Bp. Bruskewitz (D. Lincoln) flays Fr. Jenkins (Notre Shame)

His Excellency Most Reverend Fabian Bruskewitz, Bishop of Lincoln had this to say to Fr. John Jenkins, President of Notre Shame University.

My emphases.

  April 3, 2009
The Reverend John Jenkins, C.S.C
President, University of Notre Dame
400 Main Building
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Reverend and dear Father Jenkins,
            Permit me to add my name as well to the long list of Bishops of the Catholic Church who are utterly appalled at your dedication to immorality and wrong-doing represented by your support for the obscenity called “The Vagina Monologues” and your absolute indifference to the murderous abortion program and beliefs of this President of the United States.  The fact that you have some sort of past connection with the State of Nebraska makes it all the more painful that the Catholic people here have to see your betrayal of the moral teachings of the Catholic Church.
            I can assure you of my prayers for your conversion, and for the conversion of your formerly Catholic University.  I am

                                                       Sincerely yours in Christ Jesus,
                                                       The Most Reverend Fabian W. Bruskewitz
                                                       Bishop of Lincoln

If only His Excellency would just let it all out…, learn to express what he really thinks.

I don’t suppose there is a opening in the "Apostolic Patriarch of North America" slot, is there?



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. anonymous says:

    I can’t add anything to that. WOW!

    With all the bishops chiming in on this, I can’t help but wonder what the Holy Father thinks. It has to have caught his eye by now.

  2. Liam says:

    Bp Bruskewitz has only 17 months until he must submit his retirement….

  3. ssoldie says:

    WOW! talk about to the point, Thank God, let your yes be yes, and your no be no.

  4. BLC says:

    Simply amazing!

  5. kate says:

    Great letter!

  6. joy says:

    short, sweet, and to the point. Excellent!

  7. Lee Gilbert says:

    “Our struggle is not with flesh and blood, but with the principalities and powers of darkness.”

    Sooner or later we are going to wake up to the fact that Fr. Jenkins is not the problem, and that intense rhetoric, petitions, demonstrations etc are not the solution.

    What would Our Lady, the patroness of the University, want us to do in these circumstances? What would be the tenor of our speech and action that would most please her? If we discover this, perhaps we can move Heaven to come to our aid.

  8. jarhead462 says:

    He Da Man!
    Can’t add anything to that- Hear! Hear!

    Semper Fi!

  9. Liz F. says:

    I’m so proud of my bishop. I’ve been waiting because I knew he would write, but now I’m happy to have waited for that wonderful letter. He is kind, but doesn’t mince his words. I love it!

  10. Vicky says:

    I love my Bishop!

  11. Fabrizio says:

    I’m unsure as to whether it is the “spirit” of the letter or its mere text that truly convey His Excellency’s kinda murky position on the UND scandal…

  12. Charivari Rob says:


    I felt that one all the way over here in Boston!

  13. RichR says:

    Bp Bruskewitz has only 17 months until he must submit his retirement….

    Bp. Bruskewitz has run a tremendous diocese. He is the definition of what a faithful bishop should be in the eyes of many Americans. The incredible thing about it is, he could care less what the People think, because he knows his audience is only one: God. As he’s said on other occasions, “I have a soul to save.” I hope his remaining months are full of blessings.

  14. Dr. Eric says:

    Fr. Z,

    You blessing please! Not to drag this down a rabbit hole, but wouldn’t the position of Patriarch of the United States be in Baltimore? Not that there is such a position by the way.

    I had considered moving to Linconln, NE because of His Excellency. But it was too flat, too bleak, and felt like I was on the edge of the world.

    I pray that everyone has a very blessed Good Friday.

  15. Gerry S says:

    I love it–short and sweet!

  16. Al says:

    His Excellency Bishop Fabian W. Bruskewitz receives the St Thomas Becket award for overt and prominent backbone revelation in this matter of secular duress. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-5B54wXgI4


  17. Bill H. says:

    Lee, But would not the Bishop’s letter be admonishing the sinner, a spiritual work of mercy, stated in words he can understand?

  18. Liz F. says:

    Dr. Eric, I guess one could say it is flat and bleak. However, being able to go to the EF daily and not have girl altar boys in our diocese sure makes it worth it. It wonderful to have such a strong and faithful bishop. Many people have moved here from much more beautiful locations. It’s something to think about. Our economy is good and we actually have houses being built. Plus, the view from OLGS and the Carmel are awfully pretty.

