Daily Rome Shot 1255 – We’re doomed


Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HEREWHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

Sister DeDe is fantastic.

In chessy news… HERE

White to move and mate in 3.


Dicastery for the Causes of Saints in Rome issues Decree naming Fr Emil Kapaun Venerable

Dicastery for the Causes of Saints in Rome issues Decree naming Father Emil Kapaun Venerable

The decree was published on the website of the Diocese of Wichita. HERE

Bishop Carl Kemme is pleased to announce that on February 25, 2025, Pope Francis authorized the promulgation of the Decree concerning the offer of life of Servant of God Emil Kapaun.

“As bishop of the Diocese of Wichita, where Father Emil Kapaun was ordained and served and where he is now entombed in the Cathedral, I join his family, our diocesan family, parishioners in Pilsen, his brother priests, men and women in the armed forces, past, present and future, and indeed every one of faith in giving thanks that Pope Francis has advanced his cause by declaring him to be Venerable. I encourage everyone to continue to pray for his intercession in every situation so that many more graces and divine favors will be received because of his powerful prayers. Venerable Emil Kapaun, pray for us!” Bishop Carl A. Kemme

This Decree is a formal recognition that, after a life of virtue, Kapaun freely and voluntarily made the supreme act of charity: offering his life for his fellow prisoners of war.  “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends,” says Jesus (John 15:13).

The publication of the Decree opens the door for the investigation of alleged miracles needed as supernatural evidence to further the cause.  One miracle will need to be approved for beatification.  A second approved miracle, occurring after the beatification itself, will be needed for canonization as a saint.

Over the years we have received testimony of several instances of alleged miraculous intercession by Father Kapaun.  Some of these potential miracles date back nearly two decades, while others occurred very recently.  One or two will be sent in detail to the Dicastery for Saints in Rome for review by both theologians and medical experts before papal approval is given.  This process will likely take many years before beatification could happen.

Bishop Kemme and all of us here at Father Kapaun’s Cause are immensely grateful for your prayers and support.  This is a thrilling step, and we can now begin to address Father Kapaun as the Venerable Servant of God Emil Kapaun, or more commonly, “Venerable Emil Kapaun”.

Now, as much as ever, our work is to continue to pray and share Venerable Kapaun’s story.  We ask him to intercede for us, that we all may follow his example of hope, courage, and selfless sacrifice for God and the good of those around us.

To learn more about the offering of life, visit https://frkapaun.org/

To request a prayer card or to make a donation

Posted in Modern Martyrs, Saints: Stories & Symbols | Tagged

ASK FATHER: Request about “indigenous smudging”

A priest friend wrote about what smudging means.

Different tribes think different things.  However ALL involve DEMONS (cfr. Paul).

I understand some bishops want to approve certain “indigenous” rites like smudging.

This needs widespread attention and help.

Can you post INTELLIGENT thing about this.


Help a priest – ACTION ITEM

UPDATE 2 March – 15:11: Since I posted this on 24 Feb at 21:11 EST until I posted this update


amazing people have written to me.  I forwarded their emails.

ORIGINALLY Published on: Feb 24, 2025 at 21:11

I make a personal appeal.

A priest friend has been dealt a very bad hand. He needs support. He is in good canonical standing. He is in very bad health. His bishop is … not helpful.

He can take Mass intentions. His financial situation is such that he needs generous stipends.

He cannot take Gregorian Masses (because he is in and out of the hospital and does some prison ministry). He can take individual stipends – even quite a few – so long as they don’t have to be consecutive… because of hospital stays and some parish Masses.

He says celebrates the Novus Ordo and the Traditional Latin MassIf you want ONLY the TLM, he can do it.

This works like what I do for the Gregorian Mass requests.

  • Send me an email and I will forward it to him.
  • Then, you two can work things out between yourselves without me being involved.
  • I am a yenta.
  • I get no benefit from it other than the satisfaction of connecting you.

He is in a bad place.  Also, please say NOW a prayer for his health.

Many dioceses have set stipends which are quite low. If you can, I ask that you would be generous with your stipends.

Please write to me HERE and I will forward your email to him. YOU – entirely between yourselves – can work out the details.  PAY ATTENTION! In the subject line put


Don’t put anything else.  Just that.  Simple instructions.

Help a priest who really needs help.

1 Comment

Daily Rome Shot 1254 – a snack

Madonna and Child between St. Peter Nolasco and St. Peter Pascasio by Pompeo Batoni.

Welcome Registrant:


Bonus pic… a snack.

In chessy news…. HERE


IMPORTANT article at First Things

There is an IMPORTANT article at First Things – HERE

“Who’s Really Calling the Shots at U.S. Diocesan Chanceries?”

