I have received a few e-mails about this, but they are all very vague.
After the decree of suppression was read at the 9:00 TLM today at Holy Trinity Church in Boston, the parochial administrator (who is also the outgoing rector of Holy Cross Cathedral) announced that there will be a TLM at the Cathedral (in the downstairs chapel) next Sunday at 11:00.
And also,
Accordingly the incoming Cathedral rector, "with the encouragement of Cardinal Sean", is starting a Gregorian-rite Mass next Sunday at 11 AM.The outgoing Cathedral rector also invited the congregation of the OF Mass to join the Cathedral’s principal English Mass at 11:30 AM. The overlapping times will let the two congregations meet together.
The 11 AM EF Mass will use the lower church
I think this means that there will be a weekly Sunday Mass at the Cathedral.
One wonders about which factors were behind this decision.
Still, we can only rejoice at it! Kudos to the Rector!
Summorum Pontificum is bearing fruit.
“with the encouragement of Cardinal Sean”
I had to look twice when I read this because I couldn’t believe such corny stuff. “Cardinal Sean?”
O’Malley’s mindset is SOOOOOO 1960’s laid back-relaxed hippy stuff.
“Cardinal Sean” indeed. OK, How ’bout “Pope Benny?” I hope that Cardinal O’Malley doesn’t REALLY have people call him either in writing or else, “Cardinal Sean.” [This is like straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. When you pick at something that makes not real difference for the substance of the entry, you derail the discussion.]
Matthew Mattingly:
I don’t believe that Cardinal O’Malley’s situation is not quite as easily reducible to the situation you outlined above. Ever since his appointment to Boston and being elevated to the cardinalate, he has gone out of his way to make sure everyone knows that he still considers himself a simple Capuchin. As you probably know, the custom is to refer to secular priests by their title and their surname (e.g., Fr. Zuhlsdorf) and for religious to be referred to as their title and their name-in-religion (Fr. Sean).
In times past, bishops and cardinals elevated from religious orders with proper habits simply used the color of their former religious habit with the piping and color of their new ecclesiastical rank, that really isn’t done anymore, but O’Malley has compromised by wearing his Capuchin habit with a red zucchetto often. And while religious elevated to the episcopacy were no longer “simple religious” in times past but were now gentlemen with property to care for, they were supposed to renounce their day-to-day ties to their order, but keep the habit colors, etc. “Cardinal Sean” is merely taking the old principle of addressing religious and mixing it with his cardinalatial title—not putting aside the customs of a simple religious after being elevated to the episcopacy as is customary. So the fault (if any) or “tackiness” or “strangeness” lies not in some liberal “yea, i’m the pastor, just call me Bob” kind of looniness, but rather a strange unwillingness to relinquish some of the “simple religious” status as was done in the past by prelates in his situation.
That’s interesting! Looks like I won’t need to drive an hour to Still River next week (now they’ve closed Holy Trinity)…
This is what happened re: EF Mass at Boston’s Cathedral of the Holy Cross.
On Tuesday, 24 June, at the “transition team” meeting (members of the Parish Council and other interested parishioners) at Holy Trinity, our administrator, Fr. John Connolly, said he had the decree of suppression, but those present did not want to hear it because that would start the ten-day period that parishioners had to appeal. Delaying the reading of the decree until today has given us more time (until July 10; Sundays don’t count) to appeal.
Anyway, we learned that we would, as the May letter of intent proposed, be going to the Cathedral parish. (In the intervening weeks, we had been led to believe that we could pick a welcoming parish, but the decree ended up implementing the original plan.) The consensus of the parish was to stay together as an identifiable group – one parish that worshipped in both forms of the Roman rite – throughout the appeal process, which could take several years. However, on the night of the transition team meeting, the only option we had was to sit together at the 11:30 AM main Mass at the Cathedral. We were told that it could be the fall before an EF Mass could start because a new administrator was starting at the Cathedral on 1 July. Therefore, the press release sent on June 26 explained that no provision had been made for special German/English and EF Masses at the Cathedral.
This morning, after reading the suppression decree, our administrator – whose duties as both Administrator of Holy Trinity and Rector of the Cathedral end tomorrow, 30 June – announced that he had talked to the incoming Rector of the Cathedral, Father Kevin O’Leary, and (with the support and approval of Cardinal O’Malley), he approved weekly EF Masses in the lower Cathedral at 11:00, starting next Sunday, 6 July. The time may change eventually, but it will be at 11:00 for now.