  19. Al says:

    Lee Gilbert

    What do you think needs to occur here? Intense Hand Wringing. I will quote a line from the film Becket, which I am obviously partial too.

    Setting: Saint Thomas is about to excommunicate one of the King\’s Dukes for the murder of a clergy man.

    Confused Priest to Saint Thomas: Your excellency, the King intends to arrest you if you carry through with with the excommunication of the Duke.
    Saint Thomas: Must I remind you that we are men of God and that we have an Honor to defend, which dates from all eternity.
    Confused Priests: Your Excellency…God will protect the church.

    Saint Thomas: No! The Kingdom of God must defended like any other Kingdom.

  20. ScrantonCatholic says:

    Bishops Martino and Dougherty have added their voices as well:


  21. Marc says:

    Maybe cloning should be reconsidered by the Church: if we could clone Bishop Bruskewitz. Holy Good Friday to all.

  22. Mark says:

    Living in the rolling green hills of Nebraska, I am proud to say that Bp. Bruskewitz is our shepherd and I knew that he would speak out regarding the sinful acts at Notre Dame. Our abundance of priests as well as a great number of seminarians is attributed to his holiness and zeal for Catholic teaching. Thank you Bishop Bruskewitz and our prayers are with you.

  23. Arizzzona says:

    The good Bishop simply speaks the truth.

  24. Herbert says:

    Thanks Bishop Bruskewitz you truly are a shepherd and keeper of Catholic Truth. Although I am not an American, this issue of Fr. jenkins is not totally American, it concerns the Church. It pains me to see that there is a Catholic University President like Fr. Jenkins. It is simply appalling. Christ is crucified a new by this scandal and a sword of pain is inflicted into the heart of Our Lady. Certainly inviting Obama to NDs commencement is never an issue of opening dialogue. Certainly graduation exercises is not an opening to dialogue. Graduation exercises are times for recognition. It is a shame that a catholic university like ND will honor a persons whose views contradicts the Catholic faith.

  25. Maureen says:

    “We’ve replaced the American bishops’ coffee with St. Jerome Crystals. Let’s see who notices.”

  26. Lee Gilbert says:


    You wrote:

    “What do you think needs to occur here?”

    Toward the end of his statement calling Obama’s invitation to Notre Dame an “extreme embarrassment” to the Church, Cardinal George said “You have to sit back and get past the immediate moral outrage and say, ‘Now what’s the best thing to do in these circumstances?’”

    For me the way is clearly indicated in the remarks of Professor Freddoso at the Palm Sunday demonstration at ND:
    “Mary is the patroness not only of this university, but also of the Congregation of Holy Cross, under the title of Our Lady of Sorrows.”

    Days before that I was rummaging around in my papers trying to find again that novena book to the Queen of Martyrs that I had found among my father’s papers so many years ago, a novena which brought me so much good. This, I thought, is the answer to our Notre Dame dilemma.

    As Archbishop of Chicago, the Cardinal must be aware of the story of Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica on West Jackson, the scene of a non-stop novena to her both during the Depression and World War II. My dad told me that as soon as one crowd exited that enormous basilica after saying the novena, another crowd would enter. And surely this was because people were receiving answers to their prayers.

    We need to do similarly for the salvation of our universities and also for the victory of life, for the Queen of Sorrows is also Our Lady of Victory.

    Although I disagree with Randall Terry’s strategy of turning the commencement into a circus, he is absolutely right that May 17th is a unique opportunity in the struggle with the culture of death. Our president, who has made himself practically the personification of abortion and the culture of death, is about to engage Our Lady on her own turf. Personally, I pray for- and expect- fireworks far beyond what Randall Terry can provide.

    Since I cannot find that booklet, I have sent for another from the Basilica of Our Lady of Sorrows (https://www.servitedevelopment.org/emsnet/emsOEItem.aspx?ItemID=52) and plan to pray the novena till that fateful day in May.

    If that novena were said by anything like the numbers that have signed the petition, May 17th would be a turning point in the course of Western Civilization.

