Motus in finem velocior – Daily Rome Shot 1224

Welcome registrants:


Once again, thank to my donors for my rapidly approaching Roman Sojourn for the end of January and beginning of February.  It’s a fast one.  I have “chores” to do.  Some of you wonderful readers pitched in.  Here’s an updated list (I had missed one of you):

JL, SAS, JL, JK, MH, GF, KM, VD, DLS, HL, TB, DvdH, LD, KK, AC, GW, DM, T&MLG, DH, DM, AN, JC, SB, SP, MM, AR, KC, RG (restricted to favorite drinks), GG, JA, DC

Thank you all. My main expenses are covered for this trip. I will have some “practical” expenses and I have to compensate some people who worked on spiffing up my place. There’s “wavy flag” and, my preference, Zelle. I’ll have another, more serious drive before returning to Rome for Holy Week in April and beyond into May.


In churchy news…

I would like to have been at this conference. In fact, I would have gone had I KNOWN about it.

In England, state funding has been withdrawn for teaching Latin. HERE

The dissolution of civilisation in England continues. Motus in finem velocior.

At The Pillar there is a refreshingly non-muckraking piece by a young man of my acquaintance, a longish history of the faithful being forced by clericalists to stand for Communion. I knew this smart, devout and diligent fellow in Madison. He marshals good sources. Read this in the wake of the Windy prelate’s goofy notions about Communion and processions. In a nutshell, the relentless efforts to impose Communion while standing was met with intense dislike by the faithful, who were then overridden and run over by their liberal cleric overlords. HERE It is interesting how the attitude of the lib liturgical bullies toward the faithful who wanted tradition has today reemerged viciously. The Enemy – a Bully – is relentless but not particularly innovative.

In other news, I read at Italian new agency ANSA that Francis fell in the Casa Santa Marta and has now a bruised forearm, but not a break.   He also fell on 6 Dec and wound up with a bruised face from his bedside table.

In sad news, at La Nazione it is reported that a seminarian – deacon – of the Institute of Christ the King in Italy at Gricigliano, French-born Charles Outtier, was killed from a tractor overturning while working an olive grove.   R.I.P.  Say a prayer for him and for his family.

Next… Bp. Strickland cites an old friend and seminary-mate of mine back in my native place, Fr. Robert Altier.

In chessy news…

White to move and mate in two.  Time yourself.  Ready… set… CLICK!

Here’s your Daily Rome Shot.

First, this, for context.

Next, some interesting Latin.

Just to help out, this is the video to which Bp. Strickland refers, Fr. Altier’s homily…

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Daily Rome Shot 1223 – “Sluggish schizophrenia”

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

In churchy news…

I read that Francis now has had published an “autobiography”.

Well! That was interesting, wasn’t it?

Imagine! “A fascination for what is not understood”?

When the powers that be go after celebrations of Mass in the traditional form, it’s because they can’t stand the people who want it.   They see you with a condescending contempt which masks their fear.  They see you as a living proof of their deficiencies and/or vices.  You must be crushed so they won’t be reminded of how what they have done and are persisting in doing is a massive fail.   It’s not just about the traditional Mass.  It’s about the people.

In the autobiography he also says that priests devoted to Latin Mass could have “mental imbalance, emotional deviation, behavioral difficulties”.

What does this remind me of?    It’s right there… on the tip of my memory… what … was … it…?

Oh yes.  Now I recall.

Seminary in the 1980’s.  That’s the old technique, isn’t it?  Anyone who was conservative was labeled psychologically damaged. Then they either forced men out the door or into a shrink’s office where they were supposed to reveal that they are really “gay” in order to be allowed to stay.  Back in the day, when we weren’t referring to the seminary as The Hole, we called it Lubyanka.

I refer the readership to check out a page about the Soviet game of diagnosing dissidents with “sluggish schizophrenia“.  HERE   The idea was that anyone who opposed the Soviet regime must be mentally ill, since there was no raational explanation for objecting to the best thing ever.

Question the magnificent post-Conciliar springtime and you must be nuts.  Desire something that deviates from the greatest thing since the Council of Jerusalem and you will be suppressed… in mercy and openness to diversity… while walking together.

If you want a copy of the autobiography, you don’t have to rush to the local bookstore before they sell out.  You can get one by using this link HERE and I will, ironically, get a piece of the sale.

On a related note, I refer the readership to Tracey Rowland’s superb  Catholic Theology (US HERE – UK HERE) wherein she explains various schools of Catholic thought including that of Francis (within the chapter on Liberation Theology).  Dr. Rowland has sharp insights.  The first page or so of her look into the thought of Francis bear special attention.

On related note, the tenacious Phil Lawler of Catholic Culture has a piece you should look to fill in some of the puzzle pieces.  HERE

Also not unrelated is this…

In the category of “Things Which Won’t See Again The Light Of Day”.

On another note…

I hope this is real.

You know that using Epiphany Water, which is a “trad thing” because it’s full of lacy and interest in what isn’t understood, means that people in that house were divisive.  They had audacity not to lose their home just like everyone else!  Why don’t these people just conform?

In chessy news… HERE

White to move and mate in 2.  How fast are you?

Hey Fathers!  How about a clerical Guayabera shirt?

Posted in Si vis pacem para bellum! | Tagged

Daily Rome Shot 1222 – rubber ducky

And a little Latin for your brain.

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

Many thanks for the January/February BRIEF Roman Sojourn donations from (I hope I got everyone):

JL, SAS, JL, JK, MH, GF, KM, VD, DLS, HL, TB, DvdH, LD, KK, AC, GW, DM, T&MLG, DH, DM, AN, JC, SB, SP, MM, AR, KC, RG (restricted to favorite drinks), GG, JA

Thank you all. My main expenses are covered for this trip. That doesn’t mean that you can’t contribute now, of course. I will have some “practical” expenses and I have to compensate some people who worked on spiffing up my place. There’s “wavy flag” and, my preference, Zelle. I’ll have another. more serious drive before returning to Rome for Holy Week in April and beyond into May.