This is a brick-by-brick situation. Of course, any opportunity to expand the EF to a new parish is good for the Faith. It is especially good that the Spanish-speaking community, who form a large part of the Cathedral parish, can now be exposed to the EF. On the other hand, the lower Cathedral is, well, wreckovated. Architecturally, it’s a huge step down from Holy Trinity, which was never permanently altered to accommodate the OF, and, because of its Gothic design, statues of the Apostles, and colorful stained-glass windows, is especially conducive to worship.
So please pray for us. It was a hard day. I hope to send – or have someone else send – a link to a report on New England Cable News that shows lots of tears, and a few stunned faces. (Although, if you look closely, you’ll see a WDTPRSer texting the news about the EF Mass to Father Z on his Blackberry!)
OK; here are the links to NECN:
A brief text summary of the story:
Watch for the video there soon. The story was very well done. By the way, the Globe and NECN were there, but none of the other Boston TV stations – the ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox affiliates – covered the story.
Here’s the link to the video.
Is there still an EF mass at Our Lady of Lourdes in Newton, MA?
Affirmative, a EF High Mass continues to be 12 Noon Sundays at Mary Immaculate of Lourdes in Newton Upper Falls. In fact, it was also announced last Sunday that a Daily Low Masses (EF) were to commence on 23 June and to be added to the parish schedule. For the time being, the daily Low Mass schedule will vary a bit and will be published in the Parish Bulletin. For more information please refer to the Parish Bulletin which can be accessed here:
Refer to Page 6 regarding announcement of daily Low Mass.
More fruit of Summorum Pontificum in Massachusetts:
TLM will be offered every 4th Sunday at
St. Adelaide’s in Peabody
(Today’s unadvertised Solemn High had about 150-160 attendees)
TLM will be offered every 1st Sunday at
(First one to be offered 8/3)
St. Mary’s Star of the Sea
TLM will be starting in the fall
in the Lawrence/Methuen area
3 more priests in the Merrimack Valley have expressed a desire to offer the TLM
There are 3 more priests in the Merrimack Valley area
Please stop spreading false information. According to the Cardinal Archbishop, *There is no demand for this Mass in the Archdiocese of Boston!* These “reports” are simply wishful thinking! repeat after me: “No interest, no demand. The Pope is thinking of Europe…”
For those in Los Angeles, please repeat sans Boston accent…
Matthew Mattingly, as far as I can see, you really should apologize here, in writing, for being so uncharitable to Cardinal Sean. Not just for the reasons sigil7 noted, but because the Cardinal really is a humble man, whose office should not be muddied by your dirt. And he is by no means of a hippy mind-set. (note that it is Pope Benedict, not Pope Ratzinger.)
Of course, you are not only uncharitable, but living far from the fairly common
knowledge that there is a weekly blog by Cardinal Sean (called that, BTW), and a weekly email from “Cardinal Sean”.
Finally, you may not be a Roman Catholic, so could be forgiven for not recognizing that in every Mass, the Eucharistic Prayer has a prayer for “Benedict our pope, for Sean our bishop” (outside Boston archdiocese, substitute in the baptismal name of your Ordinary).
Cardinal Sean O’Malley it is quite clear may not be as inclined towards tradition (at least in matters of liturgy) as some of us are who read this blog, but he is a man of deep humility and spirituality, something some people who leave comments here ain’t!
His Eminence took over the reigns in Boston, after the hideous sex abuse crisis that emanated out of that archdiocese. He had to inherit a most ungodly problem. A clever troubleshooter was needed, and John Paul II found it in this man, after solving similar problems in Fall River and Palm Beach.
The Catholic Church had suffered a terrible loss of credibility (by appearing to condone priestly offenders and moving them around when there was full knowledge of their actions)and it was the job of this man to make things right.
O’Malley has had to make some personally heartbreaking decisions on closing a number of parish churches, which he knew what ever decision he took, would cause immense grief to long established communities, in order to pay the immense financial debt to victims.
But look also to the fact that he shunned the cardinal’s residence when taking over the position as archbishop of Boston, and then deciding to put the property on the market.