  27. Frank H. says:

    Dr. Eric – We lived in Lincoln for a year and Omaha for three in the late 80s. It was a wonderful experience. There is a certain peace on the Plains.

  28. Jillian says:

    I pray that Fr. Jenkins has a sincere change of heart on this issue. And that that he rescinds the offer to Pres. Obama, not because he feels bullied (though you know the media would play it that way), but because he recognizes the scandal and true shame in honoring a man who supports the murdering of innocent children.

    And bravo to Bishop Bruskewitz!

  29. Frank H. says:

    Interesting note on the LA Times blog. Obama is speaking at Arizona State’s commencement, but that school is NOT awarding him an honorary degree. An excerpt –

    “Obama will speak at ASU’s commencement ceremony in May as well, but he won’t be getting an honorary degree. As the asuwebdevil (we love the name of “ASU’s online news source”) reports:

    University spokeswoman Sharon Keeler said Tuesday that the University awards honorary degrees to recognize individuals for their work and accomplishments spanning their lifetime. “Because President Obama’s body of work is yet to come, it’s inappropriate to recognize him at this time,” Keeler said. ”

    Here’s the link –


  30. TJM says:

    I’d say that’s pretty direct and to the point. I would expect no less from the bishop who excommunicated fake Catholics in his diocese for their
    association with Planned Parenthood, Call to Action, Etc. Tom

  31. Immaculatae says:

    I love Bishop Bruskewitz. Let us continue to pray for our Bishops and Priests.
    my anti spam is pray 4 bishops :)

  32. Jody Peterman says:

    A look into the future: 2017 As the new Pope, Cardinal Fabian W. Bruskewitz has chosen the name Pius xiii.

  33. Give him a red biretta!

  34. Ike Melson says:

    What prolife person would honor President Obama…who has consistently promoted the killing of babies? I hope these letters get the people at ND to wake up!

  35. Luke says:

    It seems fairly clear to me that Catholics [Fr. Jenkins] who—needless to say—have their own agenda, are less worked up than those of us who are ready to…well…take it to the next level if we were called to. I’m referring, of course, to those of us who would surrender to the point of laying down their lives for their brothers and sisters, much like to One whose outpouring of love we celebrate on this Good Friday. However, almost every dissenter I’ve tried to engage in conversation, follows to a “T” The Art of War by Sun Tzu:

    “All warfare is based primarily on the deception of an enemy. Fighting on a battlefield is the most primitive way of making war. There is no art higher than to destroy your enemy without a fight—by subverting anything of value in your enemy’s country.”

    Thanks for allowing me to share what I find a striking resemblance to the tactics taken by so many people who work tirelessly to undermine and destroy the very values that have been handed on to us.

    If a Bishop sent me a public letter stating that I was taking the side of the evil one, I would go to great lengths to assure my brothers and sisters that it’s my desire [at least] to side with them in the battle for good and evil. Yet, only silence “in large part” is returned from those who oppose us.

  36. Jenny Z says:

    WOW! Haha, bravo to the good bishop… That was fantastic.

  37. Maggie45 says:

    Lee Gilbert, thank you so much for that information. I have just ordered several of the novena booklets. I also poked around the site, and also the home site for Our Lady of Sorrows. What a beautiful, beautiful place, with a wonderful history. Thank you again.

    I am praying for changed hearts.

  38. TNCath says:

    I just wonder what Father Jenkins is privately thinking/feeling about these bishops’ letters? He’s either a mental wreck by now or he may be so insulated by supporters that he doesn’t even bother reading them.

    I’m also wondering how much longer he will remain as president of Notre Dame after this debacle?

  39. Maggie says:

    Praise God for this bishop’s willingness to speak Truth!

    As many noted above… I wonder if the Holy Father will make a statement? I imagine he won’t, but nonetheless it’s great to read about our bishops having backbones.

  40. Hawksey says:

    There are 30 members of USCCB who have sent letters.


    but yes, Bp. Bruskewitz’s was DA BOMB DIGGGITY!!!

  41. magdalene says:

    We know that God can bring good out of evil. And this disobedient and stubborn act on the part of Notre Shame is an evil thing. The rupture in the church is obvious and gives more fodder for those who hate her.

