WDTPRS POLL: Card. George gives award to Fr. Pfleger

Sooo… Cardinal George of Chicago is going to give an award to Fr. Pfleger.

"But Father! But Father!", you might be saying.  "What for?"


service in pursuit of dismantling racism, injustice and inequalities on behalf of African Americans and all people of color.



Explain your anonymous vote in the combox.

PLEASE keep the flames to yourself.  Just cogent, balanced comments, please.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Athanasius says:

    Well, among other things, this priest has embarrassed the archdiocese more than once, and he has fostered a frankly unhealthy veneration of Martin Luther King in the liturgy of the Church there. In spite of Dr. King’s work for civil rights he was a serial adulterer, and not someone to be venerated liturgically even if we rightly praise his civil achievements.

    It seems against supernatural prudence to give support to this priest, because it is inevitably an endorsement of the unkosher things which go on there.

  2. markomalley says:

    I see that His Eminence will be 75 on 16 January 2012. Prayers for a restful and well deserved retirement.

    Meanwhile, I will offer my prayers for the faithful in Chicago.

  3. Randii says:

    It’s not surprising. This is the all too frequent norm for the US church. Fr. F. has defied the Cardinal and refused a transfer from his parish. There isn’t much the Cardinal can do on that regard. Fr. F’s parish is now one of the largest and most vibran in the Chicago archdiocese – despite it’s open heterodoxy.

    But to award the Father’s defiance is inexcusable IMO. It’s why the transgressions just seem to increase despite the scandal they cause. The perpetrators know they will never be called on the carpet for their actions. Indeed they may find themselves being rewarded.

  4. chcrix says:

    Yawn. Just another Alinsky style organizer. Some pluses. More minuses.

    The fact of the matter is he would be much less significant (than he already is) if he were not a priest. So I guess I am saying that he is leveraging the clerical collar into undeserved fame.

    If he were just Mr. Pfleger of the Chicago storefront christian community church would anybody even have noticed him? I think not.

    Cardinal George would do better to ignore him.

  5. ckdexterhaven says:

    All this tells me is that Cardinal George watches CNN and thinks Tea Partiers are racists. Seriously. Why else give *this* priest the award with the in your face wording?

  6. Jacob says:

    The Catholic Church in the USA has to clean up its reputation with the secularist political class. :P

  7. JohnMa says:

    Although I’d like to flame away Fr. Z has asked that I reserve that for another post. [You don’t read very carefully. What I wrote was: “PLEASE keep the flames to yourself.”]

    As far as the award go he has flamed racial tension in Chicago.

  8. ghlad says:

    I’m a bit ignorant about Fr. Pfleger’s actions previously, although I know the name. If anybody has a succinct link or explanation as to why this is scandalous it would save me some more looking.

    One thing my quick google search did turn up was this link: http://blogs.suntimes.com/sweet/2008/05/cardial_george_says_father_pfl.html

    Anyhow, it appears that during the primaries Cardinal George did at least speak against some of the things that Fr. Pfleger had spoken.

    Sounds like at the least it’s a pretty acrimonious thing, to award him with this honor.

  9. I remember years ago, when Francis George was appointed Archbishop of Chicago. I told people that he’d better take some of his own people with him as an “inner circle”, or they’d eat him alive.

    Things like this prove I was right.

  10. sacerdosinaeternum says:

    A word of caution- this may not a direct honoring of Pfleger by Cardinal George. Read the press release of the Archdiocese of Chicago…the award is being given by the “Office for Racial Justice”…run by some Sr so and so. Many dioceses have similar awards given by similar diocesan offices. Sure, as the Archbishop of the Archdiocese, Cardinal George is the ultimate authority and could (or could have) not allowed the award to be given. However, just because the Office for Racial Justice is giving the award doesn’t mean that it’s coming from Cardinal George. Just a thought…

  11. memoriadei says:

    Father Z, It seems enough is enough. I mean, if Soros can buy fake Catholic groups and sisters, why should faithful Catholics just complain and not form a group that *charitably* bands together to write the bishops en masse that this is hurting all of us out here. I mean, what the heck?? But who would lead such a group? All I know is that a bunch of splinter groups won’t be as good as ONE. What can we do? We HAVE to do something. Complaining amongst ourselves isn’t worth a hill of beans.

  12. “Comment by sacerdosinaeternum — 6 April 2010 @ 6:42 pm”

    This proves I’m even MORE right. One of the Cardinal’s offices can give an award to a guy who’s an unrepentant thorn in his side.

    Now THERE’S a thought.

  13. Melania says:

    This award seems to be the big idea of the Archdiocese’s “Office for Racial Justice.” One can only imagine who is on staff there. Besides prayer, I would suggest calling this Office and letting them know how you feel, remembering to be civil and charitable but clear. Here’s the telephone number to call, if you wish: 312-534-8336

  14. Randii says:

    Interesting Chicago related piece in the April Catholic World Report. It may explain the Cardinal’s actions in part.

    In any case it’s a special report titled ‘Alinskyite From the Start’. It traces the strong ties between the CCHD and Alinsky and how the Chicago Catholic church going back to the 30s was intertwined with Alinsky and his rise to prominence.

    It’s well worth ordering a copy of the issue as it provides a detailed history right up to the present controversy around the CCD.

