Quantum potes tantum aude: Corpus Christi images

Quantum potes tantum aude

This is a line in the sequence Lauda Sion, composed by St. Thomas Aquinas for the Feast of Corpus Christi.

“However so much as you are capable of doing, dare to do that much.”

More smoothly, “Dare to do as much as you can accomplish”.

Yesterday I was in St. Paul, MN, and participated in the Corpus Christi procession at the Cathedral of St. Paul, perhaps the grandest Catholic Cathedral in the USA.  The builders of that church understood Quantum potes tantum aude.

The new Archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Most Rev. John Neinstedt said in his sermon during Exposition that Corpus Christi should not be celebrated without a procession.

Anecdote:  One day in May I was hanging around outside the Paul VI audience hall (Vatican) during a plenary of the Italian Bishops Conference waiting for my bishop to emerge, chating with fellow journalists and the bishops’ drivers and secretaries a couple bishops who had simply fled the hall in desparate boredom.  I had just been to a Eucharistic procession the day before held by the Teutonic College that went through the Vatican gardens, Swiss Guards carrying the canopy, … stunning.  Deep in his chest this one old bishop rumbled “Meno chiacchiere – più processioni. … Less jabbering – more processions.” 

The tide of anti-devotional madness is passing away.  The days of sneering critics of Eucharistic devotion are over.  No longer will we hear, as I did in seminary in the 1980’s, “Jesus said ‘Take and eat, not sit and look!’”, as if “looking” was opposed to “receiving”. 

I am hearing from many people that Eucharistic devotion is on the rise.

Our Holy Father Pope Benedict had changed the conversation.  He has set in motion his “Marshall Plan” to reinvigorate our Catholic identity especially through a shift in liturgical awareness and practice.  Liturgy is, after all, the tip of the spear.  Summorum Pontificum is exerting its gravitational pull on liturgical worship.  A new wave of Catholics desire all that Holy Church has to offer.  Our world needs an encounter with Mystery in the midst of ever more difficult challenges.

Taking Jesus into the streets must be both figurative and literal.

Perhaps if some of you readers care to take the effort, you might send me some of your Corpus Christi photos.  If they are usable, I will do my best to post them in a timely manner.

Please attach the photos to your e-mails, or I will have a hard time working with them.

In the meantime, here is yesterday’s Procession making its way up the hill toward the Cathedral of St. Paul, which looms high above the downtown district.

And the Archbishop incensing the Blessed Sacrament.

Quantum potes tantum aude

The forces which worked for decades to diminish these devotions – doesn’t it seem as if they always sought to make Christ smaller somehow? – have faded in influence.

That doesn’t mean that we will be able to build back everything in a day.

In many places it take a lot of hard work to organize a first Eucharistic procession ever… or in many years.

Thus, not ever procession can immediately look like what the Holy Father has in Rome, or what the Institute of Christ the King may have at some grand church they have remodeled.

We must work patiently, brick by brick.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. I received the following:

    If you are thinking about posting Corpus Christi procession photos, here’s one.  It was at St. Columba Church in Iona, Minnesota.  (Small parish of 85 families)  We just revived the procession after many decades.  The response of the faithful was amazing — far better than anyone imagined.

    You can’t see the cross/candles and MC, as they are preceding the photo.  We started small this year, but we hope to build upon this and get more things in order for next year.  Many are already making plans as of this afternoon.

    God bless,

    Fr. Patrick Arens

  2. A reader sent this:

    Dear Father Z:

    These are taken at St. Gregory Barbarigo Parish, Garnerville NY (Rockland County, Archdiocese of New York), with the pastor, Fr. Robert McKeon presiding.  Note that we combined the procession with a May crowning, which was possible this year with the early Easter we had.


  3. Limbo says:

    The graces that flow from Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is all we need to ‘rebuild’ the Church.

  4. Kradcliffe says:

    We did ours inside St. Mungo’s on Thursday, when Msgr Boyle celebrated a sung Latin Mass. I think we may have stayed inside because there was a Football Situation going on at the same time, but maybe not. (Celtic won the league championship. Woot!)