    BUT it only manifests the internal division that has been with us for decades. In 2000, in a former parish I was asked to run for parish council. Not being a politically correct sort, I had no desire. But I did and I did so because a friend of mine asked me to consider that if the amchurch were to officially split off from the Roman Catholic and our parish had to decide which way to go, maybe I would be a voice for faithfulness. Well that official split never came but unofficially that parish is indeed ‘amchurch’ all the way.

    I moved and there are 3 big parishes here. Two are amchurch–one with no kneelers just as a little obvious sign and one with bread chunks and an illicit recipe as a sign of its direction. I am in the most Roman Catholic parish. It is not perfect and is trying to be more ‘progressive’ but it is the best I have known in many years.

  42. sally says:

    “what do you think needs to occur here?”

    What would happen if only the few people on this list committed to a day of prayer and fasting for ND?

  43. Indelible Inkstain says:

    Lincoln sounds like a wonderful place to live!

  44. Michael J says:

    Why do you presume they have not? Is it not possible to do both?

  45. Al says:

    My thoughts on what needs to be done: Simple Really

    Step 1. Prayer
    Step 2. The removal of the Father Jenkins and his Administration.
    Step 3. Making Bishop D’Arcy and anyone in his position as Bishop of the Diocese Notre Dame resides in, a permanent fixture on the “Board of Trustees” with power.
    Step 4. Implement an audit which would analyze the various departments and faculty looking for heretical teaching positions contrary to Catholic Orthodoxy. Removal and Replacement of Heretical Faculty with Orthodox Faculty where applicable and relevant.
    Step 5. Implement an audit of the various private student and faculty campus organizations to make a determination of their presence is in line with the teaching of the Catholic Church. Removal of those organizations along with a policy that reinforces that only organizations in line with the mission and view of the Private and Religious Institution of Notre Dame is allowed.
    5. A review of all “Peace and Justice” groups along with a fealty pledge from them on their commitments to speaking out against abortion, homosexuality, sexual immorality, and other immorality and their pledge to uphold the family along with their positions on the poor etc.
    6. Implementation of a new Mission Statement that reinforces Notre Dame’s commitment to Orthodox Catholic Christian values, causes and culture, a return to Classical Liberal Education Formats and teachings, a rejection of post-modernism, deconstructionalism and a commitment to truth as envisioned by the divinity of Jesus Christ, Chief PROVOST of the School.
    7. The creation of a think tank institute within Notre Dame committed to advancing Catholic Christian thought into society by combating Creeping Militant Secularism, Post-Modernism, Moral Relativism, Sexualism and Genderism, 2nd and 3rd Wave Feminism, Militant Naturalism, and anti-religious biases within government, law and general society.

    Just a few simple thoughts. :)

  46. prof. basto says:

    Whitehouse.gov is reporting that your President held a Jewish Passover Seder at the Whitehouse. A first for the White House.

    Foxnews was reporting yesterday that Mr. Obama failed to attend a Christian religious service for the past 11 Sundays.

    Plus, and what is worse, he is all for the culture of death, and reversed the Mexico City Policy during his first 72 hours (or 48 hours, if you consider the oath problem) in office. He is an active defender of the so called “right” to the killing of innocent children.

    I simply cannot understand why this Fr. Jenkins was not yet removed from the office of President of this University. Awarding an Honoris Causa degree of Doctor of Laws for a defender of the legality of abortion is repugnant not only to Fr. Jenkins duty as the head of an University that calls itself Catholic, but also to Fr. Jenkins basic duties as a member of Christ’s ministerial Prieshood.

  47. pear says:

    No beating around the bush — love it!

  48. Recusant says:

    I often wonder why Christians presume to celebrate the Seder meal, viz.

    1. Wouldn’t WE be offended if a Muslim or Hindu presumed to “reenact” the Eucharist? Why shouldn’t our Jewish elder brothers be offended when we do the same to their sacred rites.
    2. Why would one observe the precursor (types and shadows) instead of the Reality (the Mass).

    As our host would say, “I’m just asking …”

  49. Margaret says:

    Bp. Bruskewitz reminds me of various saints who were particularly effective in their preaching and admonition of sinners. It is refreshing to hear the truth in a powerful, straightforward way. No wonder his diocese has so many vocations; this type of leadership is inspiring. Bp. Bruskewitz, YOU ROCK!!