  15. Baron Korf says:

    I fall in to the “don’t care” category. He’s a nuisance. I care less about his politics and more about the fact that his parish offers no confessions. As for the office for racial justice, well here is their founding director: http://www.archchicago.org/blog/Blogger.aspx?BloggerID=11. Make of it what you will.

    I somehow doubt that his Eminence got to pick the individual honorees. He’s probably cringing right now. Odds are, though this is pure speculation, that Cdl George didn’t even know who won until it was too late. Once announced, it would be nearly impossible to retract without causing an uproar. It wouldn’t surprise me if he thought that this insignificant award would go unnoticed on the national level (case in point, name the last 10 honorees since this is the 10th annual event), and so he hoped it would be the lesser of two evils. Now that it has been made a national spectacle it will make it even worse.

    This priest should’ve been brought to task a while back, mostly for the heterodoxy. I’m sure that the Cardinal is looking forward to retirement from this see.

  16. Titus says:

    I’ll vote “Are they kidding?” but at the same time I’m going to assume that if His Eminence made this call himself that he has some good reason and knows what he’s doing. It’s not my place in life to get in a tizzy over what someone as conscientious and bright as Card. George does.

  17. Tom Ryan says:

    Well, okay… does it really matter? Who cares?

    It’s fine. That award and $2 will buy the good Father Pfleger a slice of Chicago deep-dish pizza.

    And as Mr. O’Malley points out above, His Eminence turns 75 next year.

  18. Agnes says:

    Done with my WDTPRS fast. Huzzah!

    I’m in the apathetic category. So he’s doing what’s expected – what do you want, a lollipop?

  19. VEXILLA REGIS says:

    There was no NEED to do it.The man seems to be a publicity hound…why feed his ego. Why praise a priest who has caused scandal?

  20. Tim Ferguson says:

    The decision to “balance” the award by giving it to Bishop Perry as well as Fr. Pfleger. Attempts to make both sides of the ecclesiastical spectrum happy seldom are effective. I wonder if those of the ecclesiastical left are also troubled by the fact that Bishop Perry – a known advocate of orthodoxy, order, and the Extraordinary Form – is receiving this award.

    Even if giving the award to Fr. Pfleger is an attempt to attain some sort of karmic balance it seems ill-conceived and improper. Far from dismantling racism, it seems that Fr. Pfleger has inflamed racial tensions, and accentuated the differences among the races, and advocated a class jealousy that is contrary to the teachings of the Gospel. Even the phrasing of the reason for the award makes mention that Fr. Pfleger is to be awarded for his actions “on behalf of African Americans and all people of color.” Should not a true advocate for justice, as the Church teaches, act on behalf of all people, not just people of color?

    A secondary – or tertiary issue here is why is the Church involved in this annual ritual of giving awards anyway? It seems that, for the most part, they serve a fund-raising function. Tickets for the dinner and the awards ceremony are sold, and those who are close – or who want to be close – to the honoree buy a ticket, thus supporting some particular cause. Is this really a healthy thing for the Church to be involved in? Is it an honorable means of fundraising for the Church? Does it not promote a certain unhealthy syncophancy? How about a benefit dinner in honor of the newly-declared Venerable Henriette DeLille – someone who truly worked to dismantle racism and injustice?

  21. Warren says:

    Fr. Pfleger will have his reward in this life. Will he have need of the reward the Lord offers in the afterlife?

  22. TJerome says:

    Father Pfleger has been and is an embarrassment to the Catholic Church. He also is a self-loathing White and comes across as a hater. Any “good” he has done is more than offset by his questionable theology, his liturgical abuses extraordinaire, and his rank disobedience to his legitimate superiors. Either Cardinal George is a gutless panderer or he has been duped by his Archdiocesan staff. Either explanation works for me. Unless Cardinal George revokes this honor, I won’t give another red cent to the Archdiocese while George is our ordinary.

  23. TJerome says:

    By the way, I like Bishop Perry who frequently celebrates the TLM with great style. He is also very articulate and intelligent. If Pfleger wanted to emulate a Black man, Bishop Perry would be the guy. However, perhaps Pfleger hasn’t adopted Bishop Perry as a role model since he doesn’t jump and jive down the aisles of Church’s like Pfleger.

  24. spock says:

    Don’t know what to say about Father Pfleger. He’s been there for so long. I guess I have a hard time listening to priests who are so animated. Although I’ve heard too many news reports about kids in his parish area getting shot dead so I don’t know how I would deal with it were I in his position. You don’t have to yell at me, just talk to me in a nice coherent manner without drums or loud music like I got to experience on Easter Sunday for the 2nd mass I attended. (The first one was EF with an angelic choir)

    As for Cardinal George, I think he’s done pretty well via the “Canons Regular of St. John Cantius” and the “Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest” among others. I haven’t seen any liturgical dances in that diocese either.

  25. chonak says:

    Since “racial justice”, however that should be interpreted, is a matter of the lay sphere about which Catholics can pursue different legitimate social policies, the Archdiocese ought to close this office or, more tactfully, make it independent of the diocese.

  26. TNCath says:

    Why would he bother? Cardinal George is by far the most unpredictable of the American cardinals. What is he thinking, or IS he thinking? There must be some kind of bizarre modus operandi on his part.