  5. TNCath says:

    There were at least 5 processions in our diocese yesterday, including at the Cathedral, which was put together at the last minute. Unfortunately we had “multo chiacchiere – no processione” in our parish. Corpus Christi was mentioned, and our pastor did try to make a connection between Corpus Christi and the Memorial Day, making reference to all the Catholic chaplains who brought Holy Communion to countless soldiers in all our wars, bringing them comfort and healing. While a procession would have been very beautiful, I was told that our parishioners’ fixed interval schedules would have been disrupted had we made them 45 minutes to an hour late for lunch at local restaurants, and that their tables would be taken by the Southern Baptists who get out at that time. I suggested a parish luncheon after the procession next year. We’ll see what happens…

  6. Fr. Molinari lead the people in a procession in Salem, OR.  This, from a reader:

    Attached are two pictures of yesterday’s Corpus Christi procession at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Salem, OR. The tradition was revived this year for by our new (since last summer) priest, Fr. Todd Molinari. It was an impressive sight, with 16 (!) altar servers at the Mass, and a procession with canopy in downtown Salem, through pouring rain.


    Fr. Molinari has also scheduled training for himself in the TLM this summer, and tentatively plans to make the 12 noon Sunday Mass a TLM beginning in the fall. If this comes about, it will make Salem the only parish in Oregon outside St. Brigita in Portland (that I know of) to offer a regularly scheduled TLM. Please keep Fr. Molinari and his efforts in your prayers. Oregon is known as the most “unchurched” state in the country, so we sorely need faith like his.


  7. Ken C says:

    This was a great weekend for the archdiocese of St. Louis. Archbishop Burke ordained nine men to the priesthood and Sunday evening led a Corpus Christi procession around the neighborhood of the Cathedral. In attendance were the local priests from Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest. Rome of the West, a great photo blog, has a shot here:


  8. Ken C says:

    This was a great weekend for the archdiocese of St. Louis. Archbishop Burke ordained nine men to the priesthood and Sunday evening led a Corpus Christi procession around the neighborhood of the Cathedral. In attendance were the local priests from Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest. Rome of the West, a great photo blog, has a shot here:


  9. Kathleen says:


    photos from Corpus Christi at Holy Trinity, South End, Boston, MA
    a few from Mary Immaculate of Lourdes, Newton, MA
    Some from St Patrick, Nashua, NH

  10. Joe says:

    Fr. Z,

    I can’t but agree with you about the Cathedral of St. Paul…it’s just amazing.

  11. Goofy says:

    Question: Is it correct for the acolyte doing the incense to walk backwards?

  12. Mar says:

    Is it correct for the acolyte doing the incense to walk backwards?

    I would guess only, that it isn’t.

    On the side note, it is very common among Byzantines (Great Entrance immediately comes to mind).

  13. Yes, the thurifer will have to walk backwards a few steps when he turns around to incense the Blessed Sacrament during the procession.

  14. Goofy says:

    Thank you. How often should the incensing be done during the procession?

  15. From a reader:

    In response to your post “Quantum potes tantum aude: Corpus Christi images”, we wanted to send you the two attached pictures from the Eucharistic Procession at Saint Peter Catholic Church, Stevens Point, Wisconsin.  The Blessed Sacrament is being carried in procession by Father Kevin C. Louis, pastor of Saint Peter.

  16. Daniel Muller says:

    “We” just sat around and sang “To be Your bread now.” The lector read the short form of the poetic translation of the sequence. By himself. (We finally did get around to singing something appropriate for Communion: “Gift of Finest Wheat.”) After Mass, “we” sang a medley (!) of “God Bless America” and “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.”

    So it was nice to see how things were going back at the ranch, at Our Lady of the Atonement.

  17. Jon says:


    After participating in a beautiful first Corpus Christi Mass here, http://articles.lancasteronline.com/local/4/222016 on Saturday night. On Sunday we were at our usual parish, the FSSP apostolate in Harrisburg. There, we processed from our church, about 200 yards from the cathedral, to the cathedral, where the Blessed Sacrament was adored on the altar there, and processed back to our church, where benediction was completed.

    All along the way, the 200 participants literally stopped traffic, and sang Pange Lingua at the top of their lungs.