It has been the kind face of this humble Capuchin, that has made many a priest in the US who says the Old Mass, feel comfortable again when walking down the street, not having to fear the taunts of “child abuser” or “paedophile”.
Pope Benedict recently had a most successful visit to the United States. What was his coup de grace in the minds of most commentators during the visit? His personal meeting with five victims of priestly abuse from the Boston area. And whose Solomonic wisdom was that? Cardinal Sean O’Malley who pushed for this with the Holy See, after it was revealed the pope wasn’t visiting Boston.
I don’t come from Boston as I am Australian (I visited there in 2000 and 2005 and had a marvellous time), but I am very happy to hear that the cardinal is listening to the guidance of the Holy Father (and despite personal preferences) is supporting the traditional Mass in his archdiocese. He doesn’t have to like it, just put no obstacles in the way of its celebration, so as to support the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum.
He may have done so previously (I don’t know) but we know now after the clear guidance from the Holy See on this, one would be a fool to stop the rightful aspirations of Catholics attached to the EF.
But let us also congratulate him on the things he has done so well. I am particularly impressed how he proudly displays the beads of his rosary from his habit like any religious. From reading his blog, you gather he has a deep devotion to Our Lady.
Cardinal Sean, (yes I called him that!) you get 10 out of 10 from me.
A copy of Holy Trinity\’s Decree of Suppression:
Holy Trinity\’s appeal will largely focus on its role as a significant example of the Cultural Patrimony of the Church which transcends the parish itself, and is in the interest of the Church to preserve for future generations.
For whatever reason, His Eminence has never visited Holy Trinity in the four years he has been in Boston. Holy Trinity is only about a seven minute walk from his residence at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. It is a shame that he never took the time to see what he is closing or visited our community. It also should be noted that the area around Holy trinity is one of the last ungentrified areas of Boston\’s South End. It is my understanding that their are plans afoot by developers to redevelop the entire area. The area had previously suffered from \”urban removal\” in the late \’50\’s and early \’60\’s when adjacent neighborhood of 19th century brick rowhouses were largely destroyed along with Holy Trinity\’s parish school and hall. The church was spared at that time when Cardinal Cushing intervened with the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA).
Andrew, Thomas Ryan, et al:
I don’t think anyone in or around Boston doubts Cardinal O’Malley’s humility or personal piety, just his leadership. One can legitimately question some of his decisions, and his personal disinterest in the traditional liturgy is well known, indeed he has expressed it to me personally.
Before canonizing him prematurely, recall that he had the temerity to try to convince Pope Benedict that there was virtually no demand for the TLM in the USA. He cited the small number of *priories* of the *SSPX* in the USA for “evidence”. Fortunately the Holy Father was beter informed and issued Summorum Pontificum despite benefit of Cardinal Sean’s opinion. The good cardinal returned to Boston and, when asked by the media for comment on SP, continued to assert that there was little or no demand and that this was mainly a provision for Europe!
With regard to Holy Trinity, one can certainly recognize that the Cardinal Archbishop has had other priorities since his appointment to Boston, however his complete and utter lack of responsiveness to the serious questions which have been raised through the appropriate channels regarding Holy Trinity cannot help but leave a bad impression.
One grants that it would be unlikely for a TLM to be celebrated in a cathedral without at least the tacit consent of the bishop, but in this case there is more than meets the eye. The Cathedral parish is slated to receive the properties, territory and parishioners of the now-suppressed Holy Trinity. No offer of a TLM was made until the parishioners demanded it and at this juncture they are largely responsible for finding a priest themselves. One looks in vain for any expression of generosity from the Archdiocese of Boston toward the “traddies” excepting those made as concessions or proffered as bargaining chips.
I would be the last one to canonize the Cardinal archbishop of Boston. Of course, you and I and everyone else can readily find leadership issues over which to disagree with His Eminence.
I was only pointing out that unfair and uninformed attacks on his use of his name
“Cardinal Sean” are, as Fr. Z. has added to comment 1 above, quite beside the point.