  27. Daniel Latinus says:

    What I don’t get is how they can justify Fr. Pfleger getting any award. He and his followers openly defied Cardinal George when the Cardinal tried to dislodge Fr. Pfleger a few years back. That the Cardinal decided to let Fr. Pfleger keep is sinecure is somewhat understandable; but at that point, Fr. Pfleger should have been left to wither on the vine, and the archdiocesan bureaucracy should have been informed that no recognition of any kind should have been bestowed on Fr. Pfleger.

    OTOH, if this thing developed so that Cardinal George was unable to stop this award without a major battle, until it was too late, it seems the people responsible should be removed when things have quieted down a bit.

  28. MrsHall says:

    Fr. Pfleger is the kind that makes people outside the Church think Catholicism is just another liberal mainline “denomination.” The kind of “church” that ordains women and homosexuals and worships at the altar of “social justice.” Fr. Pfleger should not be allowed to pastor a church, let alone receive an award from his bishop. Sheesh.

  29. Dave N. says:

    I picked Yah… great idea. NOT! Are they KIDDING?

    To put the best possible spin on it, I guess this is another instance of prelates asleep at the wheel–though honestly I don’t think of Cdl. George as the sharpest tack in the box anyway. However, he, like Cdl. Mahoney, will soon pass into retirement and hopefully a new day will dawn in Chicago.

  30. doanli says:

    I heard on the radio today that this priest called America the work of the Devil.

    Thanks again, our dear American church leaders and so called Catholic politicians, for giving the Church another black eye and more embarrassment.

  31. Steve K. says:


    That may be true, but underscores the impression that the American episcopacy, with few notable and heroic exceptions, is not in control of the American dioceses, their subordinates openly spurn their rule and do whatever pleases them. Well-meaning but impotent bumblers at best, party to the mischief at worst. At this point I’m not sure if it reflects better on Cardinal George if the award came straight from his pen or it was given by some rogue underlings.

  32. DisturbedMary says:

    Phleger is one of Cardinal George’s chickens comin’ home to roost.

  33. RichardT says:


  34. Padre Steve says:

    Give these guys a medal:
    God bless you and God bless our holy priests!

  35. Lee says:

    “Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.”
    Rom 14:4

    Maybe someone could explain to me why those who so badly want a liturgical renewal in the Church try so hard to make themselves a stench in the nostrils of the very hierarchy that could advance their cause? You don’t really get a vote in what the Cardinal does or doesn’t do, so why not follow the time proven adage, “Least said, soonest mended.”

    The Archdioceses of Chicago, New York or Los Angeles are not like baseball teams whose managers you can second guess over a few beers. These men do answer and will answer to Jesus Christ, and it is very likely we will answer to Him for our critiques of their performance- under the rubric of the wasted word, if nothing worse.

  36. CarpeNoctem says:

    Uhhh, hold on here, folks.

    1) I don’t see Cardinal George’s name anywhere on the press release, except in the webpage sidebar. Yes, the Chicago curia is under his supervision, at lease in title, but I highly doubt they asked his Eminence who to honor with these awards.

    2) I find it precious to see that Bp Perry is the other awardee. I would expect that having the two of these fellas on the dais together would akin to having matter and anti-matter present. Methinks that the office in charge is trying to “balance” their docket of awards for the night so that at the gala however-many-dollars-a-plate dinner they will have that they have ‘everyone’ “represented” (or should I say, sold them a ticket.) Ultimately the line to understand/decode this event, like many in the archdiocese, is “follow the money”.

    3) I have heard Cardinal George remark about how ‘ungovernable’ the archdiocese is. There are enemies of the Church very deeply seated in this cess-pool of administration, red-tape, bureaucracy, and Chicago-style politics. There are also heroic saints working within the walls as well, but they are vastly outnumbered. The Cardinal has made direct orders to priests, parishes, and other institutions in the archdiocese which have fallen on deaf ears, and he really isn’t in a position to get in the car and have the perpetrators hauled away without anarchy on his hands. Maybe he has taken a slow pace with things, but look at what has been successful by his long-term influence and pressure. He has a very good seminary and many outstanding “Cardinal George priests” (many from my day were required to go to St. Sabina’s as part of the Worship I class to see what it had to offer with respect to, ahem, ‘diversity’… a practice which has not taken place for many years now due to what I presume is ‘pressure from above’. Now ‘diversity’ looks tike the Liturgical Institute, which has been featured on these pages for its wonderful strides in promoting good liturgy and even the EF.) LTP has been reigned in (Gabe Huck was last seen where?). St. John Cantius and Our Lady of the Angels is thriving.

    Maybe I’m wrong, but it might just be that this was a unilateral decision on part of the office in question to stir up some controversy. The cardinal would probably be best served by sending Bp. Perry there to add some class to the event and make Fr. Pflager look all the more like the raving loon he is.

    My vote? Eh. Whatever.

  37. JosephMary says:

    Maybe one day more archdioceses will become more interested in the saving of souls and the teachings of the true faith…

    until that time, they indulge in all sorts of secular pursuits and souls languish or go elsewhere to ‘be fed’.