    Regarding the above link, I don’t know if you received it, as I sent it to you privately. It includes a few splendid pictures, and is about the first TLM in Lancaster, PA, in over forty years. THREE HUNDRED people showed up. It was splendid. You can see my son, ahem, in the large picture. He’s one of the altar boys up there on the left, closest to the altar. It was magnificent.

  18. Marcin says:

    I stand corrected Father. How the should the incensation be carried out – by holding the chain half-way, or full length swing?

  19. Marcin says:

    I stand corrected, Father.

    How should the incensing be carried out – by holding the chain half-way, or a full length swing?

  20. George Festa says:

    I don’t have any photos but we had a beautiful Corpus Christi procession at our parish of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Turners Falls, MA. The canopy over the priest and monstrance must have been 100 years old if it was a day. There were about a dozen altar boys and various parish groups carring statues of Our Lady, St. Jude and various banners of the same vintage as the canopy over the Blessed Sacrament.
    We processed to 4 outside altars led by young girls strewing rose petals before Our Lord in the Blessed sacrament. At each altar there was a reading corresponding to the institution of the Eucharist from each of the 4 Evangelists. The Blessed sacrament was incensed at each altar and the priest blessed us with the monstrance while we all knelt on the grass. The procession ended with the Tantum Ergo and Divine Praises.
    I have been Catholic all of my life and this is the first outdoor
    Corpus Christi procession that I have ever attended. I am grateful to the Holy Father that orthodoxy is making a comeback…we can surely benefit from liturgy and devotions “done right” in today’s troubled times.

    George Festa
    Orange, MA

  21. Patrick says:

    According to Msgr. Elliott, the two thurifers walk in front of the canopy and “They should not walk backwards. But the boat bearer walks to one side of them, not at the center. When required, he goes to the thurifiers and places incense in the thuribles in the course of the procession.” But that’s from the “Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite” perhaps there is also a tradition of having the thurifers walk backwards. We had ours walk frontwards in front of the canopy.

  22. Trey says:

    Here in Texas, we had our annual procession, though this year we remained indoors. I was torchbearer… that was new for me…

    And yes, we had the two thurifers…

    One parish in Ft Worth processes through the surrounding neighborhood… Last year, they lost a few folks to the heat… Did they give up? NO! This year they set up water stations for people! Wonderful!!!

  23. Jon: If I might expand on your modest reference to what I believe was a remarkable event, an unanticipated crowd of over THREE HUNDRED for the first TLM in four decades in a small but beautiful church in Lancaster:

    Return of Latin Mass fills church
    At St. Anthony, the past becomes present

    Et cum spiritu tuo ….

    Oremus ….

    “It’s been nearly 40 years since the words of the Latin Mass — The Lord be with you; And with thy spirit; Let us pray — echoed through the sanctuary of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church. ….. A congregation estimated at 300 — including many young families with children — filled St. Anthony on East Orange Street for the return of the Latin, or Tridentine, Mass on Saturday, the first of what will be weekly services.”

    The picture to which you referred:


    Am I mistaken in thinking that’s you in the front row on the Gospel side, in the black coat, just to the right of the gentleman in a bright pink shirt? And a somewhat more beguiling member of the congregation, one of an age so commonly seen at traditional Latin Masses these days:


  24. Bob says:

    On vacation last weekend: At Mass Sunday, there was no sequence. But we did have a lounge singer with a great voice being backed by a soft jazz piano. What to do?

  25. MargaretC says:

    Our procession was very modest, but overall a success. We had about 60 people, including many children. This was the first procession we’d tried since anyone in the parish can remember, and I think it went well.

    By the way, our parish is St. Laurence O’Toole in Laramie, Wyoming, which is 7200 feet above sea level. Trying to walk and sing at this altitude was more challenging than we had anticipated.

  26. Jon says:


    Good eyes you have! As you know, it was my wife and I in the front row, where we sat to give the uninitiated a lead in when to sit, kneel, and stand.

    The experience was overwhelming, as signatures had first been gathered more than a decade ago and presented to the late bishop, who consistently refused the request for any thing further than a monthly Mass. Much work and prayer went into this effort.