The article by Michael Mazza – a reliable, knowledgeable, experienced canonist whom I’ve known for a couple of decades at least – exposes something that most priests came to realize years ago, namely, that diocesan chanceries are in a fundamental way being steered by lawyers and insurance companies and that the rights of priests to due process (or human decency for that matter) are often ignored.


Posted in 1983 CIC can. 915, Cancelled Priests, Priests and Priesthood, The Coming Storm, The Drill, The future and our choices |

Your Sunday Sermon Notes – Sexagesima (N.O.: 7th Ord) 2025

Too many people today are without good, strong preaching, to the detriment of all. Share the good stuff.

It is the 7th Sunday of Ordinary Time in the Novus Ordo and Sexagesima Sunday in the Vetus Ordo.   The Roman Station is St. Paul’s outside-the-walls.  We are back in purple for Sunday while the new-fangled Novus gets green.

We are now in pre-Lent.  Those who attend the Vetus Ordo are never surprised by Lent.

Was there a GOOD point made in the sermon you heard at your Sunday Mass of obligation?

Tell about attendance especially for the Traditional Latin Mass.

Any local changes or (hopefully good) news?

I have a few thoughts about the orations in the Vetus Ordo for this Sunday: HERE

A taste:

Our Mass formularies for pre-Lent and Lent go back to at least the time of St. Gregory the Great (+604), and certainly before.  What was going on back in the day?  Plague and famine had ravaged the population.  The invading Lombards threatened Rome itself with sword and fire.  Both for Septuagesima and this Sexagesima Sunday we hear the cry of the Church to God for help and mercy.

Our historical context also includes the fact of the Roman Station Churches.  Last week, we were at St. Lawrence outside-the-walls, near the tomb of the holy deacon burned alive on an iron grate.  Today the Station is St. Paul’s outside-the-walls, the place of Paul’s execution and burial.  It is as if the Church is asking the catechumens, aspiring to baptism, “Are you sure you want to take this on?”  The catechumens and baptized alike with the Pope and cortege made their way from the heart of the City under the long covered walkway that stretched from the great defense walls to the Ostian Basilica, St. Paul’s.


Daily Rome Shot 1253 – The world has gone mad

The stone says 24 February, but he died on the 23 Feb 1821.

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HEREWHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

Did Obama officials force Pope Benedict’s resignation? Open letter calls for Trump investigation – HERE

Mala tempora currunt! The world has gone mad. HERE

Hey libs of CNS! The word you are looking for is “MEN”.

Women cannot be ordained. It is impossible.

And now your favorite part… in chessy news… HERE

Black to move and win material.  Name the technique?


Daily Rome Shot 1252 – Peace be with you (7)

Welcome registrant:


Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HEREWHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

And some items…

In chessy news… HERE

Black to move and mate in 4.

Interested in learning?  Try THIS.


WDTPRS – 22 Feb – Feast of the Cathedra of Peter (2002MR): Antioch or Rome or… Texas?

Congratulations to all those who belong to the Ordinariate of the Chair of Peter a fine feast day.

Today is an opportunity to reflect of the will of the Savior about a necessary element for His Church: the Petrine Ministry.

Once upon a time, there were two feasts of Peter’s cathedra, chair, his official role as teacher who strengthens the brethren, etc.

On 18 January we would celebrate Peter’s cathedra in Rome.

On 22 February we would celebrated Peter’s cathedra in Antioch.

Peter went to Antioch, a key city in the East, and there had a disagreement with Paul.  Peter spent about 7 years in Antioch, guiding the church as its bishop, before he pulled up stakes, and… I guess… cathedra… and went to Rome.  He wouldn’t have taken a literal chair, but he did take his office and authority, given to him by Christ.   He had this office and authority before he went to Antioch, while he was at Antioch, when he left Antioch, when he got to Rome and when he died in Rome.

Because the Petrine Ministry is necessary for the Church, Christ made it obviously a “hereditary” office, just as the Davidic stewards enjoyed with the conferral of keys.  After Peter, another man held the Petrine Ministry and so on down to our day.   That would have happened whether Peter had stayed in Jerusalem, stayed in Antioch, or had gone to Luoyang in China of the Han Dynasty.