    Dissidents continue on with impunity and get rewarded (on earth anyway)

    Michelle Malkin(is she Catholic?) wrote this:
    In June 2008, the racial cowards of the Chicago Archdiocese put Pfleger on a temporary leave to quell churchgoers’ outrage over Pfleger’s Hillary Clinton-mimicking, America-bashing, Vanilla Ice-prancing, Jeremiah Wright-impersonating, Louis Farrakhan-embracing cult leader. After laying low a measly few weeks to “reflect” on his outbursts, Pfleger returned triumphantly to the pulpit. And now, he’ll be feted by the Archbishop for his toxic tongue.

    As if the Catholic Church did not have enough problems on its hands

  38. Timbot2000 says:

    Pfleger’s days are numbered IMHO. Word has always been that Perry is being groomed for the top spot. And an Orthodox black man with the red had is the scariest thing Pfleger or Daly could imagine.
    Finally, If Pfeger’s congregation screams “Racism!” (as they certainly will), my answer would be to send them a pair of priests straight off the plane from Nigeria. Imagine their shock when instead of a meet-and-greet session they are met with Fr. Kneeling before the altar saying not one decade, not ten decades, but all the mysteries of the rosary prior to mass (As is common in Nigeria), imagine him looking at the Giant Mural of MLK saying “Who is this? When was he canonized? No, such an image has no place in a Church!”

  39. markomalley says:

    Timbot2000 said,

    Finally, If Pfeger’s congregation screams “Racism!” (as they certainly will), my answer would be to send them a pair of priests straight off the plane from Nigeria. Imagine their shock when instead of a meet-and-greet session they are met with Fr. Kneeling before the altar saying not one decade, not ten decades, but all the mysteries of the rosary prior to mass (As is common in Nigeria), imagine him looking at the Giant Mural of MLK saying “Who is this? When was he canonized? No, such an image has no place in a Church!”

    Such a pleasant thought. Thanks!

  40. Peggy R says:

    Timbot2000: We have at least a half dozen such African priests in the Belleville, IL, diocese. They are such a gift.

    As far as Fr. Pfleger is concerned, I’ll offer this unique perspective. When I saw the video of him going nuts about Hillary Clinton, his antics and wildness made me think of the Jack character on “Will and Grace.”

  41. Dittos Timbot2000: Couldn’t have said it better myself. That parish deserves to get a couple of Nigerian priests…oh, talk about “flames”:<)! “What is this? This wrong. STOP IT! NOW!”

  42. MargaretMN says:

    Ugh. I voted NOT. The award is pure capitulation to Pfleger who basically has run a personal cult out of his Parish Church. It would be OK if he were a protestant minister, their churches are congregation based. But not a roman Catholic church. The idea that he can’t be reassigned is your first clue that something is terribly wrong.

  43. CarpeNoctem says:

    I would say that having an Orthodox African-American man as the Archbishop of Chicago would be something akin to having an Orthodox Latino selected as the next Archbishop of L.A.

    By invoking “conservative” and “liberal” labels in his welcome statement, it would seem Cardinal Mahoney betrays his displeasure with the selection by having to refer to this seeming-difference in ‘pastoral styles’. Recognizing and embracing the racial overtones in his successor being truly Hispanic, he has to realize he’s checkmated. Such is life for the race-baiting left.

    We all know that the real division in our Church is not racial or ethinic… it’s not even liberal and conservative… it is those who love our Lord and those who betray him. To come back to the point of the original post on this award? “Eh. Who cares?” Time will weed out even this childish attitude in our ancient, yet vigorous Church.

    But a Cardinal Perry in President Obama’s hometown? Fr. Pfleger’s archbishop? Wow.

  44. TonyC says:

    I wonder who nominated him for the award?

  45. kelleyb says:

    I believe that Fr. Pfleger removes more ‘bricks’ than most of us are able to replace.

  46. catholicmidwest says:

    Cardinal George is pretty decent most of the time, but I’ll tell you what: He has a deep and mysterious screw loose. You can see it every now and then.

    I have said many times and I still say: Please, please, please, Rome. Before you appoint a new bishop, have the decency to make sure they can pass an IQ test & an MMPI. Include a standard security screen and drug/alcohol test too and the church will save a FORTUNE in damages.

  47. TJerome says:

    Bishop Perry would be a wonderful Archbishop for Chicago. All the liberals would go apoplectic at the sight of him celebrating the TLM because in “liberal world” African-Americans are supposed to adore Phleger style “inculturated” liturgies, not Latin, chant, polyphony, etc. which are part and parcel of the “Oppressor’s” culture.

  48. Catherine says:

    Uh…didn’t Cardinal George used to be Catholic?
    Sorry, I’m just askin’….

  49. JonM says:

    Let’s keep in mind, this Cardinal did just generously smother the Mormon cult with praise and apparent status as ‘Christian’ leading to the accusation from one traditionalist writer that the Cardinal helps confuse Catholic identity.

    As archbishop, this office ought to be closed and no such award allowed.

  50. TJerome: Apoplectic is right…maybe they would just shut the heck up for once! For a long time!
    catholicmidwest: I agree that something just doesn’t click sometimes with Card. George…Intellectuals sometimes have a way of avoiding direct language…dancing around a subject; sometimes, the more you know, the more paralyzed you can become. It’s true. Simplicity and direct action when it comes to dealing with insanity are the only remedies. You don’t have to be a simpleton; just simple and direct. Like saying, “No.” And not nuancing it in twenty paragraphs:<)! Just my thoughts from the North woods.