    The most surprising element of the wonderfully high attendance however is that the Mass wasn’t as thoroughly advertised as we otherwise would have liked. It was advertised in St. Anthony’s bulletin, and in a few, but not all, the other parish bulletins in the deanery. The diocesan newspaper, which came out only the middle of the previous week, carried a gracious but very modest announcement.

    The crowd was actually precipitated by word of mouth, borne forth on angel’s wings, I’m guessing. We couldn’t have been more pleased. The feeling was enthusiastic, all comments after the Mass I heard were joyfully positive, and everyone was profoundly grateful to Bishop Rhoades, with whose active approbation this has been made the second regular, weekly Mass in the diocese. There are a few others I know of, but they’re done at the initiative of the local pastor. The difference here is that attendees are guaranteed pastoral care by a Fraternity, or assisting priest. Should they become sick, they’ll be visited and given Extreme Unction. Should they wish to marry, their marriage will be solemnized in the Extraordinary Form. Should they want their children baptized, or their wives churched, should they desire Confirmation by the ’62 books, or in the end, should they desire a Requiem Mass, they WILL have it.

    As I’ve quoted the 118th Psalm elsewhere regarding this, I’d like to do it again.

    The Lord has done this; and it is marvelous in our eyes.

    Please pray for the Diocese of Harrisburg, and for Bishop Kevin Rhoades. We are truly blessed indeed to have him at as our shepherd.

    Before closing my post, I might also mention one other event. On Sunday, June 15th, at 2:30, the newly ordained Father Jonathan Romanowski will celebrate a Solemn High Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Harrisburg.

    Then-to-be Father Romanowski is one of four FSSP candidates being ordained by Cardinal Hoyos in Nebraska this coming weekend. Father Romanowski grew up in our apostolate when it was only a weekly Mass. Bishop Rhoades graciously gave his permission for this Mass. Father Eric Flood, North American Suprerior of the FSSP, will serve as deacon, and I understand our very own chaplain, Father Frank Parrinello, will act as subdeacon.

    This will be the first time the Traditional Mass will have been celebrated in the Harrisburg cathedral since 1965 – all thanks to Bishop Rhoades.

  27. dominic1962 says:

    I assisted at two Corpus Christi processions in the Archdiocese of Omaha. The FSSP parish (Immaculate Conception) in Omaha had a procession on Thursday followed by a Solemn High Mass. There were not massive numbers of people there, but there was a good number and it was a very beautiful procession and Mass.

    We also had a sort of city-wide one organized by St. Peter’s parish in Omaha. It took place on Sunday and went from Our Lady of Lourdes to St. Peter’s (about 2 miles or so). A good number of priests and seminarians assisted and I heard an estimate of about 800 people taking part. I’ll try to round up some pictures.

  28. SMJ says:

    In Brazil, Corpus Christi Thursday is a national holiday, so, in my parish we had a beautiful Mass and procession with 3 thousand people attending.

  29. Paul says:

    Dear Fr Z,

    Thank you so much for drawing to our attention that lovely quote from St Thomas. It is a long story, but that little bit of Latin was the perfect answer to a prayer today (and very sensible advice too!).

    God bless you,


  30. Gloria says:

    St. Stephen the First Martyr in Sacramento, CA (FSSP), celebrated the Solemnity of Corpus Christi on Sunday. Sadly, it isn’t a Holy Day on the actual Thursday. This year we were only able to process, with candles, to one outside altar after Solemn High Mass. Usually it’s three. It was truncated because two of our three priests each travels 150 miles in different directions on the 2nd and 4th Sundays to Chico and to Fresno to say the TLM for the waiting faithful. We had to cut things short so that they could share our beautiful Mass. Our schola and choir led us in the Pange Lingua and Adoro Te as we processed out onto the public sidewalk and back into the Church for Benediction, etc. There is a new priest in charge (not designated pastor yet) at St. Patrick’s in Grass Valley, CA. He is originally from Poland where Corpus Christi is a national holiday. He organized a procession, the first EVER in Grass Valley, to share what he knew and loved in Poland. It was not entirely successful, with altar girls, people in shorts – you get the picture – but, besides the Corpus Christi procession, he is trying to bring some tradition back to a Novus Ordo parish. His efforts are not widely appreciated by liturgical committees and parishioners. He needs a lot of prayers. By the way, the City charged him $1000 to hold the procession which covered two city blocks. Gloria

  31. Jakub says:

    Nothing to report from Los Angeles…

  32. Ann says:

    The pictures are beautiful!

