ACTION ITEM! Newly widowed mother of EIGHT! Please help.

action-item-buttonI received this note today.

I am writing to you this morning to request your help. Mike and Nikki Rogan of Wausau, WI were on their way to the hospital early yesterday morning with their seven children in anticipation of welcoming the eighth child into their beautiful family. [Did you get that?  On the way to the hospital because she was having a baby!]

On the way, their car was struck by a deer, and Mike was killed. Their children are recovering and baby Blaize was born later the same day. Please help us reach out and support this family in their time of profound loss. Prayers are also much appreciated.

Support the family by making a donation


View the news report HERE

Okay folks. When I have put ACTION ITEMS on line, you have always stepped up. Step up again. Let’s have several thousand of you, no, every one of you, chip in. This is important.

Prayers for them as well, right after you donate.  I went through the process.  It’s easy and take very little time.

Just do it.  Don’t waffle.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Midwest St. Michael says:

    Did so yesterday, Father Z.

    A terrible tragedy. Prayers and donation sent.


  2. Frank H says:

    Donation and prayer sent. What a heartbreaker!

  3. SanSan says:

    done. Such a tragedy!

  4. That Guy says:

    Thanks for the visibility on this worthy cause, Father!

  5. The Astronomer says:

    Donation and prayer sent. God bless, Fr. Z.

  6. SanAntonioQueen says:

    Donation and prayers sent. Will request the Divine Liturgy be celebrated for the family. Thanks for sharing the information.

  7. seashoreknits says:

    Prayers and donation sent.
    Thank you, Fr. Z

  8. wanda says:


  9. Susan G says:

    Such a sad story. It’s good to see that so many people are helping them out.

  10. Thank you for your strong encouragement. Stouthearted support makes things easier for others to support.

  11. Mike_in_Kenner says:

    Donation sent. Prayers offered.
    Fr. Z, I notice that this kind of thing is a good example of real ecclesial ministry through modern communication technology. Your blog is a tool to mobilize large numbers of people to participate in spiritual and corporal works of mercy in a case like this. I have the impression that some people have doubted or questioned the idea that a priest is doing real priestly work by running a blog. [Silly people.] I have no doubts about it, and a case like this one really proves it. This is taking care of widows and orphans. I think I read about that in the Bible somewhere. Thank you, Fr. Z, for doing the work you do on this blog, and for mobilizing and leading your “troops” to do good works. Thanks for the opportunity to join in and help. May God bless you for your work.

  12. Sam Schmitt says:

    Is there any possibility that we could donate to this family without having the website take its percentage? According to the GoFundMe website, they take 7.9% + 0.30 per donation. So if the family raises $250K, nearly $20,000 will be taken out. I don’t mean to discourage anyone from giving, just asking if there’s another way to help.

  13. Papabile says:

    If you want to avoid the fee, I would send a check to the family:

    c/o Canon Aaron Huberfeld, Rector
    St. Mary’s Oratory
    408 Seymour Street
    Wausau, Wisconsin 54403

    That’s the family’s Parish — which incidentally is run by the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.

    I am sure they would bring anything sent to them to the family.

  14. Allan S. says:

    Donated, prayed. Wow – unimaginable grief.

  15. Pingback: I Contributed | The American Catholic

  16. Elizabeth D says:

    Small little donation and big prayers. I have a friend with 8 kids.

  17. BillG says:

    Done. Thanks for the heads up, Father.

  18. Fatherof7 says:

    Done. Although I didn’t know these good people, it hits close to home. I live in Wisconsin, and my wife’s csection for #8 is next week.

  19. Diane says:

    donated and praying for this family! Thanks Father!

  20. O Felix Culpa says:

    Canon Huberfeld mentioned yesterday before his sermon, that St. Mary’s Oratory is accepting donations on behalf of the Rogan family for those who don’t want to donate online, or don’t have access to a computer. See address above.

    Thanks Father!

  21. Sonshine135 says:

    For the guys out there, I hear so many times, “I don’t want to be a Knight of Columbus. I don’t have time.” Joining the Knights isn’t just about you helping others. In a situation like the one above, the Knights do something for you. Situatuions like the one above are the reason the Knights were formed by Venerable Fr. McGivney back in 1882. My heart goes out to this family. It is truly sad.

  22. jaykay says:

    Done, and prayers offered. Thanks for this, Father.

  23. Jean Marie says:

    How terribly sad! I made my donation this morning and will add this family to my permanent prayer list.

  24. Gregg the Obscure says:

    Thank you Fr. Z for pointing out this opportunity to participate in both corporal and spiritual works of mercy.

  25. HeatherPA says:

    Prayers and donations sent.

    As a stay at home mother of seven with a newborn, this hits me hard and also made me recheck our life insurance coverages. My husband has purchased a lot of life insurance to see us through until the kids are out of high school. It is something no one wants to think about, but is crucial with large families.

  26. FrMJPB says:

    Donation first followed by prayer–done and done.

  27. zag4christ says:

    Fr. Z,
    Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
    Peace and God bless to Mrs. Rogan and her family, may Mike Rogan rest in peace.

  28. george says:

    Donation sent, prayers going also. Thanks for posting about this, Father!

  29. Per Signum Crucis says:

    I am… humbled by the stoicism shown by the family in the photo (which I assume is up to date) given the immediacy of their loss. Clearly the financial and other intercessions being made on their behalf are having a powerful effect. May the Lord bless them and keep them close to His side.

  30. Jim in Seattle says:

    Thank you for posting this, Father. When I read it I was so touched and my heart went out to the family, and was also impressed by their strong faith. Because it occurred in an area I knew well (both of my parents grew up by Stratford and Wausau), after making a donation as I was able, I sent the article to some of my relatives to see if they knew any of the family or people mentioned in the articles. From my cousin I learned that it turns out that Mrs Rogan is the daughter of the daughter of my father’s sister! I will keep them in my prayers.

    As you always quite rightly remind your readership, go to confession – you don’t know when your time will be up.

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