  50. Dennis says:

    Three cheers to the good bishop

  51. Cavaliere says:

    Sooner or later we are going to wake up to the fact that Fr. Jenkins is not the problem, and that intense rhetoric, petitions, demonstrations etc are not the solution.

    When Pope St. Pius V called on the Church to pray the Rosary for the defeat of the Moslem Turk at the Battle of Lepanto he nevertheless sent the Papal Fleet (such that it was) to join the arrayed forces of Christendom. Undoubtedly it was through prayer, fasting, and penances of all Christians that the Christian fleet carried the day and defeated and destroyed the Turkish fleet. But it was still the sailors and soldiers who were the instruments of our Lady in physical battle that earned the victory.

    Rhetoric is still important, how else can we dialogue or evangelize? It becomes a problem when it is not built upon a foundation of prayer and penance

  52. benedict follower says:

    This statement saying the truth in brief but efficacious strokes leaving the flattering rhetorical nonsensical no room for half-measures and progressive contradictions in rationalizations is an example of the true unity of reason and faith. Hopefully this good Bishop will be made a Cardinal and be of continuous assistance to the Holy See in his retirement from the Lincoln diocese.

  53. Rob says:

    Absolutely breathtaking. Such a powerful message crafted out of so few words, just like all excellent letters. Well done!

  54. Matt says:

    Isn’t there a gospel injunction “Christ was ill spoken of and spoke no evil in return”?

    Someone might want to send that verse to this bishop.

  55. wsxyz says:

    Isn’t there a gospel injunction…

    7 Hypocrites, well hath Isaias prophesied of you, saying: 8 This people honoureth me with their lips: but their heart is far from me. 9 And in vain do they worship me, teaching doctrines and commandments of men. (Matt 15:7-9)

    12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the chairs of them that sold doves: 13 And he saith to them: It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves. (Matt 21:12-13)

    25 Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you make clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but within you are full of rapine and uncleanness. 26 Thou blind Pharisee, first make clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, that the outside may become clean. 27 Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you are like to whited sepulchres, which outwardly appear to men beautiful, but within are full of dead men’s bones, and of all filthiness. 28 So you also outwardly indeed appear to men just; but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. … 33 You serpents, generation of vipers, how will you flee from the judgment of hell? (Matt 23:25-28,33)

    41 The Son of man shall send his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all scandals, and them that work iniquity. 42 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then shall the just shine as the sun, in the kingdom of their Father. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. (Matt 13:41-43)

  56. Athelstane says:


    Now *that’s* the Bishop Bruskewitz I know (and love).

  57. As a parishioner in a Fraternity of Saint Peter chapel in northern New Jersey, I have a great affection for Bp. Bruskewitz, as he was THE ONLY BISHOP in the U.S. who allowed the FSSP to come into his diocese and to set up a seminary. They were ALWAYS approved by Rome! Bp. B. has also had the courage to EXCOMMUNICATE “catholics” (sic) in his Diocese who worked for Planned Parenthood and committed other horrors. For years, in my opinion, he was the only Catholic Bishop in the U.S. May his numbers increase!

  58. “…your dedication to immorality and wrong-doing … and your absolute indifference to the murderous abortion program and beliefs…”

    Gee, whenever I use language like that on my blog, I get people coming along complaining that I lack charity. I guess you gotta be a bishop to get away with that.

    I applaud Bishop Bruskewitz.

  59. Supertradmom says:

    Here is a Bishop who is an example for all the bishops in the world. God bless and keep him. If I were Fr. Jenkins, I would at least be blushing for shame.

  60. Al says:

    I wonder what more the good Bishop might have added if he had waited until after the Holy Thursday afternoon anouncement that next week is basicly Gay Pride Week at Notre Dame?

  61. Short, sweet, to the point, Bravo, Ad Multos Annos! Praying that Rome does NOT accept his retirement papers after the 17 month mark.

  62. Adam says:

    Prof Basto writes:

    “Whitehouse.gov is reporting that your President held a Jewish Passover Seder at the Whitehouse. A first for the White House.

    Foxnews was reporting yesterday that Mr. Obama failed to attend a Christian religious service for the past 11 Sundays.”

