  5. FXR2 says:

    Enjoy your well deserved rest Fathers!

  6. How cool. Beautiful painting and craftsmanship.

  7. irishgirl says:

    That is so cool! Was the Blessed Sacrament placed in it? If so, how?

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