  51. janek3615 says:

    When Pope John Paul appointed Francis George as Archbishop of Chicago, one might have thought that Tomas de Torquemada himself was coming here to the Windy City from the hue and cry coming from liberal priests and media flunkies, I mean, spokespeople. And here we are 13 years later, and His Eminence is now outdoing even his predecessor in outrageous and scandalous behavior by honoring our very own chief narcissist and heterodoxical hero, Fr. Michael Pfleger, soul twin of the Rev. Jesse, the Rev. Jeremiah, and the Rev Hon. Louis. How long, Oh Lord, till we can wish His Eminence a long and happy retirement?

  52. Geoffrey says:

    Great… another round of bishop-bashing comments…

  53. JuliB says:

    Father Pfleger has been in the news locally a lot over the years. He needs our prayers.

    That said, it is scandalous that such a disobedient man is given honors. God expects obedience from all of His sons and daughters, and we have so many that seem to delight in thumbing their noses.

  54. gloriainexcelsis says:

    I’m speechless. This is more grist for the confusion mill.

  55. Robert says:

    I said NOT.

    I think it’s a bad idea to honor a disobedient priest.

  56. Rob Cartusciello says:

    I lived in Chicago for three years during grad school at Loyola Chicago.

    St. Sabina’s is basically a containment zone for Father Pfleger. He is in many ways irrelevant. His narcissistic theology is will go when he does. Hopefully the congregation won’t pull a Stallings and go their separate way from the Church. I can name any number of African priests who could do a better job.

    With the award and $1.50, he might be able to buy a Chicago style hot dog. I’m sure he has a bunch of awards from any number of organizations already.

    I see this as a yawn issue. The only attention it has really garnered him are the protests it has generated.

  57. bjbf says:

    as a 1st time poster, i want to respect Father Z’s request – but…
    having suffered in the sphere of Pfleger land seemingly forever, giving this man anything other than the boot is beyond comprehension. if we put aside that: EVERYTIME the TV camera drops by St. Sabina’s to report on the latest guest speaker DURING Mass, you see nothing remotely resembling a Catholic Mass; the entire state has heard the “legend” of his initial meeting with Cardinal George where Pfleger supposedly told the Cardinal after the later suggested a move that Bernadine had promised he could stay @ St. Sabina’s till ice was being sold in hell and if a change was mentioned again he’d start his own church and take every member of the parish with him; it was just last year he was suspended after spewing so much anti-white venom in defense of the most pro-abortion candidate we’ve seen that even the Cardinal couldn’t ignore it; within the last 2 months, he gathered with his best buds Rev Wright & Mr. Farakan for a joint celebration on all they’ve accomplished individually & collectively.
    if you put all that aside, not once in the countless ink & newsfootage have i ever heard him support the Church or any of its teachings. he is a scandal, divisive and the cause for God only knows how many souls in his parish growing up utterly ignorant of the TRUE Catholic Faith.
    sadly, the Cardinal is just plain wrong ~ rather than honored, Pfleger should be silenced.

  58. bookworm says:

    Concering the politicization of the Church in Chicago:

    Tom Roeser, a conservative Catholic blogger from Chicago, posted something a few months ago regarding the primary voting records of the Chicago archdiocesan bishops and other officials.

    In Illinois, when you vote in a primary election, you have to say which party ballot you want, and that is noted in your voter registration records, which are public records that can be viewed on request by anyone.

    Some Catholic group in the Chicago area (don’t recall the name) looked up the primary voting records of Cardinal George and all the auxiliary bishops and found that most of them took Democratic ballots. There was no voting record for Cardinal George — I suspect he didn’t want anyone tagging him with a party affiliation. (Many Illinois residents refuse to vote in primaries for precisely that reason, especially if they have a state or local government job that they fear they will lose if their boss finds out they took the “wrong” party ballot.)

    The only two auxiliaries that took GOP ballots were Bps. Perry and Paprocki… who as it happens, have been 1) the two bishops most vocal in their defense of the unborn and 2) the two bishops most often mentioned as candidates to fill vacancies in other dioceses. Although there’s been some scattered blogosphere speculation that one of those two might be headed down I-55 to Springfield, I suspect they are destined for bigger and better things.

  59. JonM says:

    Perhaps I’m too simple minded in assessing this case, but this priest has been and is an enormous scandal not just to the Chicago area, but to the Body of Christ.

    If he were to launch a schism when given the option of practicing the Catholic faith or laicization, that would be on him and his congregants.

    Do we think heretics are going to heaven just because they remain in canonical unity with the Church? Clearly modern prelates do, otherwise they would never have allowed the crisis we face.

    Cardinal George is the final authority (asside from the Pope and his delegates) in Chicago. How long before bishops act like instructors on the Faith and shepherds to salvation? And how long before Cardinals meditate on what the honor of wearing red means.

    Until this priest repents or is removed, there is a break down in the diocese.