More to the point of this blog, those who favor liturgy in traditional styles should note
– His Eminence has supported the traditional music program of Leo Abbot at the cathedral
(more Latin than in the past)
– His Eminence has been very explicit (through homilies, writings, and personal
interventions)in promoting the kind of devotions (exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, eg) and orthodox practices that are foundational to the faith of the ages
– the current traditional worship life at Mary Immaculate in Newton was brought about by the
Cardinal and his personnel decisions
– the closing of Holy Trinity has to do with financial resources and personnel resources; it is not a stab in the back to any one group….it has been a mission chapel (most of the years to the cathedral) for decades.
– many of us are sad about this closing of Holy Tinity (the grand church seen by so many as they move south on Tremont) — faithful Catholics who agree with this blog; faithful Catholics who prefer the novus ordo done rightly; socially-minded believers who know of the decades of good work there by Bridge over Troubled Waters, Cardinal Medeiros Center, etc.; and aesthetically minded and preservation minded non-communicants. THe continued drumbeat by only one segment (1962-ordo folks)of these people is not engaging the others.
Thomas Ryan:
The closing and probable demolition of Holy Trinity is an act of cultural vandalism! One by one the Church’s architectural treasures, which are a visual record of our past faith, pieties, and liturgical traditions, have been either torn down, converted into condominiums, or, for example, St Mary of the Assumption, Palace St, Bolton Lancashire, England, turned into a Holiday Inn!
Indeed, if the trend continues, future generations will have few, if any, physical reminders of the Catholic Church before the 1960’s.
Along with a great number of other church authorities, Cardinal O’Malley seems to be a willing participant in the destruction of our architectural heritage. Hasn’t it ever dawned on these “leaders” to reach out to the general population, preach the Gospel to them, and thereby fill these empty churches?
Is this “lower Church” in the Cathedral the same one that is used as the clergy vesting area for the Chrism Mass, etc..?? I remember it as being very dim, rather drab and with a very low ceiling… not an ideal place, but perhaps encouraging when you recall that 1970’s Folk-Masses began in Church basements and eventually became the norm in only a few short years… who knows!!
That’s it! But then, I sort of like dim, drab lower churches. Especially if they smell of wax.
Personally, I think the Cathedral is overdue for a rehabilitation to undo the damage of the 1970s and 1980s. Can we hope that the arrival of a T-Mass there might inspire the Archbishop to undertake such a project?
Maybe I misunderstood the rector, but I got the impression that having the traditional mass in the lower church was only a temporary solution. Maybe we will eventually graduate to upstairs? In any case it was welcome news as getting out to Newton is a bit difficult for myself and other students in Boston without a car.
To add one more thing in Cardinal Sean’s favor: He brought the incorrupt heart of the Cure of Ars to the Archdiocese, where it was carried in solemn procession both at a seminary and at St. Mary’s in Waltham, for veneration by the faithful, for the purpose of promoting vocations. It was a wonderful, spiritual experience, and the next year, many more men showed up for a retreat to discern vocations. Our Cardinal is *very traditional* in devotions. His motto is: Do Whatever He Tells You (I think it’s engraved on his ring.) He’ll come over to the Traditional Latin Mass in time, and bring even greater blessings back to Boston.
“One can legitimately question some of his decisions, and his personal disinterest in the traditional liturgy is well known, indeed he has expressed it to me personally.”
Interesting. He told my friend that he wishes they had never voted to change the liturgy at the Council. Now, could it be possibly that His Eminence, while liking the Traditions of the Church, realizes that most laity in Boston are not interested in them? My work has brought me to every corner of this Archdiocese where I’ve met hundreds of laity. Should the EF be expanded? Yes. There should have been at least four in this large Archdiocese even before SP. But to claim that the number of people who want it is large is simply false.
It is a major disappointment for many people that Holy Trinity Parish has been suppressed. Yet nowhere have I seen anything that says the building will be sold or demolished, but only that it will become the property of the Cathedral Parish. I may be mistaken in this, but I couldn’t find anything to the contrary. If someone knows of anything that is concrete and factual, please direct me. It seems that the suppression of the parish and the fate of the church building are two seperate though related issues and should be viewed as such.
