I will LIVE stream a Traditional Latin Mass at NOON Central Daylight Time (= GMT/UTC -5 and ROME 1900h).
Today: Monday in the Octave of Pentecost. Whitmonday. One might call it “Paulus Flevit” Monday. I will add prayers “in time of war” for obvious reasons.
Will you please tell others about this Mass? Will you please subscribe to my channel? HERE
- NB: You can find an English translation of the Mass formulary HERE. Scroll down. Use the 1960 setting.
- We can say the Regina Caeli together, since the Angelus bells are usually ringing when the live stream starts.
- I will say a Spiritual Communion prayer at the very beginning for those of you who cannot make a Eucharistic Communion.
- I will also recite in Latin the traditional “Statement of Intention” (…a hint to priests).
- After Mass and the Leonine Prayers, I will recite a prayer in Latin “In time of pandemic” followed by a blessing with a fragment of the Cross
For texts of Prayers before Mass for each day of the week, in versions for laypeople and for priests: HERE
THANK YOU to my flower donors!
We had our new Bishop presiding at Mass today, for the Feast of Saint Mary, Mother of the Church — and our Parish yearly party.
He seems like a good priest first and foremost, and a good man, and an honest one.
Our old PP and current Vicar General was there concelebrating, and he gave some good healthy Gregorian TLM aspects to the NO Mass. (not much ad orientem sadly, but more than none)
Traditional local munchies provided by the Mayor and his people, though sadly I was a bit crippled by worse pain than usual from the handicap. No photo links to the munchies, sorry Father !!
Oh !! The Bishop was in Blue for the Feast day ; the other priests, Rose for one, light Red the other 3.
I prayed to God to transmit any benefit of my Eucharistic Communion to those unable to attend the Holy Eucharistic Mass and unable to take Communion, as I have been doing systematically since being able to return myself to Holy Mass since May 3rd. Also to the Catechumens unable to complete their Catholic Initiation to Baptism & Communion & Confirmation. And for prayer of request of a reparation and healing of all these scandals in our Church.