In churchy news…

As you know, Epiphany traditionally observes three manifestations of Christ’s divinity, the Adoration of the Magi, the Baptism and the Wedding at Cana.  One of my favorite Catholic artists, Daniel Matsui has a wonderful rendition.

In chessy news… HERE


Daily Rome Shot 1221 – mistreated

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

Yesterday, Feast of the Holy Family, I celebrated Holy Mass for the intention of my benefactors.  This is a duty and a pleasure.   It is my practice also to remember at the Memento of the Dead (in the Canon) my benefactors who have died.  If I get notice, I record it.  I will not forget.

Many thanks for the January/February BRIEF Roman Sojourn donations from (I hope I got everyone):


You are deeply appreciated for your kindness. My main expenses are covered for this trip. I’ll have another drive before returning to Rome in April for Holy Week and beyond. That doesn’t mean that you can’t contribute now, of course.  There’s “wavy flag” and, my preference, Zelle.



The wonderful Card. Zen! Mistreated in life.

The wonderful Card. Pell… mistreated in life and in death.

Not so churchy…

Help the wonderful monks of Norcia as they build their monastic complex.

In chessy news…. HERE

Interested in learning?  Try THIS.

Black to move and mate in 3.


WDTPRS – 13 January: Baptism of the Lord (Double Dipping)

On the SIXTH of January, Epiphany, we prayed liturgically with the three mysteries of the Lord’s life revealing Him as divine: the adoration of Jesus by the Magi, the changing water to wine at Cana, and His baptism by John in the Jordan River.

In the reform after the Council, the mystery of the Lord’s Baptism (as revealing His divinity) celebrated at Epiphany was teased out, I suppose to put greater emphasis on the Lord’s baptism as a model for our own baptism.

The Novus Ordo Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (which closes the Christmas season in the Novus Ordo), is now placed on a Sunday. In the pre-Conciliar calendar it had, with some exceptions, a commemoration on 13 January… the octave day of Epiphany, which is appropriate.

John the Baptist helped us into our Advent preparation for Christmas by reminding us to straighten the paths of our lives for the coming of the Lord.  It is fitting that we meet the Baptist again at the end of the Christmas season.

John announced the coming of the Messiah and now he points us to the Messiah.  This was when the Baptist told his disciples to follow Jesus, saying “He must increase, I must decrease” (John 3:30).

In His baptism by John, Christ foreshadows what He would do later: He descends into the waters of the Jordan (death and the tomb) and rises out of them again (resurrection).

Christ had no need of John’s baptism.  Being perfect and sinless Jesus had nothing to repent.

Dodekaorton Baptism 1547_Dionysiou_Mt_AthosInstead, His submission to baptism shows all humanity the way to our salvation.

Christ’s baptism reveals how we must die and rise to our sins in the sacrament He instituted at the Jordan.   By receiving John’s baptism the Lord was solemnly revealed to be divine by the Father’s voice and the descent of the Holy Spirit, and He sanctified the waters for our baptisms.  He instituted the sacrament.

Baptism is the starting point of all saving and actual graces we receive as Christians.  Baptism confers on us an indelible character, almost like a branding mark of Christ’s Lordship in and over us.  This is the foundation of our spiritual lives.  Christ’s humility orients us in the right direction for our lives as baptized Christians.

He must increase, we must decrease.

We find two collects for today in the 2002 Missale Romanum.  The first is of new composition for the post-Conciliar Novus Ordo and the second is from the 1962MR on 13 January, the Commemoration of the Baptism of the Lord.


Omnipotens sempiterne Deus,
qui Christum, in Iordane flumine baptizatum,
Spiritu Sancto super eum descendente,
dilectum Filium tuum sollemniter declarasti,
concede filiis adoptionis tuae, ex aqua et Spiritu Sancto renatis,
ut in beneplacito tuo iugiter perseverent.

baptism_christApart from the obvious references to the events at the Jordan, there are echoes of Scripture here (cf. Is 42:1-4, 6-7; Is 61:1-2; Rom 8:15; Eph 1:3. 5-6). According to the illuminating Lewis & Short Dictionary the later Latin adverb sollemniter, from the adjective sollemnis, refers to all that which is performed according to the proper customs and forms usually in a ritual religious context.  Thus, it mostly means grand and “ceremoniously” but also in an ordinary way, so long as it is the “customary” way.  The form of the verb declarasti is again “syncopated” (declaravisti).  Spiritu…descendente is our old friend the ablative absolute and it takes its time from the perfect declarasti.   Iugiter, ultimately from iugum (a “yoke” for horses or cattle), means “continuously” as if one moment in time is being “yoked together” with the next, and so on.  The substantive beneplacitum is from the late, ecclesiastical verb beneplaceo (“to please”), found in the Latin Vulgate and in authors such as St. Ambrose of Milan (+397).

Almighty eternal God,
who as the Holy Spirit was descending upon Him,
solemnly declared Christ, baptized in the Jordan river,
to be Your beloved Son,
grant that the children of Your adopting, reborn from water and the Holy Spirit,
may continually persevere in your good pleasure.

Almighty ever-living God,
who when Christ had been baptized in the River Jordan,
and as the Holy Spirit descended upon him,
solemnly declared him your beloved Son,
grant that your children by adoption,
reborn of water and the Holy Spirit,
may always be well pleasing to you

The ICEL version isn’t too far off the mark today, probably because this rather chatty prayer pretty much tells a story and the syntax is fairly straight forward.

COLLECT 2 (2002MR):
Deus, cuius Unigenitus
in substantia nostrae carnis apparuit, praesta, quaesumus,
ut, per eum, quem similem nobis foris agnovimus,
intus reformari mereamur.