As to the parish, Cardinal Sean had to make some difficult decisions for all involved. It seems that with very few exceptions, ethnic parishes are no longer needed as they were in times past. As a result, almost all in the Archdiocese of Boston have been suppressed. Remember that these parishes were erected for immigrants who did not speak English as a special concession by the Holy See to minister to them in their native language. The norm is and always has been the territorial parish. Holy Trinity German Parish suffered the same fate as dozens of other ethnic parishes in the Archdioces of Boston and beyond. Yes, it is a great cultural loss. But there simply aren’t enough priests to staff even those parishes that are financially solvent. The reasons for that are for another post.
As to Holy Trinity Church, it is one of the most beautiful in the northeastern United States. It is a treasure that is close to the hearts of many, both German and non-German. More than that, it has been sanctified by the offering of countless Masses and the millions of prayers that have been offered within its walls. It is a real and true sacred space. But isn’t this true of so many other Churches? When they were built no thought was given to the idea that one day they may not be needed for regular use. Population and finances being what it is consolidation does seem to be the appropriate response. But the Church should never be turned over to profane use or torn down. Perhaps it would be possible to keep the Church as part of the Cathedral Parish for weddings and funerals. It might take some creative thinking and work but there are possibilities.
Finally, although it is difficult to keep in mind, remember that Cardianl Sean is between the proverbial rock and a hard place. He was sent to Boston to deal with horrendous problems and their fallout. At the same time he has to do what is best for ALL the people of his flock. And, Cardinal Archbishop though he is, he is only human and is doing the best he can in the circumstances even if we don’t see it or agree.
I suggest reading Greek Orthodox Metropolitan John Zizoulas of Pergamon’s reply to the Vatican clarification on the filioque. He pretty much endorses its content as compatible with the faith of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
I feel I need to speak up as I think I am the only one posting who attended all the meetings and was and still is a member of the transition committee which ended up being a complete waste of time.
First we need to start back to last year when we were informed that the Parish would be split (months before the MP was released)and the TLM community was to be sent into exile in Newton. Yes it is exile. I grew up in Newton which is very liberal. So Fr. Mark O’Connell who was our advocate to stay open and also the Cardinal’s to close us (conflict of interest anyone)thought it was an ingenious idea to put the most conservative group of Catholics in the middle ultra liberal Newton (home of Boston College and the Jesuits and I’m also a grad so I know what I am talking about). The MIL community was initially glad to have us as they were on the chopping block but needless to say once we arrived well that was a different story. I found out just recently that our sizable minority community felt less welcomed than we did. Many Hatian women were asked if they were from the nursing home up the hill from the church. One told me that the move to Newton felt very white. But no matter Fr. Mark told us that the Church had changed and it isn’t here for us but for new immigrants and minorities so when several minority parishioners spoke up were told not for them but some other group. So it seemed we were set up to fail.
Back to HT. So now with the majority of parishioners gone it was put before the Presbyteral Council in March to close Holy Trinity as they were down to 50 parishioners. So the parish was intentionally degraded to close it. (please spare me any boo hooing for Cardinal Sean) It was not mentioned that with the return of the TLM in February(which we were responsible for finding and scheduling priests)that the Parish had increased to 200+ and is still growing. The only figures used were from October and not the current parish. Given time we would have grown to our previous levels with mostly new parishioners.
So at the meeting with Kathleen Heck (the ax women) on May 29th she told us they we could pick our welcoming parish and it could be written into the decree. I was appointed to the Transition Committee at the next weeks meeting June 3rd.
I was sent out into churches across Boston to see which would be appropriate for the TLM and hopefully take in both communities. So I set off with my camera and note book. Very few Churches fit the bill and we were really talking basements. Gate of Heaven in Southie had a beautiful Lower church which had just been demolished (I can send Fr.Z pictures of he wants). I had concluded given the requirements parishioners gave me(which did not match the committee) St.Columkille’s in Brighton was the best choice for the TLM. It is still in the city accessible by public transit with lots of parking, a diverse population and as intact a Sanctuary as possible.
One problem of the council is they only talk with each other so they agree on everything (wanting to stay together no matter what). Only 2 of us on the committee actually went out to meet and talk with everyone or as many as possible to get input. I was unaware that some felt a subtle racism in Newton. When I asked a close friend if she noticed the whiteness when we moved to Newton she gave a emphatic YES. When I brought it up with others they couldn’t believe it and had never heard this before.