  60. This is shameful. “Father Pfleger” should have been fired long ago and his Faculties pulled. I can only imagine what Liturgical Abuses are present at his Masses and what heresies are taught in his Religious education programs and Sermons. From what I have seen in the news he is nothing more than a vulgar race baiter and Marxist political agitator masquerading as a priest and hiding behind his collar. In my view he and other “priests” like him are like the “slime of the earth” that God formed man from in the Douay Translation. These faithless and socialist priests are at the core of the slimy cancer that is eating away at our Holy Catholic Church. The slime infects parish after parish and diocese after diocese all in the name of “social justice”. This is what “their” view of “social justice” progresses into- Father Pfleger. The Traditional Latin Mass and the Baltimore Catechism are the only answers to this problem. Should that fail send them to the Episcopal church. Good riddance. Then that will send more Anglicans to our Church to get away from the likes of them.

    I found a good Catholic video clip from RealCatholicTV.com about this very subject (how social justice and liberals are destroying our Church).

  61. DisturbedMary says:

    This is the dark side of the Catholic Church. Spiritual cancer that has metastisized.

  62. TomG says:

    I agree with Gregory. The bishop-bashing has to stop. These men need our prayers. And Cardinal George is a fine, holy man with a surpassingly difficult job. Sometimes we just have to swallow hard.

  63. thouart says:

    Please note how easy it is to allow relativism into your thinking. Even Cardinal George, an intelligent fellow, see nothing wrong with honoring something good Fr. Pfleger did and DISREGARDING the fact that he rubs elbows and gives credibility to maniacs like Farrakan and Rev. Wright.

    I wonder if George would have applauded Judas for seeing that the poor were fed as well?

  64. thouart says:

    If any of you would like to see how holy our Bishops are watch this: http://www.realcatholictv.net/cia/

    $280 million to pro-death groups over the last 40 years.

  65. To those questioning His Eminence’s ability or even IQ:

    Cardinal George is a brilliant academic and a holy man, in fact very similar to the Holy Father. He speaks several languages and is a wonderful theologian. Some archdiocesan office gives a meaningless award to a man who, despite ridiculous issues and highly problematic issues, has worked for many years among the poor (mostly non-catholic) blacks in Chicago and now many are ripping one of the strongest, most tradition-friendly archbishops in the United States. You people should be ashamed. Cardinal George knows what he’s doing and he doesn’t need the likes of us complaining and stabbing him in the back.

  66. smcollinsus says:

    I could feel a strongly about this as I do (in a negative way) about the Democrat running of the country. But I’m willing to give this one the benefit of the doubt. I read about Fr. Pfleger and what he has done over the years, and it seems to be mostly good, in a very difficult part of town – actually IN Chicago! St. Mary of the Woods and Marian HS are strictly in the suburbs (where the other recipients reside). So I voted “Well, OK” on this one.

  67. lacrossecath says:

    What exactly has his lifetime achieved?

  68. rob_p says:

    This seems like Cardinal George is taking himself out at the knees. This seems to undermine his message when Fr. Pfleger is honored for the same sort of behavior that got him suspended just two years ago.

  69. Mickey says:

    Its a scandal, pure and simple, to give any award to Fr Pfleger. He’s a heterodox wack job.

    I have to wonder why we tolerate heretics amongst us…I know its not a very charitable thing to think, but in the 1st century, I suppose burly bishops would’ve removed priests like Fr P bodily. When did we get so “girly” about this sort of thing? Forget our liturgical or political sensibilities…aren’t souls at stake here?

  70. JonM says:

    A comment about Father Pfleger’s works.

    He has done good works in vocally opposing certain indecent broadcasters, rappers, and even billboard ads. In this respect, he is a model for the Church: a loud voice will effect change.

    However, we need to remember that just as faith without works is a dead letter, an impossible situation, works without faith are also wrong headed. The chief mission of the Church is to bring the light of Christ to the world, to reconcile through Jesus Christ as many as possible (which means keeping the requirements of His Church), and hoping for the ineffable joy of heaven.

    How in the world is disobeying bishops on basic discipline (e.g., adopting kids), teaming up with Protestant loud mouths, and inviting abortion supporters to speak at Mass congruent with preaching the faith?

    This priest is also notorious for viewing society in decidedly racial terms. Many progressives believe their is something particularly sacral of electing a racial minority in itself, even if the person is poorly qualified. Also, progressives often get really confused when dealing with a traditional, non-liberal minority, which betrays their real agenda.

    Barack Obama once referred to pregnancy as ‘punishment.’ Apparently, Father Pfleger supported him anyway. I think that is enough right there.

  71. irishgirl says:

    I voted the first one.

    It just boggles my mind to see Pfleger ‘honored’.

    As if the Church doesn’t have enough troubles right now…

  72. Daniel Latinus says:

    The thing I don’t get is how any agency in the Archdiocese of Chicago could put the Cardinal in the position of seeming to endorse someone who has rather brazenly defied him. I have a feeling that this was either a bureaucratic blunder or another brazen challenge to the Cardinal.

    But those who are pining for the retirement of Cardinal George would do well to remember (if they can) how things were under his predecessors, Cardinals Cody and Bernardin, from whom Cardinal George inherited Fr. Pfleger. Things have improved, and most of the time, Cardinal George is part of the solution. If and when a “new day dawns” in Chicago, it will, to a great extent, be because of Cardinal George’s tenure.

  73. M.D. says:

    What’s next…a Bishop giving Glen Beck an ‘ecumenical dialogue’ award?

  74. B Knotts says:

    This is disgraceful. Fr. Pfleger should be suspended, not honored.