This prayer is far less wordy than the newly composed collect.  The language here is denser and more “theological”.   Note the contrast between two pairs of words.  First, the adverbs intus, “on the inside, within”, contrasted with foris, “from without” (this is literally, “outside the doors”, so it refers to what you see from the outside).  Next, the noun substantia, a theological word “substance”, that which we really are in and of ourselves apart, or “beneath” in a sense our outward appearances or “accidents”, contrasts with the adjective similis, “like, resembling, similar”.  There is another theological concept, “form”, contained within the passive infinitive reformari.  Human beings are composed of “matter” (our fleshly bodies) and “form” (our immortal, rational souls).  The sacraments have matter and form: for example, in baptism water (matter) and the Trinitarian words spoken while pouring the water (form), in the Eucharist bread and wine (matter) and the words of consecration by an ordained priest (form), in penance the confession of sins (matter) and the absolution from the priest (form).

O God, whose Only-begotten,
appeared in the substance of our flesh, grant, we beg,
that we may merit to be reshaped inwardly
through Him, whom we recognize is like us outwardly.

O God, whose Only Begotten Son
has appeared in our very flesh,
grant, we pray, that we may be inwardly transformed
through him whom we recognize as outwardly like us

Giotto_Scrovegni_BaptismThe Latin prayer’s meaning hinges on the effects of baptism. 

Through the words of the formula for baptism and the outward pouring of sensible, visible water, there is an invisible and inward effect of grace in the soul.

By baptism we are inwardly conformed or “shaped” so that we can be a proper temple of the Holy Spirit and recipient of graces as holy member of the Body of Christ, the Church.  By taking up our human nature, our “flesh”, into an indestructible bond with His divinity, the Second Person became one like us in all things but sin.

Our baptism is the first step of being more and more reformed and shaped according to His image, a process which will continue for eternity in heaven.

In this life it is our task to make sure that our outward life, our words and actions, are fully consistent with and show forth clearly the inward reality of Christ in us.

This but one of the lessons we receive from Jesus’ humble submission to a baptism at the hands of John in the Jordan for which He had absolutely no need.

The main concept underlying the primary Collect, and this feast, would have to be our spiritual adoption and new status in the Holy Spirit as the children of God, brothers and sisters of Christ having the same heavenly Father.

In our baptism and by living the faith we profess we enjoy the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, indeed the indwelling of the Triune God (cf. John 14:23).

This indwelling begins with the humble reception of a “character” or “owner’s mark” on our souls, which although it is a sign of God’s Lordship over us actually sets us free from the bondage of sin.   He adopts us as His own making us sons and daughters, not slaves.  When the Holy Spirit dwells in us, we can address God with reverential awe intimately as “Abba” (Mark 14:36), rather than with the abject fear of a slave for a hard master.

God does more for us than freeing us from sin and making us His adopted children.

He also makes us co-heirs with His eternally Only-Begotten to a divine inheritance.

As co-heirs we can be admitted also to the joys of heaven which Christ, our brother in our humanity, has in perfect possession with His resurrection and ascension to the Father’s right hand (cf. Romans 8:34).

Once we were slaves of sin and the enemies of God (Romans 5:10-11).

Now we are sons and daughters with a (re)birthright to inherit.

Our humanity, in Christ, already enjoys this while all of humanity still awaits the fulfillment of this promise.

God now hears our prayers as He hears His confident children, not fearful strangers.

baptism-of-christ-1483 Perugino

Posted in Christmas and Epiphany, WDTPRS | Tagged
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Daily Rome Shot 1220

I enjoyed looking at this.  A business owner built a chapel for his employees so that they could adore Christ in the Eucharist.  HERE  It sounds like something Tom Monaghan did.

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

I spotted this at Twitter…

I am reminded of the great biography of Vince Lombardy which I read years ago: When Pride Still Mattered : A Life Of Vince Lombardi. HERE

In chessy news… HERE

Black to move and mate in 5.

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Your Sunday Sermon Notes – Holy Family (N.O. Baptism of the Lord) 2025

In the Vetus Ordo, it’s the Sunday of the Holy Family.  In the Novus Ordo, it is the Baptism of the Lord.  In the Vetus Ordo, Baptism of the Lord is tomorrow 13 January.

Was there a GOOD point made in the sermon you heard at your Sunday Mass of obligation?

Share the good stuff.  Quite a few people are forced to sit through really bad preaching.  Even though you can usually find – if you are willing to try – at least one good point in a really bad sermon, that can be a trial.  So… SHARE THE GOOD STUFF which you were fortunate enough to receive!

Tell about attendance especially for the Traditional Latin Mass. I hear that it is growing. Of COURSE.

Any local changes or (hopefully good) news?  We really need good news.

I have some thoughts posted at One Peter Five.


An aside.  Since you know the story of the Gospel well already, or you can easily open your nearby Bible and find it (Luke 2:42-52), the “caravan” that the Holy Family would have travelled with to and from Jerusalem is called in Greek a synodía.  See!  “Walking together!”  But the Lord wasn’t “walking together”, was He?  He left aside His earthly business with His earthly parents, and didn’t “walk together” until He was “about His Father’s business”.  “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God” (Matt 6:33)  Perhaps that should be the model of “synodality”.




WDTPRS: The orations of the Feast of the Holy Family, with some thoughts


We are in Epiphanytide. As you know, Epiphany is from a Greek term for “manifestation”. The Feast was especially important in the ancient Eastern Churches. Traditionally it celebrated especially three manifestations of the divinity of Christ, namely, the Adoration of the Magi (frankincense being a symbol of divinity), the Lord’s Baptism by John (the bridge between the Lord’s private life and His public ministry when the Father’s voice was heard), and the Wedding at Cana (His inaugural public miracle). In the Roman Church on Epiphany the antiphon for Vespers mentions these three mysteries, each introduced with “Hodie…today”:

We honor this holy day decorated with three miracles: today the star led the Magi to the manger; today at the marriage wine was made from water; today Christ deigned to be baptized by John in the Jordan that he might save us. Alleluia.