Now we are up to the last meeting in which we were to present out findings. We were told that while thank you for your work but it was just to keep you busy. We were invited to the Cathedral to attend the 11:30 NO Mass and that “maybe sometime in the future it could be possible to have a TLM because it was just too much work at the present time”. We could sit together as a group and wouldn’t that be nice. Plus you have to understand that the rector was leaving and it was just too much to do this to the new rector. At this time I exploded. I asked if we were some club or field trip SIT TOGETHER! If that is not insulting to adults. This falls entirely on the Cardinal who chose the day to close us at the same time the rector was switching. His first and primary obligation is to see to the spiritual needs of his flock (not a real estate agent). As hard as he tries to ignore us we are his flock. I said a Low Mass is not that much work. We have managed a Low Mass for Bishop in backyard in the pouring rain in under a hour. Six candles, a crucifix, portable tabernacle and a priest. I think in the Cathedral they should be able to come up with the items. They wouldn’t expect Spanish or any other minority community to go to a welcoming parish with out providing them a Mass. I told Fr. Connolly that the TLM community would not go to a NO Mass that they would leave. His response was “so let them”. That the Cardinal’s actions would drive people out of the Diocese and possibly back to the Chapels, taking their money with them. As much as Fr. Connolly, ever the good soldier tried to deflect the blame to himself it falls at the Cardinals sandals.
I keep hearing of priest shortages and money as the blame for closing Churches. Holy Trinity never had either problem. The FSSP and ICKSP were both turned down. It is also on the record that our previous administrator used our money to shore up the Parish that he lived in, St James the Greater,China Town, along with totally refurbishing his rectory. Our maintenance fund was also diverted to St. James(documented in the Boston Globe). So under 2 Cardinals Holy Trinity was intentionally degraded in order to close it. WHY? No answer has been forthcoming from the ADOB but the Boston Herald’s Business page gave us a clue 6/1/2008. The key paragraph was as follows “The hotel plan is one of a number of proposals for a longtime industrial pocket of the South End seen by some as one of the city’s last big development opportunities”. Holy Trinity sits in the four square block on the map shown on the page. It is worth a fortune as ruble. Follow the money!
What is so galling is that they are selling off Churches our families struggled to build and not with the extras but with the meat money. When kids ate corn chowder and potato soup because we were giving to God. This is their mess which most have never even apologized for yet still retain power. If Cardinal O’Malley had just been honest and told the us how bad it was. That we needed to compensate victims which we all feel is right. But that the drain on the Diocese was so great because of previous mismanagement, the loans Cardinal Law took out were not that much of a secret, we were bankrupt. I would gladly have given money and most other Catholics would have too. We would have gotten honesty, a apology and a little humility which is sorely lacking from the higherarchy. Through it all I gave every week (I really don’t understand the buck a week group, you can’t even get a cup of coffee, never mind change). The ADOB needs to return to the business of the salvation of souls. The laity are not just a piggy bank.
Friday night after services I told my close friend who is a priest of the ADOB that after this blatant money grab, abuse of parishioners and the refusal of Rome to hear our cries I may truly have lost my faith. If Rome has abandoned us we have no hope.
Sad to say, Fr. Scott, I think Kathleen is right about the process at work. The Archdiocese has been through the closure process many times, and it knows how to do the job in a way that withstands canonical appeal. There’s no recourse under the civil law, as Boston is set up under the corporation-sole system.
One parishioner suggested what may happen to the building: the Archdiocese has sold some church buildings to be disassembled and reassembled elsewhere in the country, in places that want a new church building with an “old style” look.
That may well be the fate of Holy Trinity Church, to be recycled in some faraway place. The Archdiocese will declare itself satisfied that it has preserved Catholic heritage, the stones will go to another diocese, the land will go to the developers, and the sale price will go to the Cathedral.
If all of that happens, then the best thing we can hope for and work for is that the money be used for some worthwhile project, such as a major restoration in the Cathedral, which, Heaven knows, is needed.
MONDAY, JUNE 30, 2008
(617) 524-6309
The Catholic Action League of Massachusetts today mourned the closing of the venerable Holy Trinity church in Boston’s South End. The parish was suppressed today by a decree of Sean Cardinal O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston. The last masses were celebrated yesterday, June 29th, on the feast of Saints Peter and Paul.
