Prayer before connecting to the internet – 2 new languages!

My page with all the translations is HERE. You can always find it by going to the list of Pages at the bottom of this blog.

I often forget to pray before using the internet. I often fail in charity when using it. This tool of social communication and research and entertainment has amazing upsides and spiritually deadly perils. We all should be very careful in how we use it – and through – use each other, “use” in the finer sense of “treat”.

A little while ago I got a version in Klingon. Fun.

WARNING: This may not show up correctly if you don’t have the right fonts. Someone posted a comment on this, below.

So, here is the newest version in ….


Modlitba před připojením k internetu

Všemohoucí věčný Bože, který jsi nás stvořil k obrazu svému
a přikázal jsi nám hledat vše dobré, pravdivé a krásné,
obzvláště pak v božské osobě Tvého jednorozeného Syna, našeho
Pána Ježíše Krista, daruj nám, prosíme tě, abychom na
přímluvu Sv. Isidora, biskupa a doktora, během naší poutě
internetem směrovali své ruce a oči pouze k tomu, co je Ti milé a
abychom projevovali lásku a trpělivost ke všem duším, které
potkáme. Skrze Krista našeho Pána. Amen.

and in


Gweddi cyn cysylltu â’r Wê

Hollalluog a thragwyddol Dduw, a’n creodd ar dy wedd a’n hannog i chwilio’r hyn sy’n dda, gwir a hardd, yn anad dim ym mherson duwiol dy Unig-anedig Fab, ein Harglwydd Iesu Grist, dyro, yr erfyniwn arnat, drwy eiriolaeth y Sant Isidor, Esgob a Doethur, ar ein teithiau drwy’r Wê, inni arwain ein dwylo a’n llygaid i’r hyn yn unig sydd yn ddymunol i Ti, a thrin gydag amynedd a chariad bawb yr ydym yn cwrdd â hwy. Trwy Grist ein Harglwydd. Amen.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. VexillaRegis says:

    Thanks, Fr. Z! Would you be so kind as to remove the first version in Swedish, please. There are at least three errors in it, as far as I can see :-)

    Vexilla the Viking

    [How should it read?]

  2. HyacinthClare says:

    Looking at these languages is fascinating. I’m sure some of your readers know: what is the sound of the “dd” in Welsh? It seems to be frequently occurring.

  3. ghp95134 says:

    VexillaRegis sez: <b…Would you be so kind as to remove the first version in Swedish, please. There are at least three errors in it, as far as I can see :-)

    Why not just send the corrections to Fr. Z so he can make the corrections?


  4. StWinefride says:

    HyacinthClare: “dd” in Welsh is pronounced “th” as in “the”.

  5. VexillaRegis says:

    Here you are, this version is the correct one:

    Bön vid uppkoppling till internet:

    Allsmäktige evige Gud, Du som har skapat oss till Din avbild, och uppmanat oss att söka allt gott, sant och vackert, i synnerhet i Din enfödde Sons, vår Herres Jesu Kristi, gudomliga person, vi ber att Du genom den helige biskopen och kyrkoläraren Isidors förbön ville utverka att vi i våra färder på internet inriktar händer och ögon mot det som Du finner välbehagligt, och att vi behandlar alla som vi möter med kärlek och tålamod. Genom Kristus vår Herre. Amen.

    Just delete everything before the word “OR”, including the sound file!

  6. Andrew says:

    Interesting that the czechs and the swedes have a word for “internet”. I guess they had internet over there for centuries.

  7. pelerin says:

    I am pleased to see Welsh finally. I wondered why it had not appeared as surely there must be Welsh speakers reading Fr Z’s blog. Although my mother spoke it she did not teach me the language. However I do remember her telling me that it was almost impossible for a foreigner to learn as the beginnings of words declined (unlike Latin) making looking up a word in the dictionary rather difficult!

  8. Venerator Sti Lot says:

    pelerin (and anyone else),

    Don’t be discouraged in advance from giving it a try! I worked my way happily through both the old Teach Yourself Welsh and the old Teach Yourself Living Welsh books, and both helped clearly see how to work with those mysterious changes at the beginning of words (as, in the prayer, when, ‘Son’, ‘Mab’, becomes ‘Fab’). If you can find one or another book for learning Welsh in a library or bookshop, take time to look it over and see if you think it’s a good one for you to try.

  9. The Cobbler says:

    If the dictionary-makers can’t figure out a more sensible way to order the words in a language that inflects the start, that’s their fault, not the language’s. I mean, really, at your most basic, braindead obvious you’ve got “alphabetize from the back instead of the front”. Then there’s “group by declension/conjugation and then use a certain case for all the dictionary entries”, if you want to be all classical. And I’m absolutely certain somebody could come up with alternatives to those two that would overcome whatever shortcomings they have.

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