I received this nice e-mail from a reade about a Mass celebrated in the Philippines.
I have the great joy of informing you that His Excellency, Archbishop Angel Lagdameo D.D., Archbishop of Jaro and currently President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), celebrated a Missa Cantata according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite last September 11, 2007, 7:00 PM (Manila time) at the Carmelite Monastery Church in Lipa City, Province of Batangas (located south of Manila).
Due to various contingencies, emergencies and events, the Archbishop was not assisted by any clergy, and had only two lay servers who had to substitute at the very last minute. The Mass itself has been agreed upon only last week, and the schedule was finalized only the day before the Mass itself was about to be celebrated. One has to keep in mind that, uhm, the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite in the Philippines continues to face "Extraordinary" obstacles indeed! However, there was no question of cancelling the Mass, once the Archbishop had given his consent last week to celebrate it. This would be a moment of triumph for the Philippines’ tiny and long-suffering Traditionalist community, practically on the eve of Summorum Pontificum.
The cantor (who was supposed to chant the Propers) was not able to come; however, some ten ladies formed an impromptu schola and very capably sang the Ordinary of the Mass. It was truly a "Mass at the frontlines!"
The Archbishop was ordained a priest in December 1964, and had celebrated according to the 1962 Missal in his first five months as a priest. After that, he adopted the vernacular liturgy along with almost everyone else. However, he retained his knowledge and understanding of Latin and, as Archbishop of Jaro from 2000 to the present he has been one of the few Filipino bishops who have shown sympathy and understanding for the aspirations of the faithful who love the Traditional Roman Rite. As bishop, he has celebrated the TLM twice before: once each in the years 2000 and 2001.The current Mass is his first TLM as President of the CBCP.