In the first part of the Season of Epiphany, these three miraculous events are teased out for their own liturgical reflection: On 6 January Epiphany, the Magi – at the octave, 13 January, the Lord’s Baptism – on the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany, the Wedding at Cana which in John 1 and 2 is “octave” of the Baptism.

In the Vetus Ordo for this Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. In the Novus Ordo, this Sunday would be the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

The 20th century the Czech-born liturgical writer Fr. Pius Parsch (+1954), a Canon Regular of Klosterneuburg Abbey in his multi-volume The Church’s Year of Grace, writes that the Feast of the Holy Family was intended to improve family life in the wake of World War One.   The 1570 editio princeps does not have the feast of the Holy Family.  I believe devotion to the Holy Family really took off in the 17th century, especially in French speaking regions.  Pope Leo XIII seems to have introduced the feast for Canada in 1893 and Benedict XV gave it to the whole Latin Church in 1921. Before that, this Sunday was associated with the Octave of Epiphany, which was rashly suppressed along the way. One thing that ties the older Mass formula with Holy Family in the Vetus Ordo is that they both have for the Gospel reading the episode in Luke 2:41-52 about the finding of the Lord in the Temple.

COLLECT (Holy Family – 1962MR):

Domine Iesu Christe, qui Mariae et Ioseph subditus, domesticam vitam ineffabilibus virtutibus consecrasti: fac nos, utriusque auxilio, Familiae sanctae tuae exemplis instrui; et consortium consequi sempiternum.

Subdo, which according to the thick Lewis & Short Dictionary is “to bring under, subject, subdue”, gives us subditus, a, um, “subject”.  Consortium comes from the preposition cum (“with”) and sors (“any thing used to determine chances”).  Sors is further applied to offices that are gained by the casting of lots and methods like drawing straws.  It means, then, “fate, destiny, chance, fortune, condition, share, part.”    It thus means also a “community of goods” and by extension “fellowship, participation, society.”

A consortium is a situation in which you have “cast your lot” with a group.  You share a common outcome or fate.  At the end of the Roman Canon we hear consortium when we pray to participate in the reward given to great martyrs.  Consequor is “to follow, follow up, press upon, go after, attend, accompany, pursue any person or thing.” It also means, “to follow a model, copy, an authority, example, opinion, etc.; to imitate, adopt, obey” and “to reach, overtake, obtain”.  Consequently, it follows, consequor means “to become like or equal to a person or thing in any property or quality, to attain, come up to, to equal.”

Exemplum is first and foremost “imitation, image, portrait; transcript, copy” and then it is in legal terms a case or cause to be imitated or followed in our behavior, a “precedent”.


O Lord Jesus Christ, who, while subject to Mary and Joseph, consecrated domestic life by unutterable virtues, cause us, by the help of them both, to be instructed in the examples of Your Holy Family, and to attain eternal fellowship.

Our prayers today taken all together present themes of imitation and instruction: exemplum… instruo… imitor… consequor.

SECRET (Holy Family – 1962MR):

Placationis hostiam offerimus tibi, Domine, suppliciter deprecantes: ut, per intercessionem Deiparae Virginis cum beato Ioseph, familias nostras in pace et gratia tua firmiter constituas.

This prayer was revised somewhat but largely retained in the Novus Ordo for the Feast of the Holy Family.  The newer version to my mind gives a bit more emphasis to St. Joseph.  However, this is not an ancient prayer as far as I can tell.

Placatio means “a pacifying, appeasing, propitiating” especially of the immortal gods.  In our prayer today we might choose a word like “atonement” or even “reconciliation.”  Deprecor is not just “to pray”, but “to pray earnestly.”  Firmiter is the adverb of firmus and can be “firmly, steadily, lastingly, powerfully.”  Because of the beseeching tone of the prayer and the concept of intervention, I will use the word “powerfully.”   When you, gentle reader, go through this vocabulary you might try substituting some of the alternative meanings to see how that will affect the prayer.  You will see why translating the liturgy is not an easy task and why we must pray for all involved.


We offer You this sacrifice of appeasement, O Lord, humbly in earnest prayer, so that, by the intercession of the Virgin Mother of God with blessed Joseph, you may establish our families powerfully in grace and peace.

We hear this prayer spoken by the priest, our mediator with God and alter Christus, at the moment our offerings (spiritual and material) are on the altar in anticipation of the divine act of transubstantiation.  All we are and all our hopes and desires should be united with the frail hosts, the still wine.  What we receive in return, particularly through making a good Holy Communion, allows us to fulfill our vocations in the world and transform it around us.  It is fitting that we should use the language of bowing, implicit in suppliciter (from supplex, formed from supplico (sub-plico – plico being “to fold; double up”).  We must use the physical posture of bowing down, folding ourselves face down before God, folding and bend our knees to beg Him to form and shape our families.  As the family in general goes, so goes society.  But what do we find in prosperous countries?  Legal abortion, growing legalization of euthanasia, same-sex marriages, high divorce rates, young women disposing of newborn infants in garbage cans, scientific experimentation on living human beings, the dreadful prospect of cloning.  The concept of the family is breaking to pieces.  It is good to pray that God might be appeased.

POSTCOMMUNIO (Holy Family – 1962MR):

Quos caelestibus reficis sacramentis, fac, Domine Iesu, sanctae Familiae tuae exempla iugiter imitari: ut, in hora mortis nostrae, occurrente gloriosa Virgine Matre tua cum beato Ioseph; per te in aeterna tabernacula recipi mereamur.