    May I ask what might sound like a dumb question and perhaps a bit off topic? Is it the general practice in the US for acolytes and servers to wear cassocks and surplices? They look wonderful and I wish we saw more of them here.

  33. Scott Smith says:

    In some places, cassock and surplice is customary. It varies from parish to parish.

  34. Frank says:

    Fortescue & O’Connell (my edition is 1935) are very opposed to the thurifers walking backwards. They say there is no authority for the practice, quoting the Rituale Romanum & various Italian rubrical sources. While walking in the procession, the thurifers walk forwards swinging the thuribles in the normal way.

  35. Patrick says:


    That’s interesting and seems to be what the modern roman rite calls for as well. Perhaps it is a spontaneous tradition that has taken hold.

  36. Fortescue & O’Connell (my edition is 1935) are very opposed to the thurifers walking backwards.

    The 14th revised edition (2003) seems less concerned about this. On page 329 it says “the two thurifers–walking forward but slightly turned towards the Blessed Sacrament, swinging their thuribles at the inside continuously … .”

    But on page 378 a footnote says simply “It is better to walk straight, not backwards or sideways. Each thurifer swings his thurible by the inside hand.”

  37. Kathleen says:

    I don’t have pictures, but the diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph and the
    archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas held a joint rosary crusade at Kauffman
    Stadium. It included a Corpus Christi procession, benediction and adoration.
    The crowd was estimated at 25,000.

  38. Jackie says:

    I know that Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary walks backward, at least in some cases. I went to the College and at the annual Eucharistic retreat put on by the seminarians (Mount 2000), there is a Eucharistic procession and the thurifers (always a seminarian) always have walked backwards.

  39. Willebrord says:

    I believe our Diocese of Cleveland had a procession down-town Saturday. Unfortunately, we were not able to attend due to the fact that we were out-of-town (I was quite surprised by the news that there was a procession; our diocese is one of the more “progressive”. No kneeling through Mass is the norm, I believe.

  40. Christine says:

    Saint Mary of the Isle parish in Long Beach, NY had a beautiful Corpus Christi procession – the first that
    any living parishioner can remember – thanks to our wonderful new Pastor, Rev. Christopher Nowak. The Church
    was overflowing with flowers, and some parishioners made a gold canopy. First Communicants and other children
    were in the front, sprinkling rose petals along the path Our Lord would take. Four altars were set up in the
    parish field and the traditional office of St. Thomas was prayed.
    Images here: http://www.stmaryoftheisle.com/corpus_christi_procession.htm

  41. Oremus says:

    For most of our procession, I walked backwards myself.

    According to the extraordinary form, though, it’s supposed to be forwards, with head turned towards the Sanctissimum.

    But I think it’s more reverent to walk backwards and such a joy, then, to see the incense rise and touch where you see Our Lord or go through the monstrance’s rays.

    For practical reasons, I did walk forward when I descended and ascended stairs, and for a moment when I turned street corners.

    Father, I love the Cathedral, but I have to stay that isn’t the grandest table I’ve ever seen. Perhaps a real altar is on the way, one day. Deo Volente.

  42. Oremus says:

    For most of our procession, I walked backwards myself.

    According to the extraordinary form, though, it’s supposed to be forwards, with head turned towards the Sanctissimum.

    But I think it’s more reverent to walk backwards and such a joy, then, to see the incense rise and touch where you see Our Lord or go through the monstrance’s rays.

    For practical reasons, I did walk forward when I descended and ascended stairs, and for a moment when I turned street corners.

    Father, I love the Cathedral, but I have to stay that the altar table isn’t the grandest I’ve ever seen. Perhaps a real one will come one day or the old one (I couldn’t tell whether it was still there but if so) will be used again. Deo Volente.