ASIDE: Based on Peter’s move from Antioch to Rome, there are those who say that there is nothing which absolutely connects being the Successor of Peter with being Bishop of Rome.  He was, after all, The Rock, when he was in Antioch.  He was Vicar of Christ before he went to Antioch.  He was Vicar of Christ when he was between Antioch and Rome.  For all practical purposes Petrine Ministry and office of Bishop of Rome now seem to be fused together.  Most authors think they are inseparable.  But… they weren’t, unless one thinks that Christ gave Peter His authority in view of Peter’s future in Rome.   Possible, but there’s no Biblical evidence for that.  On the surface, it looks like one could be Successor of Peter (who can be anywhere) and someone else Bishop of Rome (who should be in Rome).  The majority of theologians would, today, say that the Petrine Ministry, being Vicar of Christ, and being Bishop of Rome are now inseparable by the fact that Peter died in Rome.  It is not entirely clear to me how his death “sealed the deal”, as it were.

However, were we to consider the implications of Peter being Vicar of Christ before getting either to Antioch or Rome, one supposes that, in time of need, some Successor of Peter could move his see to, say, Texas.

In any event, that’s an interesting thing to reflect on today when we have Antioch and Rome together on one day instead of two.

Let’s see the Novus and Vetus Ordo Collect for the feast.


Praesta, quaesumus, omnipotens Deus,
ut nullis nos permittas perturbationibus concuti,
quos in apostolicae confessionis petra solidasti.

There is nothing especially difficult about the grammar and vocabulary of this prayer, though it is theologically profound. NB: the solidasti is really solidavisti, a “syncopated” form.

I’m sure some of you can come up with your smooth but accurate versions.


Deus, qui beato Petro Apostolo tuo, collatis clavibus regni coelestis, ligandi atque solvendi pontificium traditisti: concede; ut, intercessionis eius auxilio, a peccatorum nostrorum nexibus liberemur.

O God, who, having committed to Your Apostle blessed Peter the keys of the heavenly kingdom, bestowed the pontifical office of binding and loosing; grant that, by the help of his intercession, we may be delivered from the bonds of our sins.

Whereas the Novus emphasizes we don’t have to worry about the solidity of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith because of the graces given to Peter and His successors … though is sure doesn’t see that way occasionally … the older prayer concerns the power of bishops and priests to forgive sins.  Come to think of it, even if we didn’t pay a lot of attention to what certain pontiffs said and did, we would be hard pressed to be at ease without the ability to make a good confession.  If there were a choice between knowing all the stuff that goes on with popes and prelates, and the opportunity of having a good and available confessor around… I know which I would choose.

As a bonus… here are a few photos of St. Peter’s shot some years ago on this Feast of the Cathedra of St. Peter.

It is pretty dark in the Basilica, so steady is the name of the game. Here is a shot through the columns over the main altar toward the apse, where you can see the candles arrayed around the magnificent bronze by Bernini.

A closer view.

The bronze Cathedra is decorated with lighted candles only once a year, today.

The black bronze statue of St. Peter attributed to the marvelous Arnulfo di Cambio was always dressed up in his cope and tiara, with a ring on his finger and pectoral Cross on two days, 29 June and today. Then the modernists in the Fabrica started fooling around. Too triumphalistic. They started cutting out elements. But all of them were back the day I shot these except for the griccia alb, which I can live without I guess. I don’t know if it is back this year or not.

And ….



FATHERS! TODAY ends 40% off clerical Guayabera shirts (and there are regular Guayabera shirts too, and Chacabanas and Panama hats, fedoras, etc. for anyone)

Hey Fathers!  How about a clerical Guayabera shirt?

I have one.  Great for hot weather.

Leave a comment

Apple allows “back door” to data. Implications for texting apps like WhatsApp and Signal?

This got my attention. I wonder what the implications are for texting apps like Whats App and Signal.

If I remember correctly (correct me if I am wrong) WhatsApp is already being mined by AI because it is part of Fakebook.

Signal is more secure.

Tech knowledgeable people should chime in.  I mean” “people who know what they are talking about”.

But… if you use it on an Apple device…. ?

I renew also my invitation for people who use SaaS to look into Federated.

They have replacements for many expensive services which also mine your data.  With Federated, your data is yours.

Federated has an app called Element which is for group chat and for video chat.  I have a (not very active) chat group for live Mass streams and I’ve used the video chat a couple times because I will not use Zoom (which is mined by Fakebook).

Posted in Semper Paratus, Si vis pacem para bellum!, The Coming Storm, The future and our choices, You must be joking! |

Daily Rome Shot 1251 – Peace be with you (6)

Welcome Registrant:

Ave Maris Stella

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HEREWHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

Remember! There’s only one unique expression of the Roman Rite. Right?

But… but… but… if he was pressured into resigning, wouldn’t that make his resignation invalid? That’s what canon law says. Does the law apply to the lawgiver?

For a bird’s eye view…

And there’s this…

In chessy news… HERE“>


News of the Church 11 – 20 February 2025

The inaugural edition of this series is HERE, in which I explain a lot more.