    I’m not exactly sure what these facts have to do with the crisis at Notre Dame, but I think what is being implied is extremely unbecoming for this blog. That Obama has not attended a Christian service is perhaps relevant to the discussion; that he had a seder in the private residence is most certainly NOT. Shame.

  63. Ma Tucker says:

    Well, that told him. I guess there’s no point in pretending you’re Catholic when you clearly demonstrate otherwise and willfully refuse to repent. On the other hand when you deal with disciplining children you do have to allow them a way out of the mess they create. You have to give them a punishment to show them the error of their ways and to let them know that they are never quite beyond the pail. I know that adults should have grown out of this necessity but childish pride can stunt a person’s growth. Couldn’t his Bishop help him out with a stint in an austere monastery somewhere?

  64. prof. basto says:


    What was implied was the question:

    Aside from being pro-death on the abortion issue, is he even a Christian, or is he just a relativist sponsor of religious multi-culturalism, that espouses the “every religion counts the same” view, that only went to Christian religious services before to make it seem, for political purposes, that he was a Christian?

    And the question:

    Should Notre Dame honour someone who is a liberal, who seems to be just a nominal Christian and for deliberate political purposes, and who, on top of death, has an agressive pro-death stance on the abortion issue?

  65. prof. basto says:


    I should have typed “on top of that”

  66. irishgirl says:

    Bishop Bruskiewitz is DA MAN! No beating around the bush!

    As someone else said-I wish ‘real men’ like him could be cloned!

    Huzzah, huzzah!

  67. David Kastel says:

    Where was all this outrage from Republicans and from U.S. Bishops when the leading Republican candidate for president (Rudy Giuliani) was granted an honorary degree from Loyola of Maryland a few years ago?

    This is purely political. American “Catholic” colleges are unconcerned with Catholic doctrine and morals, and they have been for a long time. And we all know it. And, the fault of that lies squarely with these self-same, political creatures called U.S. Bishops. Who else is responsible for the situation of the Church?

    And to the above poster who praises Bruskewitz for “excommunicating” Planned Parenthood, et al…he also “excommunicated” those who attend mass at SSPX chapels, as he called the SSPX a “non-Catholic cult.” He lumped the SSPX in with the following groups – Call to Action, Planned Parenthood, the Hemlock Society, Catholics for a Free Choice, and the Freemasons. Can you imagine??? What a joke!

    He is a political creature the same as the rest.

  68. Hidden One says:

    I was just thinking, a couple days ago, that Bp. Bruskewitz was conspicuously missing from LifeSite News’s list of bishops who’ve spoken up on this matter… I guess he was just taking proper aim. We’ve already had some beautifully spineful [if I may coin the word] episcopal volleys directed at Notre Dame so far, but this one was magnificently pointed and straightforward.

    Now we must all make sure to be joining – if we have not already – our prayers to those of Bp. Bruskewitz for the conversion of Fr. Jenkins.

  69. michigancatholic says:


    WE wish Bp. Bruskiewicz the best and we love him.

    When he retires, another will rise to take his place. The Church will go on. Scripture guarantees it.

  70. Christa says:

    David Kastel:

    I daresay most of us didn’t know Guiliani got an honorary degree from Loyola, because, since he was a Republican candidate, the press wasn’t interested and didn’t cover it!!

    I follow quite a bit of political news and Catholic events on the blogs, and I didn’t know a thing about it.

    So, thank you for the information, and Loyola was wrong in doing what they did.

    But we are here now, and unlike Guiliani, Obama has actually ACTED rather than merely expressing his opinion. We have his record of votes in Illinois and his executive orders as president, along with the promise to sign FOCA. This makes him worse by quite a bit than Guiliani, who should not have received honors either.

    Also, (thanks to the press giving us a daily update on everything Obama) we all KNOW about this scandal, and since we KNOW, we need to decide what to do. It is not appropriate to sit on the sidelines and shrug our shoulders.

    If we wish to have Catholic universities, we need to let those in charge know what we expect. Notre Dame is learning this lesson, which may not change the situation with Obama, but I bet in the long run will produce a more Catholic university in South bend.

  71. TJM says:

    David Kastel, did you vote for Obama? If so, I understand your guilt and need to deflect criticism. Tom

  72. mfg says:

    Bruskewitz is Bruskewitz! Always right on. You don’t have to scrutinize his words, phrases, clauses, sentences to figure out his meaning. We need to pray hard for seminarians, priests, bishops, and cardinals who always think Catholic and talk Catholic. Ecce Sacerdos Magnus!