  43. Oremus says:

    As you can see, I revised my comment a little. Remember, everything old is new again!

  44. The young men of our parish in the Liguori Society sponsored the Corpus Christi procession. A humble yet Catholic affair.

    See photos at http://liguorisociety.blogspot.com

    Benedicite Domino semper!

  45. The young men of our parish in the Liguori Society sponsored the Corpus Christi procession. A humble yet Catholic affair.

    See photos at http://liguorisociety.blogspot.com

    Benedicite Domino semper!

  46. I didn’t take any photos, but we had a Eucharistic procession at the end of Mass, complete with an outdoor Benediction where all knelt on the grass beside the statue of the Blessed Virgin. The children sprinkled rose petals in front of the Blessed Sacrament’s path, which the priest carried on high underneath a canopy. Out Mass included the Lauda Sion sequence by St Thomas Aquinas regarding the miracle and doctrine of Transubstantiation. It was very beautiful.

  47. I got this from a reader:


    The attached photos were taken at the 10th annual Corpus Christi procession at St. Luke in Indianapolis last Saturday evening. Father Jonathan Meyer (in gold; sometimes known as the “Matrix priest” because of the vocations posters he did a few years ago) was assisted by Father Stephen Giannini (in white) and Father Daniel Mahan (in white and blue). My husband’s focus seems to have been more on getting some pictures of our son serving than on capturing the entirety of what was happening. The picture that probably best illustrates the procession is marred by the fact that one of the servers forgot to bring his black shoes and that his Crocs and bare ankles are clearly visible.

    P.S. Some dear friends are excited to be meeting you when you’re in Michigan in a couple of weeks. I hope they have a chance to tell you about the connection between my reading your blog and the circumstances that led them to be in Father Sirico’s parish.

  48. From a reader:

    I have enclosed some photos of our Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession.  These were taken at our parish, St. Bernard, in Dayton KY.  Fr. Phillip DeVous is our faithful shepherd there.  We prayed the EF Mass(we have this every Sunday at 12:15), Adoration, Vespers, Eucharistic Procession and Benediction followed by a cook-out in the rectory yard.  It was a beautiful day!

  49. A reader sent this:


    A few shots of the annual Corpus Christi procession at Blessed Sacrament in Kansas City, Kansas. Our chaplain, Fr. Phil Wolfe FSSP, always has two outside altars set up. The procession stops at each one for adoration, incensing and benediction. In these shots you see where the altar is set up at the top of a staircase overlooking the parking lot next to the church. You can see the perspective in the first shot. Father can be seen from quite a distance at this height. Most impressive.

    The procession then moves back into the church for a final benediction.

  50. My good friend Fr. Robert Pasley of Mater Ecclesiae in New Berlin, NJ sent a note with images of this evening procession:


    NB: The practice of the thurifer turning toward the Blessed Sacrament, in the procession, when incensing.


  51. This is in from Long Beach, NY:

    Dear Father,

    I thought you might enjoy some of the photos from our parish’s first ever Corpus Christi procession – well, first-ever if you don’t count the old pastor walking out the side door and back in the front sans cope and humeral veil.

    We built a canopy and set up four altars in our parish field. First Communion children sprinkled the pathway with rose petals.

    Not surprisingly, many of the parishioners had no clue what this was all about, but afterwards, were very glad to experience it.

    Happily our new pastor, Rev. Christopher Nowak, hopes to join with the other parishes on our island to have a larger procession through the streets.

    Additional photos here:  http://www.stmaryoftheisle.com/corpus_christi_procession.htm


  52. This has come from Providence, RI:


    At Holy Name of Jesus in Providence we celebrated the 125th anniversary of the parish on Sunday 25 May with a Solemn Pontifical Mass from the Faldstool celebrated by the Rt. Rev. Matthew Stark, O.S.B., Abbot Emeritus of Portsmouth Abbey, in the presence of His Excellency Thomas Tobin, Bishop of Providence.  In case it is not implied, the Mass was in the “Extraordinary Form”.  The Mass was followed by a Corpus Christi procession and May Crowning.  A few photos are attached.




