The Five Rules have been translated into the mother tongue of the Vaterland! Biretta tip to Credo ut intellegam.
1. Freuen Sie sich, weil unser liturgisches Leben bereichert worden ist, nicht weil "wir gewinnen". Jeder gewinnt, wenn das Leben der Kirche bereichert wird. Es ist kein Nullsummenspiel.
2. Blasen Sie sich nicht auf. Lassen Sie uns denen freundlich begegnen, die in der Vergangenheit unseren "legitimen Bestrebungen" nicht freundlich begegnet sind.
3. Zeigen Sie aufrichtige christliche Freude. Wenn Sie möchten, daß Menschen von dem fasziniert werden, was so viel Trost und Glück schenkt, seien Sie einladend und voll Freude. Vermeiden Sie jene Säuerlichkeit, die so manche aus der eher traditionalistischen Ecke leider so lange vor sich hergetragen haben.
4. Lassen Sie sich in das ganze Leben Ihrer Pfarrei einbeziehen, besonders in die Werke der Nächstenliebe, die sie organisiert. Wenn Sie wollen, daß die ganze Kirche von der Feier der alten Liturgie profitiert, dann sollten Sie, die durch diese ältere Form der Messe geformt sind, der ganzen Kirche von Nutzen sein, und zwar ganz konkret.
5. Falls das Motu Proprio nicht alles enthält, was wir erhoffen, jammern und quengeln Sie nicht herum. Sprechen Sie weniger von unseren Rechten und von dem, was uns zusteht oder von dem, was hätte sein können, so als ob jeder ein kleiner Papst wäre, und sprechen Sie mehr über unsere Dankbarkeit, die tiefe Dankbarkeit für das, was Gott uns schenkt.
Now if the rules were only in Latin, I would really be able to drink them in. German doesn’t do much for me.
Hi All,
This isn’t appropriate to the topic, but I just blundered upon smoe information that perhaps may be useful to some of you. Has the contents of the Mout Proprio been leaked, in spanish? This may be a red herring, but I don’t know any spanish and can’t imagine where to begin looking. I linked to the rumor here.
If this is just BS, Father Z, fee free to delete this post. I don’t mean to intrude, but I thought that someone here might be able to chase this down.
Fr. Z, a word on Rule 5, if I may…
I am an Altar server at the “Tridentine” Mass. Along with the few other servers, I was given brief training on serving a Missa Cantata, but not Low Mass which I have had to pick up as I go. The priest is excellent and I am learning my role at Low Mass quite quickly, but even so I have some to appreciate the constructive criticism that some members of the congregation (mostly older men who wore the surplice themselves many years ago) have given me. They have never been harsh about it, and I have used their advice to great advantage.
Needless to say, many traditional Masses today, while being great blessings on the Church, are not so Liturgicaly refined as they were in pre-concilliar times. We no longer have as much knowledge of, or as many people experienced in, the minutiae of Liturgical actions. Therefore there is always room for improvement, and I dont think we shouldnt shrug off everyone who offers opinions and advice as a whiner.
Jonathan: This is not about people helping each other to serve better and participate well at Mass. This is not about any particular Mass or place or group at all. #5 concerns our reaction to a PAPAL DOCUMENT, a letter from the Sovereign Pontiff. There is a big difference between offering an altar server constructive criticism and whining about the content of a Motu Proprio of the Bishop of Rome. I hope you see the difference. Thanks for your faithful participation in the life of your parish by serving at the altar. That is an important role and a great honor.
Let’s not get off topic, please. There is a different entry for discussion of the content of the Rules.