The Novus Ordo retains the first part of this prayer, though it is shifted to address God the Father, rather than the Son, and the last part eliminates the discomforting reference to death.

The verb occurro means “to run up to, run to meet”.  The word tabernaculum in ancient Roman religious language is a tent outside the City were the auspices were observed before holding a comitia. In the Old Testament book of Numbers a tabernaculum is the “meeting tent”.  In liturgical language it seems interchangeable with habitaculum or mansio.  I think we have an echo here of Luke 16:9: “And I say to you: Make unto you friends of the mammon of iniquity: that when you shall fail, they may receive you into everlasting dwellings (recipiant vos in aeterna tabernacula)” (Douay).


O Lord Jesus, cause those whom You are restoring by the heavenly sacraments to imitate the models of the Holy Family without ceasing, so that, in the hour of our death, as the glorious Virgin Mother rushes with blessed Joseph to meet us, we may merit to be received by You in the eternal dwelling place.

Today’s imitation vocabulary underscores that we are not without help in his life. We are part of a family, earthly and heavenly, already realized but not yet fulfilled. Christ chose to participate in a family when He began to save us and teach us who we are. Great work goes into the noble vocation of being a member of a family. We must imitate and practice the exempla offered us in the Holy Family, the lives of our extended heavenly family of saints, the good efforts of people around us. By imitation and practice we develop virtues. We build ourselves, with God’s help, into holy individuals and families, and thereby we begin to prepare eternal dwelling places. Those who have religiously oriented families know this. So do those who do not have families. Often they know this with the bitterness of loneliness. Perhaps you could extend your family bond around someone you know who has no one else.

Our proximity to Christmas and Epiphany urges us to consider the Divine Infant King’s little manger crib of rough wood.  The wood of the manger foreshadows the wood of His saving Cross.  His self-emptying was a sacrifice which made His saving Sacrifice possible.  He cast His lot with us.  As He was dying, Our Lord guided His Mother, a widow about to lose her only Child, to a new family bond with John, about to be orphaned in a spiritual sense by His Lord’s death.  Christ bound them together into a new family, a family of charity, a family of Blood, though not of blood: “And from that hour the disciple took her into his own home.” (John 19:27 RSV).

This is a Christian imperative. These are Christ’s saving exempla to be imitated.

Posted in Christmas and Epiphany, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, WDTPRS | Tagged
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Daily Rome Shot 1219 – on the other hand…

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

Biden gave Francis the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction. HERE

On the other hand, a Vatican decree on illegal entry into the Vatican is out: 1 to 4 years in prison and a 25 thousand Euro fine. Arrest in flagrante delicto, immediate trial and deportation. 15 year ban expulsion.

In chessy news… HERE

Black to move and mate in 4.

10% off with code:


Daily Rome Shot 1218 – I’m confused.

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

Many thanks for the January/February Rome donations from (I hope I got everyone):


You are deeply appreciated for your kindness. At this point, I think my main expenses are covered for this trip. I’ll have another drive before returning to Rome in April for Holy Week and beyond. That doesn’t mean that you can’t contribute now, of course. I’m just sayin’.

I remember all my benefactors at the altar and in my daily prayers.

  • Joe Rogan has an interesting interview will Mel Gibson. HERE  (Look at the number of VIEWS! and COMMENTS!)
  • New studies of the remains of St. Teresa of Avila show that she must have lived in terrible pain. HERE
  • The Italian bishops have issued a new guideline for seminaries to admit homosexuals who say they won’t commit sodomy. HERE (In Italian)  Doesn’t that contradict what Francis said, using language some find rude?  It’s confusing.

In chessy news…

White to move. Simple but fun.

NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

Leaving California?


From “The Private Diary of Bishop F. Atticus McButterpants” – 03-01-25 – Chewrows

Editor’s Note:

The “mole” had to made a trip to the native place for family reasons, so the diary entries were not forthcoming.  “Nemo dat quod non got!”  In this entry, to jog your memory, Fr. Ernesto is pastor of the big “Hispanic” parish on the west side of Libville.  Libville is a suffragan see of Red Bird where Archbp. John “Jack” Daniels was.  He was given the heave-ho by the “Noonch”.  We don’t have entries about that, but I’ll try to tease them out from the mole.  SnT is “Spirit and Truth” Cathedral.  More on the name HERE

Jan 3rd, 2025

Dear Diary,

I’m pretty proud of myself today. I had a doctor’s check up and I’ve only gained 8 pounds over the Christmas season. With all the cookies and cakes and special dinners, I’da thought it would be more the way my belt has been shrinking! The hardest ones were those pastoral visits for the Hispanics. Something about their dishes! Okay, heartburn, but totally worth it. We had a thing at Fr Ernesto’s again. There’s this crunchy thing called a … chewrow? Sounds like something for Chester, but they’re great.  cinnamony. They sent me home with big ziplocks full which Fr. Gilbert showed me in the back of the car. I made him take some. No wonder only 8! I’m so strict. I wonder if Chester will like them. You never know with him.  Chew toy, chair leg, DOZER’s leg all the same to him.  Gotta stay on my “diet” after all.

Fr. Tommy has been on me to make a decision about the request from four priests – what the hell is going on? – to put altar rails into their churches. Tommy says yes. Vice says no. The gal in the liturgy office says no, of course. The annoying people at the tribunal are dragging their feet about it. I don’t even want to bring it up to the presbyterial council, cause they’ll have a fit and it’ll take all day. Fr. Tommy’s arguments for yes are pretty good. He says that it would make more people happy than angry, and there are always lots of angry people but not so many happy so it’s a good thing. And he says lots of people want to kneel for Communion again now, and having a rail is a good thing for “insurance purposes”. I don’t know if that’s just Tommy being clever or not, but it sounds right. “You don’t want old ladies falling over!” They’re the one’s who make the most noise if they don’t like things. What to do? I know that Cardinal over in… where was it? Iowa Illinois doesn’t like them and you gotta watch out for those guys. Look what they did to Jack Daniels over in Red Bird!  Don’t want to give that Cardinal or the Noonch anything to bitch about.  These days.