  73. Dave N. says:

    The obvious difference between Giuliani and Obama is that Giuliani claims to be Catholic and Obama does not. A much better comparison would be Obama versus George W. Bush or Jimmy Carter—not particularly blazing examples of Catholic values either. Perhaps Notre Dame could see fit to invite figures that represent humility and Christian service rather than political power. In the meantime I think the bishops’ politics are showing because, intentional or not, they’ve never chosen to speak out about choices in the past. The entire matter (both invitation and protest) is unseemly, brings scandal upon the church, and does nothing to advance the cause of Christ.

  74. Patrick says:

    @ Matt,

    You might want to do more than “skimming” when it comes to reading the Bible, unless it is just to see what you want, or make it speak in this way or that. That is fairly easy to do. Religions (false) do it all the time.

    But let us assume this is not your intent. For your edification, and others, hopefully, I, in earnest, submit the following: (And, of course, these are all Christ speaking)

    First of all, to those who would hurt children (and can we say that abortion “hurts” children? Mmm??) “Better a millstone be hung around their necks and they be cast into the sea.”

    For scandals, (Is there scandal involved here? I would say definitely!) “Woe unto those by whom scandals come.”

    For false two faced religious leaders,(Make up you own mind here) “You brood of vipers.” Also, “White washed sepulchers.”

    To His own followers who just “didn’t get it” He called them “slow of heart,” (as in? “stupid?”) and sometimes “Satan,” as in get behind me Satan, to Peter.

    And of course, there are more, but those should suffice for now.

  75. Patrick says:

    @ Dave N

    It would be better if more Catholics did understand what scandal truly is. It is a scandal to award a Giuliani, though to be fair, Giuliani did say that his would not be a litmus test for Supreme Court appointees. Also, he did not seek to EXPAND the scope of abortion rights in this country, did not, or probably would have not chosen to block passage of “born alive” legislation, which by itself is heinous beyond words. So that is a difference, and a significant one, though still, Giuliani still deserved no accolades afforded by any Catholic institution.

    That said, it is clear you yourself have not a real clear idea what true scandal is, that is, if you are indeed suggesting that it is our bishops in this case who by their protesting (Scandal,this is what they ARE protesting AGAINST) are causing, ???? huh…?? Scandal. It would be a scandal should the remain silent, in spite of their past behavior which has been at times, deplorable, and yes, perhaps even scandalous. (We should presume they have,though, at least some of them, in some of these instances, spoken out. The precedent was made clear by the USCCB blanket statement concerning such awards. This is just a bigger, more well publicized test). I think we need to bring back the Baltimore Catechism quick.

  76. RBrown says:

    Where was all this outrage from Republicans and from U.S. Bishops when the leading Republican candidate for president (Rudy Giuliani) was granted an honorary degree from Loyola of Maryland a few years ago?
    Comment by David Kastel

    Good gravy. On the one hand, we have the POTUS being granted an honorary degree by the most famous Catholic University in the US. On the other, we have a former mayor being granted an honorary degree by a local university. And you’re saying that it’s the same thing?

    And it’s a stretch to say that Giuliani was ever the leading Repub candidate. The best he ever did was 3rd in Florida.

  77. matt says:

    David K,

    And to the above poster who praises Bruskewitz for “excommunicating” Planned Parenthood, et al…he also “excommunicated” those who attend mass at SSPX chapels, as he called the SSPX a “non-Catholic cult.” He lumped the SSPX in with the following groups – Call to Action, Planned Parenthood, the Hemlock Society, Catholics for a Free Choice, and the Freemasons. Can you imagine??? What a joke!

    The excommunications were upheld by the Holy See, while SSPX excommunications elsewhere have not. Why do you think that is? The reason is that there is no reasonable excuse for SSPX to operate in the Lincoln diocese. Traditional mass is widely available, liturgical abuses and heretical preaching are absent.

  78. RBrown says:

    If I might add one comment: I think the election of BXVI has revitalized a lot of Catholics, incl certain bishops. There are, however, still many clerics more inclined to diplomacy than to propagation of the Faith.

