Today I have an interview with newly ordained Fr. Justin Nolan of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, the FSSP.
We talk about Summorum Pontificum, the Motu Proprio of Pope Benedict XVI which derestricted the use of the 1962 Missale Romanum. Father has some excellent insights about what Pope Benedict was aiming at with this Motu Proprio.
I then drill into a couple of his remarks, especially as they related to the sense of the sacred, what the priest’s consecrated hands are all about, and the ramifications the recovery of these ideas may have for our choice about how to distribute Holy Communion.
To get the drilling started, I read some of the pre-Conciliar Rite of Baptism, which includes the exorcism and blessing of salt and the exorcism of the infant, in this case a fictional "Sempronius".
We also has some voice mail feedback about the WDTPRS store, which has some "Say the Black do the Red" items.
UPDATE: I believe that the iTunes feed is working again… mysteriously. I see that I have had a few hundred downloads from the feed. That must be from iTunes.
Let me tell you, that Justin Nolan is one smart cat! When I did my TLM training in Nebraska I was extremely impressed by his voluminous knowledge of the Sacred Liturgy.
Fr. Justin Nolan, FSSP, is absolutely right.
Only the priests hands are consecrated. Only the priest should touch holy things.
Many lay people, especially Extraordinary Ministers, have told me that people are entitled to receive Holy Communion in the hand, that it is their right.
But I am not talking about peoples’ rights. I am talking about reverence for the Blessed Sacrament.
And the plain fact of the matter is that reverence for the Blessed Sacrament is lessened and even lost altogether when lay people are allowed to handle it.
Only the priest should handle the Blessed Sacrament.
PeterbH Wright: Many lay people, especially Extraordinary Ministers, have told me that people are entitled to receive Holy Communion in the hand, that it is their right.
Holy Church also says that people have the right, when the bishops of their region have allowed the indult for Communion in the hand to be applied.
We must teach and persuade people away from this practice, waiting for the day when the whole thing will be rescinded.
I believe the iTunes feed started working again on the 3rd, when the St Peter & Paul sermons were posted, but this is the first podcaZt since the move.
Great interview. I had the pleasure to meet Fr. Nolan when he was Deacon Nolan and spoke to a group in Bakersfield, Ca. Oh how we need good priests liek him in the Fresno diocese
i learned so much from this one especially. Fr. Nolan is very impressive.
That was a truly outstanding Podcazt. Lord, send us more priests like Fr. Nolan.
Thank you for this Podcazt! It was really good, especially the discussion about consecrated and exorcised things.
Thank you for the very excellent podcast on the consecrated hands of the priest and the handling of the Blessed Sacrament.
Unfortunately it comes on the very day that our new parish priest has added two additional EMHC to the group we already have for every mass, and has requested more enthusiam and “active participation” by the laity in our masses in line with VII.
Still not on iTunes. In fact WDTPRS has no files at the iTunes store.
I understand the reasoning behind only a priest handling the Blessed Sacrament during a Mass, but how would Communion be distributed at hospitals, nursing homes, etc, without laity being involved?
Maybe Baron Korf and I just don’t get it: How do we download PODCAzTs from iTunes? Can we only get it by subscribing? (Is there no way to download them one at a time?) Most especially: how do we download a previous PODCAzT once a newer one has been posted on the Blog? Any guidance would be helpful!
Terth: I think you need help from the more iTunes savvy.
If you subscribe, they download when you open your iTunes or update the podcast information. At least that is what happens for me.
I’m not one to burden an already burdened priest, but I would venture a guess it’s not only iTunes savvy that’s needed. Actually, you recoup and keep feeding your faithful sheep with your wisdome. To the rest of you: I suspect there are two ways to get information submitted to the iTunes server (or a link to the iTunes server) – one is by going one at a time; and the other is to have multiple available (maybe the last 10 but no more, the last 15 and no more, etc.). My internet was down for a few days – just long enough for me to miss my chance to download PODCAzT 63 (with no prejudice meant to the very noble PODCAzT 64). Does anyone have any insight for either myself or our gracious Father Zuhlsdorf?
Another great podcast Father. I really enjoyed the parts on the traditional baptism. I am a cradle Catholic who has only recently come into contact with traditional Catholicism. I went to my first EF mass on the Immaculate Conception while up in KC last year and we had our first-born baptized in the traditional form in March. When I compared the old and new baptism rites, there was just no comparison.
I found it interesting to think that I may be the only person back up my family tree to have been baptized in a form so different from the rest.
I’m no iTunes expert, but believe that when you are in the Podcasts area you can click on Settings. Then open the Podcasts tab and where it says “When new episodes are available:” change the setting to “Download all”, and for “Keep:” change to “All episodes.”
That should download all the podcasts available on the server.
Here is the website Fr. Nolan spoke of. Cool graphics!
Regarding how best to receive Holy Communion: Jesus came to save us TOTALLY: that includes our souls and our bodies … that includes our minds and hearts, tongues AND our hands. Unfortunately we continue to sin both in mind and heart, with our tongues and our hands. There are those who historically forwarded the opinion that we are such sinners as to have forfeited the privilege of receiving Holy Communion at all. Others have demanded that sinful laity not even look at consecrated Host for fear of sinning further with their contaminated eyes! All such heresies have been condemned by the Church. Today we are invited to receive Jesus into our minds and hearts, whether reverently accepting His Sacred Body on our tongues or embracing Him lovingly in our hands. What really counts in God’s sight is ones awareness of the moment … ones openness to letting Jesus enter ones life in yet another holy movement of grace. Erecting any humanly constructed barrier to enforce a culturally crafted gesture is indeed a step backward into Middle Aged European romanticism. I certainly don’t recall any early Church record of having required (let alone practiced) “Communion on the tongue.”
I understand that the host should be treated reverently, but the pope himself hands out communion in the hand, so I am perfectly content going along with whatever my priest says, according to the pope. As well as handing it out myself, as an Master of Ceremonies at mass.
Tristan: the pope himself hands out communion in the hand
Apparently you haven’t seen the news much over the last year and more.
Concerning older podcazts… They are all available here –
Which is a link found on the left column of this page under “Pages”. On a PC, right click and “Save Target As”.