  75. Ellen says:

    Father Pfleger has done some good work, but I fear he has developed a cult of personality about himself to the point that when he does go, his parish won’t be able to continue.

  76. robtbrown says:

    I would say that having an Orthodox African-American man as the Archbishop of Chicago would be something akin to having an Orthodox Latino selected as the next Archbishop of L.A.
    Comment by CarpeNoctem

    Disagree. LA has a sizable Catholic Hispanic population. Chicago has very few black Catholics.

  77. robtbrown says:

    Cardinal George is a brilliant academic and a holy man, in fact very similar to the Holy Father. He speaks several languages and is a wonderful theologian. Some archdiocesan office gives a meaningless award to a man who, despite ridiculous issues and highly problematic issues, has worked for many years among the poor (mostly non-catholic) blacks in Chicago and now many are ripping one of the strongest, most tradition-friendly archbishops in the United States. You people should be ashamed. Cardinal George knows what he’s doing and he doesn’t need the likes of us complaining and stabbing him in the back.
    Comment by PatrickThornton

    I certainly agree that Cardinal George has done good work in Chicago. He took a job that was turned down by a handful of bishops who wanted no part of what Cardinal Bernardin had left.

    Cardinal George was a prime supporter of the Ratzinger candidacy in 2005. But I wouldn’t dare put his intellectual talents in the same class as Papa Ratzinger.

  78. Geoffrey says:

    TomG said: “I agree with Gregory. The bishop-bashing has to stop. These men need our prayers. And Cardinal George is a fine, holy man with a surpassingly difficult job. Sometimes we just have to swallow hard.”

    It’s Geoffrey, but I thank you for your support! ;-)

  79. deborah-anne says:

    I have been following the antics of Pfleger for over 15 years. I’ve read much of his writings and listened to his audio sermons. This man has no Catholic identity. I hold church officials accountable for allowing this man to continue to promulgate his divisive non-Catholic propaganda.

    St. Sabina is a faith community not a Catholic church. He conducts services in black Protestant tradition including gospel music, alter calls asking people who want to commit to Jesus. His homilies are not linked to the day’s gospel readings, but instead he preaches on problems his congregation is facing using black liberation theology. He invites radicals and heretics to speak to his congregation, he has committed many violations against Church policy, and the list goes on. He is a mockery to the priesthood and Catholic identity.

    Lifetime Achievement Award from the Archdiocese of Chicago? What a travesty!

  80. I don’t know about “trashing” bishops…questioning, wondering, being aghast at something that seems to be “off the beam” doesn’t seem to be bashing the Cardinal. I haven’t seen anyone saying “ad hominem” attacks here.
    That’s just my opinion. But why is it wrong to ask questions when something seems to be “off”?

  81. Martial Artist says:

    Being a new Catholic, not from Chicago, and having never before heard of Fr. Pfleger, I read a few comments. Those containing factual information about his lack of obedience, etc., sufficient (in fact, any of the examples alleged, taken by itself, if accurate) was sufficient for me to vote NOT.

    Only posting this comment because Fr. Z. asked us to give our reason(s).

    Pax et bonum,
    Keith Töpfer

  82. Nazareth Priest,

    The comments below seem like bashing to me rather than just “questioning.” You really see no problem with these?

    “All this tells me is that Cardinal George watches CNN and thinks Tea Partiers are racists.”

    “Either Cardinal George is a gutless panderer or he has been duped by his Archdiocesan staff…Unless Cardinal George revokes this honor, I won’t give another red cent to the Archdiocese while George is our ordinary.”

    “honestly I don’t think of Cdl. George as the sharpest tack in the box anyway.”

    “Phleger is one of Cardinal George’s chickens comin’ home to roost.”

    “Maybe one day more archdioceses will become more interested in the saving of souls and the teachings of the true faith…”

    “He (Card. George) has a deep and mysterious screw loose. You can see it every now and then…. I have said many times and I still say: Please, please, please, Rome. Before you appoint a new bishop, have the decency to make sure they can pass an IQ test & an MMPI.”

    “Uh…didn’t Cardinal George used to be Catholic?
    Sorry, I’m just askin’….”

    “And how long before Cardinals meditate on what the honor of wearing red means.”

  83. JonM says:


    I understand your concerns about bashing of prelates and bishops. To that extent I do agree we have to be judicious in our commentary.

    To defend my comment, let me flesh it out a bit. It is my understanding that his Eminance recently spoke before a Mormon audience and praised their faith in Jesus Christ. I strong objected to this for the following reasons:

    1) Mormons are not Christians. They do not baptize properly, they believe in multiple ‘Fathers,’ and teach that men can become gods.

    2) Mormonism is a freemasonic offshoot. By freemason, I’m not referring to the local who truly thinks the order is only a fraternal club, but rather the sinister core within the group that has been at every major revolution in recent history.

    3) Mormons target Roman Catholics for conversion.

    Just because a group happens to agree that two men cannot marry and that abortion is wrong does not at all mean it is worthy of direct praise, especially praise without any even mild teaching.

    If we believe the faith of the saints, that souls are at stake of losing eternal life with God and His greatest creations, how can a Prince of the Church give an indication of acceptance for a non-Christian sect that targets souls in the Church?

