A priest friend, Fr. Cusick, sent me a note saying that he started a blog … well… here are his words:
Hi Fr Z!
May I ask a small favor? I have launched a new blog to hi-lite and promote the 62 breviary.Could you alert your readers to the survey I am taking on the blog on priests who pray it?
Site is: http://Breviarium-Romanum.blogspot.com.
a good blog it is! I hope he keeps it going.
I particularly feel that pertinent blog posts could help those praying the Breviary like me without translation or strong Latin.
Interestingly enough, the local Lutheran parish prays compline out of it during Holy Week.
I’m not praying the 62 Breviary but I am praying daily the “Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary”, 1961 Editio Typica from Baronius Press. These are wonderful prayers in honor of Our Lady.
Wikipedia has pretty good collection of pre-Vatican II Roman Breviaries, and even some pre-Tridentine ones too for your devotion.
Baronius Press are in the process of preparing the Breviary for re-publishing. From their website:
“English-Latin Breviary
The Breviary project is now in the typesetting stage and will soon be ready for proofreading! In order to assist daily prayer life, we have decided to add some beautiful images similar to those adorning older Breviaries.
After the typesetting has been finished, the next major tasks will be the rigorous proofreading process. As we have been getting many offer of help with the proofreading, we hope that this task can be completed this year, although given our very limited resources (and hence staff) please join us in praying for its completion.”
Gratias tibi, Pater!
Grazie a te, Padre!
Dare we tell him, though, that he spelled “Breviarium” wrong in his blog title, blog address, and e-mail to you (though you did not notice this or ignored it as your title to this post has it spelled correctly)?
I have turned to the “Monastic Diurnal” of St Michaels Abbey press. Great Latin/English translation of the Benedictan Office (less Matins).
FOr thoese who want the Roman Breviary in English…. check this out… http://www.anglicanbreviary.net/index.html
I purchased a copy because the Monastic Diurnale does not have Matins. I am impressed with it.
It’s not BCP garbage…
Angelus Press publishes a 1962 Roman Diurnal. You have to call their customer service and order it. It is not available on their Web site.
it’s only in latin…. I need Latin english
There is a nice online breviary at Divinum Officium in three versions (Pius V, Pius X and John XXIII) and three languages (Latin, English and Magyar).
This seems to be a labor of love by a single (presumably Hungarian) programmer, and carries this disclaimer:
If you are a Perl programmer interested in the breviary, you might consider giving him a hand.
How different is this Breviary from the one at http://www.breviary.net/ ?
Louis, the one I mentioned is not nearly as pretty, but it also lacks snide remarks such as
Its main advantage is that it tries to include all the proper psalms, prayers and readings for every hour. Bear in mind that this is in three languages and with three slightly different Kalendars and rubrics. This explains his wish for a team to continue the project.
Yes, the breviary has certainly had a lot of changes over the past 100 years. Just think 100 years ago for today there would have been eighteen psalms at mattins, nine lessons, eight psalms at lauds commemoration of St. Anacletus and the Suffrages of BVM, St. Joseph, SS. Peter & Paul, the Patron and for Peace. Prime would have the Athanasian Creed and Dominical preces; Vespers of tomorrows feast would have been sung and four psalms at Compline.
In the 1962 breviary only six psalms split with Ps. 9 being split into four to give nine, only three lessons,no suffrages, no Athanasian Creed and no preces etc – quite an impoverishment really. One must applaud Dr. Hemming for his perception in realising that the reforms of 1911-13 were highly damaging to the traditional Roman Office.