  53. I received this:

    Hello Father:

    This is our Corpus Christi procession for 2008 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Wyandotte, MI. Our pastor is Fr. Walter Ptak and I am Deacon Richard Bloomfield.

    Our first Mass in the extraordinary form will be held next month.

    Thanks for all you do.


  54. At last something from outside the USA:

    Fr. Z,

    Here are some pictures from our celebration of Corpus Christi last Sunday. It’s a very modest effort compared to the pictures you usually post, but quantum potes tantum aude.

    Blessed be,

    -P. Cheng

    St. Peter the Apostle Parish, Paco, Manila, Philippines

  55. From Assumption Grotto, Detroit, where they do things right.

    Hi Father,


    Happy anniversary!

    Note the birettas in use this year at our Corpus Christi procession!  The local Missionaries of Charity were present, as was a visiting Cistercian monk.


    Priests should carry their birettas when in a procession.



  56. From a poor parish in Medellin, Columbia:


  57. magdalen says:

    THANK YOU for posting these wonderful and uplifting news items on the
    glorious celebrations of Corpus Christi.

    I was actually in Detroit for a wedding on Sunday and could not make
    the noon Mass at Assumption Grotto or the procession but did attend
    the 9:30 am Latin Novus Ordo–a pretty full church and most seemed
    to have a great grasp of Latin. One day, God willing, I will too!

    The 25,000 in KC really caught my attention! Deo Gratias!

    Ave Maria!

  58. Philip says:


    The procession after Mass in Harrisburg was great. What a public manifestation of our faith!
    A lot of people were staring at us:^)

    I think I know you, at least to see you. My daughter received First Holy Communion on Trinity Sunday. We usually sit on the Gospel side, my wife, myself and three children.


  59. Here is one from Spokane, WA. You can see the Planned Parenthood sign in the upper left.

    Dear Father Zuhlsdorf,

    Here are some pictures taken last Sunday ( Corpus Christi)  during a Eucharistic/rosary procession at Planned Parenthood in Spokane, WA.  The Priest is Msgr Pedro Ramirez-Alejos


  60. My friend Fr. Paul LaFontaine sent this from the procession at St. Charles Borromeo in



  61. TerryC says:

    No procession in my parish.
    But I agree that the days of the sneering critics are over. Eucharistic Adoration is alive and well in Hampton Roads. I know you’re not inclined toward Charismatic practice, but I have to say that XLT and the adorations at the Franciscan conferences have introduced hundreds of thousands of young people to the practice of adoration. We also add more traditional silent adorations to our catechetical program. This gets the youth into the regular nocturnal and monthly Eucharistic Adoration times in the parishes as well as the praise and worship adorations. Not either or, but both. Now if we could just convince father to hold more Eucharistic Processions, never very popular down here in the Protestant south.

  62. David says:

    Here are some from pictures from the Netherlands:


    In the protestant part of the Netherlands (above the rivers) procession were since the reformation forbidden. It is only since 1989 that they are allowed again.

  63. From the EF Community in the Diocese of Cubao, Metro Manila, the Philippines


    Eucharistic Processions on Corpus Christi are common in the Philippines

  64. Marko says:

    Father, in one of the photos, at least from Providence, RI, a Bishop/Abbot was wearing his mitre as well as the priests wore birettas. Is this lawful in the eucharistic procession? In some other pictures you see exactly how the heads are uncovered.

  65. This just in.  He didn’t attach photos, so I can’t ost them with out creating a lot more work.  However, this is a very worthy cause.  We must support places where the Novus Ordo is celebrated in Latin:

    Dear Fr Z,

    My name is Father Gerard Byrne, from Glasgow, Scotland. I want to thank you for advertising our OF Latin Mass recently. The hits went up dramatically the last time you (and Fr Tim F) mentioned us, and our numbers have been increasing slowly but surely since then…

    Might you be interested in carrying a link to the photos of our Corpus Christi procession (I could send you files if you wanted too)? We’re really trying to do our best to promote the Church’s liturgy (in a rather hostile environment!).

    Thanks for your support and prayers!

    In Domino,

    Father Gerard




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