  79. Joan Ellen says:

    The letters to Fr. Jenkins from the Bishops, while pointed and direct, are clear in their positions. Isn’t it charity to tell the truth…in a charitable manner? Aren’t the bloggers also interested in preserving Truth, as the Bishops are, and keeping authentic Catholic social teaching in words and actions clear? This sorting and separating of thoughts is needed.

    I agree that a ND May 17 Lepanto, as was suggested above is needed…and for ALL Church, world and family conditions as well. Rosary or Novena prayers each day especially from Catholics, and an Our Father (or 2,3,4 or more each day)could be offered by Muslims,Protestants, Jews and Catholics alike.

    These prayers could then be sent as individual Spiritual Bouquets to Pres. Jenkins AND to Pres. Obama. Moral miracles happen!!!

  80. Mack says:

    Definitely not the Bishop of Beaumont, who was pleased to invited a Mohammedan imam to the Cathedral for an interfaith prayer service.

  81. mfg says:

    It’s all been said. The time for talk is over. The time for action is now. Respectfully: The Holy Cross Superior or Provincial should immediately remove Fr. Jenkins for offending Our Lady and for insubordination and intransigence, and for lawyering up. The Trustees should forthwith un-invite (politely but unequivocally) Pres. Obama, explaining that it was above Fr. Jenkins’ pay grade to issue the invitation without the approval of the Board, even if that last part about the Board is a tiny lie.

    The Provincial and/or Trustees should install an honest-to-goodness Catholic Priest with a devotion to Our Lady who will:
    l. Fire McBrien and his neckties and pipedreams
    2. Put an end to the homosexual club and activities
    3. End the V Monologues once and for all, immediately
    4. Hire more doctrinally traditional Catholic professors and remove anti-Catholic professors
    5. Give back the government money

    Then the Catholic faith will be restored in word and in deed, within and without the classroom; Our Lady will
    be pleased; Notre Dame will once again win football games.
    Rosarys people!

  82. MAJ Tony says:

    This is clearly NOT playing politics, but quite clearly to me a sign that, for once, the Holy Spirit is at work. If anything, we should be grateful that Providence has allowed this to occur to make known to us, and to Rome, who our strong Bishops are. The episcopal hand has been forced, as it were, and none too soon.

    Having said all that, be reminded that we are not at war with mere flesh, but principalities and powers. Only thru prayer and pennance, and right teaching will we win this war.

    “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, be converted to God.”

  83. Patrick McNally says:

    I would like to submit two notions to those reading this, who are of like mind on the senseless outrage and faith-betrayal that is occurring at the University of Notre Dame:

    a.) If you possess an award, a diploma, or even a T-shirt from NDU, I suggest you follow the courageous example of Father Sirico and return it to NDU in care of Father Jenkins…his shipping address is: The Reverend John Jenkins, C.S.C President, University of Notre Dame – 400 Main Building – Notre Dame, IN 46556

    b.) If you are trying to figure out where to send your faithful Catholic kids for an excellent college education well grounded in uncompromising devotion to our Church and her teachings, I would like to respectfully and humbly suggest that you learn more about the Franciscan University of Steubenville. It is ground zero for the vigorous renewal of orthodox and faithful Catholicism in the USA today. You can find them at http://www.franciscan.edu or just Google Franciscan University of Steubenville and read the blogs and the body of info that exists out there about them. This school is what Notre Dame was supposed to be, what it may have been at one time, but which it is not in any way anymore.

    The Blessed Mother weeps…Notre Dame, change your name.

    Thanks you!

  84. wsxyz says:

    In the meantime I think the bishops’ politics are showing…

    So when Archbishop Chaput condemns Fr. Jenkins and Notre Dame, what politics is he showing, considering he was a campaign volunteer for several Democratic candidates for President of the United States?

  85. MAJ Tony says:

    Clarification: I in no way meant to imply that the Holy Spirit wasn’t working beforehand, just that it’s patently clear that this is what’s happening. IOW it’s not just a random happenstance.

  86. Ricky Vines says:

    Is there any chance whatsoever for Fr. Jenkins to miss the point here? He may need his canon lawyers to translate or decipher the hidden message or read between the lines to see the true intent of the good bishop’s letter. Or has asked for a clarification yet?

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