Holy Trinity was the last German Catholic parish in New England, and was one of only two venues in the Archdiocese which offered weekly Sunday celebrations of the Traditional Latin Mass. In a surprise move, the Archdiocese announced that Holy Cross Cathedral will now provide regular Sunday celebrations of the Tridentine Mass.
The Archdiocese did not consider the parish to be financially viable, although it had nearly a quarter of a million dollars in the bank and a weekly income from collections alone of more than a thousand dollars.
The parish, which opened in 1844, introduced the Christmas tree and the Christmas card to Puritan New England. Its parishioners were among the founders of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The present church building, which dates to 1877, was designed by the renowned Irish born ecclesiastical architect Patrick C. Keely, who built scores of churches and cathedrals in the eastern United States.
The Catholic Action League called the closing “another tragic and wounding loss to the spiritual and cultural patrimony of the Catholic community in Boston.”
Catholic Action League Executive Director C. J. Doyle stated: “Magnificent churches of irreplaceable artistic, architectural, and historical value are being plundered for their assets and then sold off in the elusive quest by the Archdiocese to achieve financial solvency through downsizing. Meanwhile, church structures of little or no aesthetic or historical significance remain open. The destruction of our Catholic heritage must stop.”
Sunday, July 6,
Pentecost VIII
First Chant Low Mass in the Extaordinary Form,
at Boston’s Cathedral of the Holy Cross,
11:00 am, Lower Church
Celebrant Fr Bernard Shea, SJ
Organist George Krim
Schola Amicorum, choir
Gregorian chant, German Hymnody
This is what it looks like now, before tomorrow’s Mass
before, either in the “photos” section of the Cathedral website
http://www.angelfire.com/ma4/cathedral/home.html or
Here is George’s music list
Double – Green
Latin Low Mass in the Tridentine Rite
Sunday, July 6, 2008 – 11:00 AM
Cathedral of the Holy Cross – Boston
Organ Prelude Andantino Walczynski/Blied
Processional Hymn “We Gather Together” Dutch Traditional Melody
The Introit “Suscepimus, Deus misericordiam tuam….” Gregorian Chant
Kyrie Eleison Missa De Angelis – VIII
The Gradual & Alleluia “Esto mihi in Deum protectorem….” Gregorian Chant
The Offertory “Populum humilem salvum facies….” Gregorian Chant
Sanctus/Benedictus Missa De Angelis – VIII
Agnus Dei Missa De Angelis – VIII
The Communion “Gustate et videte….” Gregorian Chant
Prayers at the foot of the Altar
Recessional Hymn “Prayer for a Perfect Life” Card. O’Connell.
Organ Postlude
Mass will be at in the Lower Church
Please be patient as we reconfigure (unreconfigure) this Chapel.
To Get to the Cathedral . . .
SILVER LINE (BUS RAPID TRANSIT): Board From Dudley Station or NEMC
(orange line stations) or outside Boyston St. Station (Green line) on
the Boston Common along Tremont St. The Silver Line passes in front
of the Cathedral. Stop at the Union Park Street station, just before
the Cathedral heading outbound and just after the Cathedral heading
BY TAXI: A five minute ride from anywhere in the Back Bay or
Downtown. Tell driver you are looking for 1400 Washington Street at
the corner of Union Park St. and Washington St.
From route 93 N take Exit #18 to Mass Ave, and then to turn right
onto Albany Street, then left onto Malden Street.
Take Route 93S to the Mass Ave. Exit. Take the exit. You will turn
right at one traffic light as part of the exit ramp. Continue to the
next intersection and bear right onto Mass Ave. Go to the second set
of lights after you get onto Mass Ave. Boston Medical Center will be
on your right. That is Harrison Ave. Take that right. Go straight to
Malden Street. The Rear of the Cathedral will be to your left.
Parking will be on your right on the other side of Malden Street from
fire station.
Take Mass Pike to the Copley Square exit located under the Prudential
Tower. Take that exit and bear right. Turn right at the first lights
you encounter above ground. That is Dartmouth Street. Go straight six
blocks to the Cathedral.
Street (Runs between Neiman Marcus on your right and Back Bay/South
End T station on your left.) That street turns into W. Dedham (a/k/a
Paseo Borinquen) after you cross Tremont st. You will walk right to
the Cathedral.
Back to Cathedral Parish