How have we gotten to the point we are at with so many of our societal problems… so quickly?
The changes seem coordinated, truly evil, and unstoppable.
A while back I recommended a book by David Kupelian called The Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised As Freedom.
This is a helpful book, and i have mentioned it before. Even though it only has a couple chapters on the media, which is my focus these days. Kupelian’s book explains a lot.
US Kindle HERE.
UK book HERE.
It references these USA, but it is surely useful for a UK reader as well.
A friend sent me a link to a blog that has a panicky diatribe against the book. HERE
Here is a sample:
Churches ‘on fire’ over “Marketing of Evil”
Posted on July 28, 2012 by Jean
What a surprise awaited me on this one! I thought somebody’s figured out how churches have been duped into buying into anti-gay and no-abortion ideas, all used to divide humanity and create hatred![…]
The post goes on to lament that the book is being bought by the cart loads by protestants and organizations are using it as a tool for their ministry.
The book is not written from a Catholic perspective, but it remains useful. I recommend it again. This could be a good book for a young people’s (not children’s) study group, for example.
If you get it, please use my link, above.
That website’s commenters are a hoot! God as ET? How did people so radically lose their hold on reality?
Not only the commenters, frahobbit! Click on the about me tab! I bet she is high on the list of speakers for the LCWR
I did read the book on Fr.Z’s recommendation (from the library). It explained a lot that I have seen since being a teenager during the 60’s.
Kupelian’s book is indeed not from a Catholic perspective, but it is good and I second the recommendation.
That website is indeed surreal. It uses the same WordPress theme as this one…
I’d opened it in a new tab and didn’t get around to reading it until morning. I forgot where I was. I thought I’d lost my mind or inadvertently died and been rushed off to the other place without judgement.
Until I saw the pingback to this website.