We have another Hispanic do coming up on Epiphany which is bigger deal for them than for us as I get it.  But they have special foods, so that’ll be good.  We’re doing it at SnT.

NOTE: check when is Ash Wednesday

Posted in Diary of Bp. McButterpants | Tagged

Daily Rome Shot 1217 – “Why”, you may be asking? Wherein Fr. Z rants.

I have a comparatively short trip to Rome coming up.  First, a couple days with a priest friend in Brooklyn, which breaks up the journey and puts a buffer into the flights.  A couple weeks in Rome.  The same coming home.  To this purpose, I asked for some donations for my expenses and some of you jumped right in.  NB: I will have to do another fund drive later for April and May (Holy Week, etc.) in case some of you might want to wait.  That will be a heavier load to lift, due to high season, etc.

So far my airfare is covered.    I could use a bit more for per diem and my rent (which I pay in 3 month blocks).

Thanks, so far this time, to:



DH (designated for flowers for the apartment!)


Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

In churchy news….

This is ironic. Bishops in these USA seem to have genuinely desired to promote greater faith in and reverence for the Eucharist. However, when people want to show greater faith in and reverence for the Eucharist – by kneeling – some bishops (or their controlling apparatchiks) rush to stifle the groundswell of devotion.

For example, we all saw the scrambled message of the prelate of the Windy City, who argued – I am not making this up: Kneeling in a procession interferes with the procession (never mind that processions can stop at stations for prayer, etc.). The movement at Mass of the congregation to receive Communion is a procession. Thus, kneeling to receive Communion is contrary to the Communion procession. BUT… there’s more… since processions are a tradition, and because kneeling is against processions, therefore kneeling to receive Communion is against tradition.

In normal circumstances, most people would not even imagine trying to concoct this.

QUAERITUR: Could this be a liturgical application of “walking together”?

Now we read that the Archdiocese of the Five Boroughs, sent out a note that pastors should not be putting altar rails into their churches because “there is no need” for them.

According to the memo, more and more people want communion rails.  The writer doesn’t know why… or said… she? doesn’t know why, which is more likely.  I’m going with “she” for the pronoun.  It works either way.

Priests would not be trying to put in rails this unless, a) they saw the need and b) people wanted them enough to pay for them. But, no, ignore story after story, articles and videos one after another, about young people who want a more traditional and muscular expression of their Faith, about converts multiplying where Tradition is offered. Really! You are obliged by their will to accept this claim on the authority of the memo-writers: “there is no need”.

WHY is there “no need”, you ask?

Because the rules says so, you ignorant backwardist!

This from those who ignore the rules (canon law, procedure) when it suits their ends.

(Were altar girls against the rules? Just asking.)

There is no need for Communion rails because the RULES says so!

What are those rules? The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (Novus Ordo) says that the reception posture is standing. Therefore, no kneeling. Therefore, no rails are needed. See? SEE?!?

Never mind that Redemptionis Sacramentum specifically guarantees that people may kneel and receive upon the tongue. Also, never mind that, as their memo states, this is “picking up steam”. But NO! People mustn’t have what they desire if it is against the RULES (that is, the rules we controlling libs like).   After all, there has been an effort over the last year or so to promote Eucharist devotion and there is nothing that undermines devotion for the Eucharist like – QUOD DEUS AVERTAT! – kneeling to receive Communion!

My red.

In chessy news… HERE

Black to move and gain material for a win.  This is nuts. You’ll be tempted at the obvious, but follow the forcing moves for a hilarious conclusion six moves later.

Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, SESSIUNCULA, The Drill, Wherein Fr. Z Rants |


PLEASE use the sharing buttons! Thanks!

In your charity would you please take a moment look at the requests and to pray for the people about whom you read?

Continued from THESE.

Let’s remember all who are ill, who will die soon, who have died recently, who have lost their jobs, who are afraid.

I get many requests by email asking for prayers. Some are heart-achingly grave and urgent.

As long as my blog reaches so many readers in so many places, let’s give each other a hand. We should support each other in works of mercy.

If you have some prayer requests, feel free to post them below.

You have to be registered here to be able to post.

In your kindness continue prayers for my mother, who has been diagnosed with something grave, progressive and incurable.

Pray for me, for my circumstances and wisdom in my decisions.

Pray for a really good episcopal appointment which could have a massive impact.

Posted in SESSIUNCULA | Tagged


UPDATE 9 Jan ’25 06:08:

Today’s entry in the traditional Roman Martyrology states:

At Ancona, St. Marcellinus, bishop, who, according to St. Gregory, miraculously delivered that city from destruction by fire.

St. Marcellinus of Ancona! Pray for us!

Originally  Published on: Jan 8, 2025 at 22:29

Uncontrolled fire is terrifying.

There are uncontrolled fires now in populated areas of California near Los Angeles.

One of you readers suggested that I repost something I wrote when Hurricane Milton was projected to slam into land from the Gulf… perhaps soon to be renamed? (Just a little levity in an otherwise serious post.)

That post was HERE.

That post contains the text of a prayer which could be recited – with adaptations – against the fire “storm” which large fires can develop.

PRIESTS/BISHOPS: Ideally?  Your Excellencies stand with crosiers in hand on the steps of your respective churches, in cope and miter, surrounded by clergy, and pronounce (if you can) from the traditional Rituale Romanum the Litany of Saints in Latin with the deprecatory prayers against storms.

Fathers, do the same, with the relevant changes.