Some time ago, I saw a movie called News of the World in which after the Civil War a former confederate officer earns a meager living by wandering about reading to crowds  articles from newspapers he has gathered.  People pay a dime a head to listen, which figures to about $2.50. In those days news was scare and many couldn’t read at all, so there was great interest and emotion over the news of the world he brought. The idea of this travelling gazetteer caught my imagination and here I am. The word Gazette came into English through French but it’s origin is Italian, gazzetta, which is the name of the Venetian coin which paid for the first first Venetian newspapers in the 16th century.

Here is a gazette of “News of the Church”.

00:12 – Init
00:59 – Chronicle of Le Barroux
06:24 – Chronicle of Gower Abbey
11:30 – Chronicle of Silverstream
17:45 – SSPX church consecrated
22:23 – Exit


I think I need a new microphone

Posted in News of the Church, PODCAzT, SESSIUNCULA | Tagged , ,

Select Daily Rome Shot 1250 – Peace be with you (5) and The Pant’s Gambit – updated

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HEREWHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

The traditional Benedictine monks of Norcia make excellent beer, three kinds!

When our prelates had spines…


In chessy news… HERE

Black to move and mate in 4.

A little tricky.


Daily Rome Shot 1249 – Peace be with you (4)


Welcome new registrants (who are also chess players, judging by their brief registration bio):


I am a chess.com affiliate, so if you sign up for a chess.com membership, I’ll get some credit.  HERE

I think we, as our ancient forebears, desire for the Lord to return ASAP.   However, there are days when I would settle for an asteroid.   And speaking of asteroids: “Odds of Asteroid 2024 YR4 hitting Earth go up again” HERE

They aren’t endlessly looping “Swan Lake” on Vatican Radio yet.

Yeah… this’ll be a great show.

Some things never change.

In chessy news… the play in continues. HERE

The esports thing is heating up as teams are forming.

White to mate in 5.

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HEREWHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.


Daily Rome Shot 1248 – Peace be with you (3)

Let’s stick with one church for a bit.

From my dear friend His Hermeneuticalness, Fr. Tim Finigan:

In chessy news… HERE


Daily Rome Shot 1247 – Sorry

Another view.

I got really busy from very early today.  Sorry.

Here’s the daily blah blah, which I hope you will, please, take to heart and remember.

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HEREWHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

In chessy news… The 2025 Champions Chess Tour started today with the Chessable Masters, featuring a faster 10+0 time control.   This is the play-in stage.

In OTB today, I won one and lost won against one of the strongest in the club, a 2000.  I know exactly where I screwed up in the loss, too.  I anticipated his move properly and then doubted myself in what I thought (knew) was the most prudent defense again a knight hop into my side of the board.  I had him before that.  One move.  Just one move….


Your Sunday Sermon Notes – Septuagesima (N.O. 6th Ordinary) 2025

In the Vetus Ordo, it’s Septuagesima Sunday.  In the Novus Ordo, it is the 6th Sunday in Ordinary (Ordered) Time.    Green vestments for the Novus Ordo, and violet for the Vetus Ordo.

Was there a GOOD point made in the sermon you heard at your Sunday Mass of obligation?

Share the good stuff.  Quite a few people are forced to sit through really bad preaching.  Even though you can usually find – if you are willing to try – at least one good point in a really bad sermon, that can be a trial.  So… SHARE THE GOOD STUFF which you were fortunate enough to receive!

Tell about attendance especially for the Traditional Latin Mass. I hear that it is growing. Of COURSE.

Any local changes or (hopefully good) news?  We really need good news.

I have some thoughts posted at One Peter Five.


They are your prayers too, raised in your stead by the priest at the altar of Sacrifice.  You raise them by your baptismal share in Christ’s priesthood through your attentive listening which is far from passive when you are truly engaged with them and the sound of the voice of the alter Christus, praying in persona Christi capitis.  In the priest’s vocal praying and by your full, conscious and actual active participation in his praying, Christ the Head and Christ the Body come together into, as St. Augustine of Hippo might put it, Christus Totus, Christ Whole Entire.



Posted in SESSIUNCULA | Tagged

Daily Rome Shot 1246 – Why Pre-Lent was dropped

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HEREWHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

Welcome new registrants:

Nana Anna B

First, a tweet from yesterday but pertinent for today, the beginning of Pre-Lent, Septuagesima.

In chessy news… HERE

Cool puzzle!  White to move and mate in 2.  Name the situation.

The monks of Norcia make GREAT beer!  Have some with savory cheeses and sausage.  They have three kinds and you can have it.  Get some, help the monks.  They are building.