    The red symbolizes the promise to shed blood for Christ, His Church, and the Pope. This isn’t easy, and I accuse myself first for being weak with myself. I certainly do not deserve the distinction. However, a prelate has it and should meditate on this great calling frequently. I’m sure many do.

  84. JonM says:


    Cue to 2:27. Hmm, that is an interesting elevation during Liturgy of the Eucharist…

    I want to emphasize that I am not in a reactionary way criticizing Father Pfleger. The truth is simply that the Priest has, at best, a warped perspective of what the Priesthood is and what the Catholic Church is (i.e., the [not a] path to salvation).

    For those of us who get tense when we hear a guitar and Haugen (we ought to get tense by the way), a visit to Father Pfleger’s parish would be catastrophic. From what I read, Cardinal Mahoney would seem to be thoroughly orthodox – scantily clad cheerleaders and all.

    In watching a lengthy interview with Father Pfleger, it is clear that he feels driven to do the work of Christ and even offers good perspectives. I have every reason to believe that he is completely sincere in his dedication to ministry as he sees it. As I wrote above, he has taken good constructive action, at least on occassions.

    But to be so removed from a Catholic identity that a non-Catholic is invited to speak during mass, and at that use the time to blast George W Bush for restricting abortion, it is almost unbelievable that he would receive any award. Mostly likely, he was confused in a heretical seminary.

    I think he could be a very holy priest, but the archdiocese would have to force him to get training by FSSP. For now, leaving him be and awarding him is an intense scandal.

  85. PatrickThornton: These comments may be abrasive or “offensive” to some; but don’t they actually hit at something that needs to be addressed?
    I am not at all encouraging anyone to attack a bishop, archbishop/Cardinal.
    But when something so outrageous is going on, don’t people have a right to ask what is going on?
    Maybe they do it in a rather “in your face” manner; but do we always have to put on “kid gloves” and weave around the actual issues?
    Okay, some of what you list are “rude”; I’m not suggesting that we become nasty here. But, come on, why do people have to act like nothing is wrong, when, in fact, things are wrong?

  86. The video provided by JonM gives a good “look” at what we are dealing with here.
    Is a priest who deliberately goes against his own Cardinal someone to honor? Is a priest who stands in solidarity with Louis Farrakhan and Rev. Wright someone who is upholding Catholic teaching?
    Is a priest who violates liturgical norms someone to be honored?
    These are the questions; not bashing Card. George. But asking: “What the hell is going on?”
    Is that too much to ask?

  87. One more comment: I do NOT endorse Flavia Colgan’s commentary…at all. How she is an “expert”, I don’t have the slightest clue.
    She might have an advanced degree; she is NOT intelligent, by any means of the word,IMO.
    The racism and hatred of both Farrakhan and Wright are despicable; how can anyone, esp. after the furor over Fr. Cantalemessa’s homily on Good Friday (which, in my opinion, was not at all what it was depicted in the MSM) even defend giving an award to a priest who is an ally with these jerks? Huh?

  88. chonak says:

    No one should take the possibility of schism callously.

    The threat of it – and, alas, I think Pfleger might be willing to commit it if ordered out of that parish – may be a true burden for Cdl. George. It would not only be a sin for those who immediately left the Church: it would also separate their innocent children from the Church. Schism is so grave that the Church Fathers had a horror of it, and at times bishops are right to tolerate some evils in order to avoid worse ones.

  89. Ed the Roman says:

    Father Pfleger is reminding me of Father Stallings in Washington DC.

    Let us pray that he turns back from that cliff.

  90. catholicmidwest says:

    Nazareth Priest, you said, “I agree that something just doesn’t click sometimes with Card. George…Intellectuals sometimes have a way of avoiding direct language…dancing around a subject; sometimes, the more you know, the more paralyzed you can become. It’s true.”

    No, no. It’s not because he may or may not be an intellectual, something which has nothing to do with it. The man has a deep and scary screw loose.

    A real intellectual is after the components of ideas, and the testing of ideas for logical sense and truth, regardless of what other content there might be. Just because Cdl George may be more clever than some of our other churchmen (not saying much), it doesn’t follow that he’s an intellectual. He may just be a clever schemer who sometimes rules in our favor and sometimes doesn’t.

  91. CMW: I’m sorry; in the lack of space, which I did not have the time to develop what I wanted to communicate: ‘Some’ of those who use the “intellectual” (and I say this not in the strict sense of the term, but in the way of dragging every cottin’ pickin’ thing to cover their, well, you know) “method” are straining to “cover their bases”, in some sense of trying to be “fair”, while ignoring the direct and simple answer to a question (Ockham’s razor,perchance?)…I was trying to be discreet and charitable to the good Cardinal, who in many respects, I believe has the Church’s interest in mind and is a fine priest; as an administrator? Well, I can’t judge, because I’m not a bishop/archbishop with the graces and assistance that almighty God promises to one who has been given this heavy burden. I’m just a lowly monastic priest; a dummy, if you will.
    I was just trying to give a lot of space for all the things I don’t know and would not be able to know. That’s all.

  92. laurelcobb says:

    Did anyone notice that Cardinal George spoke at the award ceremony and defended this choice? The “oh-perhaps-the cardinal-didn’t-know-this-was-happening” spin is no longer tenable. Check out the St Sebina website http://www.saintsabina.org. Interesting……….

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