At churches near fires, ring real bells if you have them.  Bells are sacramentals. They are “baptized” and given names. They speak. In valleys of mountainous countries, as storms approached, people would ring the bells and pray the Litany. That’s one of the reasons why we have consecrated bells!

Bishops, priests of California, you all talk to each other: perhaps coordinate your timing.

I know that in every chancery at least one person reads this blog, probably more. Readers, especially if you know your bishops personally, ask them to do this.



Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, ACTION ITEM!, Urgent Prayer Requests |

UPDATED AND SOLVED – Mystery Puzzle Challenge from something in Fulton Sheen’s book On The Demonic

UPDATE 8 Jan 25 15:55:

Big news!

FIRST… this is an important topic.  I WARMLY recommend the book.  Every priest should be made to read it.  Get a copy for your priests.

The author/complier of the of book about Fulton Sheen’s writings entitled On The Demonic by Archbp. Fulton J. Sheen (US HERE), Fr. Dave Tomaszycki, contacted me today with more information.  We had spoken on the phone and exchanged email about the puzzling scribble on p. 162 which had defied deciphering.  (Photos of the page, below with previous stabs at an answer.)

Fr. Tomaszycki wrote today to inform me that one of the readers of this blog, having read the previous version of this post, applied himself to the question and “cracked the code”.

Fr. T asked that fellow (someone who has a background in reading handwritten medical records) if I could use what he wrote and Fr. T told me I could use what he wrote.  So, having cleared everything, HERE IS THE ANSWER.  I’ll cut and paste the text, but I will slightly redact it.

On Wed, Jan 8, 2025

Dear Fr. Z,

Inspired by your blog post a few months back, a man—D** F********** —reached out to me a few days ago, and I think he has “cracked the code” and solved the mystery of Sheen’s handwriting on page 162 of On The Demonic.

It’s very close to what you said, but instead of “Pulchra,” it’s “prism.” I had forgotten that Sheen uses an analogy of the sun hitting a prism, and the Light of Christ shining through the saints (and especially our Blessed Mother). Sheen talks about this in his book Preface to Religion (recently republished by Ignatius Press as Remade for Happiness, pp. 102-103). [HERE] Dan also takes into account the little dashes between the words (something I always felt a little uneasy about ignoring).

So, I think Sheen wrote: “Tota – prism – Feast of I.C. – NEED TO CRUSH SERPENT DEMONIC”

  • “Tota” as in Tota Pulchra, as you suggested. This hymn points to the Immaculate Conception. The fact that the devil never had any hold on Our Lady. But “Tota” also as in “all.” This fits nicely with what a prism does…
  • “prism” In Preface to Religion, Sheen writes: “Striking that Mystical Body as the brightness of the sun striking a prism splits up into seven rays of the spectrum. The procession of Divine Life broke up into the seven sacraments to flood the members of that Body with Divine Life for the seven states from the cradle to the grave.” (Fuller quote attached.) This is an interesting link between Our Lady and the Seven Sacraments. Our Lady is one of the main weapons against the demonic. And when people think the devil is attacking them, the first advice I always give them is to frequent the Sacraments.
  • “Feast of I.C.” On this past Feast of the Immaculate Conception, I read through Pope Pius IX’s Ineffabilis Deus. The Holy Father has many awesome lines about how important it is for the Blessed Mother to be Immaculately Conceived so that the devil never would have had any hold on Her. That way Her triumph over the devil is not 99% triumph, but complete triumph. Here is my favorite line: “[T]he most holy Virgin, united with [Jesus] by a most intimate and indissoluble bond, was, with him and through him, eternally at enmity with the evil serpent, and most completely triumphed over him, and thus crushed his head with her immaculate foot.”

Below is the email from D**. He really did great work and a lot of work. He got out pieces of Sheen’s handwriting to compare how Sheen writes different letters and words.

The first four attachments are from D**, the fifth attachment is from me and is the original picture of Sheen’s handwriting that ended up in the book.

Thanks for the numerous posts about the book. It really inspired a lot of people to try to crack the code, and I think we finally got it.

God Bless,

Fr. Dave

Here are the attachments.

Tota – prism – Feast of I.C.

There it is.   That explanation ticks all the boxes.  It looks like “prism”. Samples of Sheen’s writing bear it out.   Sheen had used the analogy before.

UPDATE 30 Sept 24 13:08:

I received notes via email. See below.  Also, I think we might have gotten it.

Originally posted 28 Sept 24:23:43

So I sitting around with priest friends in Brooklyn and the new book about Fulton Sheen’s writings On The Demonic comes up.

Then we get to this… and we puzzled and puzzled and puzzled.

OKAY READERS!   Let’s solve this!

We wondered if that descending squiggle might not be something from shorthand,… are we in Latin?  English?

On The Demonic by Archbp. Fulton J. Sheen.

US HEREUK HERE (not yet)

The forward explains that, toward the end of his life, Sheen was ever more convinced that we are living in a demonic age and that we may be seeing the “first cells of the Anti-Christ”.

He wrote that he wanted to write a book about the demonic, but he passed away before he could accomplish it.   The editor of this book has gone through all of Sheen’s material and collated what he found about the topic.

The volume includes not only excerpts from known published works but also from Sheen’s own handwritten notes, kept in his archive, for conferences, etc.

This book is

the closest thing the world will ever see to the long-lost book that Fulton Sheen promised to write on the demonic, all in Sheen’s own words.

UPDATE 29 Sept 24 13:08:

I received a note via email about the puzzling scribbles.

Message Body:

Hello Fr. Z, read the blog on Fulton Sheen’s book, pg 162. Comparing the script between words, i think the 3rd bullet is “Tats Jesum” Corporate Body of Christ, 4th bullet is autograph by: “Friend “J” (John) “I.C” (In Christ).
“Tats Jesum” definition of “Tates” means Corporate Body,
“Tats Jesum” search goes to Bach… (Feast of the Annunciation .. Incarnation)

I dunno.

I’m not wholly convinced.

UPDATE: 30 Sept 24

Last night a group of us was chewing the fat after a great Chinese outing and, since the book question was sitting right there, the topic came up again.

I think we might have worked it out.   I contacted the author and he’s going to mull it over.  If anyone can confirm or demure it is he.

The solution, we think, is “Texts from feast of I.C.”… Immaculate Conception.

UPDATE: 30 Sept 24 – later

I checked my email… really, folks, for efficiency in posts like this use the comment form rather than sending email, which comes at me in torrents.

One person suggested that it pointed to reading the Imitation of Christ. Interesting.

Another sent something along the lines of what we came up with about the Texts from the feast of the Immaculate Conception.

Posted in Classic Posts, SESSIUNCULA, The Drill | Tagged
1 Comment

Daily Rome Shot 1217 – more chalice

A couple more shots of Card. Burke consecrating my new/old chalice. Click for larger.

I am happy to report that I will now be able to USE my newly consecrated chalice and paten when I am in Rome for a couple weeks, in a couple week.  Having found a less unreasonable airfare, I determined to go and enjoy my digs and some Roman time.   To that end, I asked for some donations for my expenses and some of you jumped right in.

Thanks, so far, to:



You raise my spirits.  So far my airfare is just about covered.   I could use a bit more for my rent (which I pay in 3 month blocks).

I will have to do another fund drive later for April and May (Holy Week, etc.).

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

As of yesterday…

Janet Smith about the appointment to Washington DC. HERE

Personnel is policy. HERE

Nice people! Great service!

I suggest that you get involved in … chess. It is an infuriating consolation.

About the late Fr. Paul Mankowski, SJ HERE

In chessy news… HERE

White to move and mate in 2. How long did it take?


Daily Rome Shot 1216 – madness continues

The S.R.E. Cardinal Burke pontificated at The Parish™ for real Epiphany.

A French Bishop,  Dominique Rey of Fréjus-Toulon, who was supportive of traditional worship and who brought up many vocations, has “been resigned” at 72 years.  HERE  At first he received an investigation and then coadjutor.  Now, the pen was put into his hand and, surprise, his resignation was quickly accepted.

An Italian religious sister was appointed as PREFECT of Religious. A Cardinal is now pro-Prefect, which probably means that he reports to her.   I can’t help but think that this is going to be well-received, given how incoherent it is.

The Italian bishops’ newspaper ran a story against Mary’s virginity.  HERE

In chessy news… HERE

White to move and mate in 4.

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HEREWHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.


“Let y’all know!” The “Noveritis” Epiphany chant announcement of 2025’s movable dates and feasts

At Epiphany (real Epiphany is today) we Latins have – traditionally – chanted a solemn proclamation of the key liturgical dates or movable feasts for the new year of salvation, just begun.

This underscores how these dates and seasons are all interconnected.

The liturgical year is a reflection of and on the mystery of our salvation.  And, never forget, the mysteries shape us.

We are our rites.

Some liturgical dates are movable. For example Septuagesima this year is 0n 16 February.   This beginning of Pre-Lent doesn’t fall on the same date every year because the date of Easter changes each year.  In 2023 Septuagesima was on 4 February.

You can find a printable PDF of the Noveritis 2025  HERE

NB: It has Ascension Thursday on the correct day!

Better late than never.

1 Comment

Daily Rome Shot 1215 – consecrated!

The S.R.E. Cardinalis Burke consecrating my chalice and paten on (real) Epiphany 2025.  Photo from The World’s Best Sacristan™ at The Parish™.

Where I will be pretty soon.  I found a relatively low-expenditure flight!  I would appreciate some donations to help defray the cost.  I’ll have to do that again, in a more systematic way for a return to Rome for Holy Week, Easter and beyond.  So, for now, wavvy flag is back.

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

Of course as the wheel of fate turns another notch, setting up this trip to Rome will trigger one of my major appliances’ demise.

In churchy news, I suppose the big deal today is the appointment of a new Archbishop for Washington DC.  Perhaps this is La Befana’s gift for Epiphany?  I had figured that this one might go to New York when the present locum tenens has been relieved. My first thought was that this was not so subtle payback for the next president’s ambassadorial appointment. It seems to me that that is how the cardinalatial appointments have been handled. I feel for the faithful in the nation’s capital.


In chessy news… not much.  HERE

White to move and mate in 3.

Interested in learning?  Try THIS.


REVIEW: Gladiator II

Nope.  It thudded in eternity.

Cartoon characters.  Tortured dialogue.  Acting… meh.  Nice to see old actors… okay.  Some CGI pretty good (is that it?)?  Music… there was music?… I guess so, and some of it sounded like it was from the first movie.

Historically absurd as was Gladiator. Yeah yeah… Gladiator – Marcus Aurelius wanted the Republic back! ROFL!!!! LOL!!!  We can live with that for great story well told and well acted.   What’s an adjective beyond “absurd”.. preposterous?

There are motifs replayed as one would expect and desire.  But, as satisfying as they were, they were insufficient.

Do NOT spend money on this movie.   If anyone would in charity reimburse me… no… no… I deserve to suffer the the loss for having in my optimism trusted that this would do more than insult me.  I punished myself.

Ridley Scott… you whored your movie.  Enjoy the little money you might scrape from this, like the scraping of the rhino horn in the party scene.  What a jerk for not caring more.

Or is it RINO?

As the movie ended, and I sighed a sigh of relief, it defaulted to Gladiator.  What a stark  contrast.

NB: As I conclude, in Gladiator the costumes, especially of the daughter of M. Aurelius, sister of Commodus, told a story.   This comes from a background in theatre and the observations of friend who is an expert.  In Gladiator II, there was nothing but cliche.

I hated this movie.  I hate it because it’s insults my intelligence.