Reason #747903 for Summorum Pontificum: JESUITS! Yoga in the church SANCTUARY of St. Francis Xavier (again) in NYC

Two years ago, I posted about Jesuits in New York City – at the once great and now increasingly weird and infamous St. Francis Xavier – having YOGA in the SANCTUARY of the church. I’m not making this up.

This is the same place where the Jesuits parked enormous photos of “victims” of Law Enforcement on the main altar of the church, in a desecration of the sacred. HERE

Then there was this revolting mockery of the renewal of Baptismal promises. A Jesuit has people make promises DURING MASS about “white privilege”. Disgusting. HERE

It won’t surprise you that YOGA is back in the sanctuary.

You can even join in via Zoom.  No.  Really.

Does this seem right to you?


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. JustaSinner says:

    And Jesus was IRATE at the money changers…chilling His reaction to this!

  2. JustaSinner says:

    Next, Lamaze classes? How about some interpretive dance classes? All that floor space, how about a Drag Race, oh snap! Maybe a bake sale to fund some poor person of color that is a bisexual transvestite cross dressing man co-inhabiting as a women. Oh silly me…don’t give them ideas. Like Triskets for Communion, with a smear of brie and a slice of Calamari olives. D-VINE!!! I mean, cheese and crackers with wine, right? Maybe a fine Riesling, for a refined, sweet taste. And on the naughty feast days, white chocolate wafers dipped in dark chocolate…yes! (Forgive me, dear Lord, in the off chance a Jesuit reads this and thinks, ‘Hey, THAT’S an idea I can get behind!)

  3. Thomas S says:

    It’s understandable in one sense… you really have to limber up if you’re gonna stretch the word “Catholic” to apply to the Jesuits.

  4. WVC says:

    Well, hopefully they at least socially distance and wear masks. Important things first, you know.

  5. Ave Maria says:

    The sacrilege and blasphemy is so huge! The faithful need to make atonement and reparation for these terrible offenses. The ones in power who allow such things (the participants may just be stupid) are involved in a grave sin.

  6. monstrance says:

    Reminiscent of pachama.
    Many of the poses and stances of yoga originate from eastern religions worshipping pagan gods.

  7. JimGB says:

    There is simply no valid reason to do yoga in the sanctuary. What’s more egregious in this case is that this church is part of a HUGE physical plant that takes up part of two city blocks and has a parish hall, a high school and a large clergy residence. There are other spaces where this could be done if yoga was so important to the parish. Having it in the sanctuary is a deliberate affront. But don’t expect Cardinal Dolan or the chancery to do anything. They are truly spineless.

  8. ChesterFrank says:

    Yoga in the Sanctuary is a thing, this isn’t the first time I have heard of it. I know Fr(?) James Martin has mentioned it before. No one can degrade Catholicism as much as Catholics do.

  9. MikeyinPHX says:

    I see a confessional in the background…Is that where they store their yoga mats? I hope they don’t knock down the pascal candle (very odd place for a baptistry) when doing the downward dog:)

  10. mysticalrose says:

    This is so blasphemous and another reminder why no one, save the priest and his attendants, belongs in the sanctuary. Does anyone no if the Blessed Sacrament is removed during these episodes?

  11. JimGB says:

    In this church, the Blessed Sacrament has been removed from the tabernacle that was once part of a truly magnificent high altar (that still remains) and is now at a side altar. They have also extended out the sanctuary beyond its original space and placed the altar of sacrifice on the extension. This allows for congregational seating that surrounds the altar. The church itself is marvelous and in the hands of a different religious congregation would be a perfect site for the traditional Latin mass. But that will NEVER happen here with the SJ in charge.

  12. tho says:

    Cardinal Dolan is AWOL when decisions protecting the faithful need to be implemented. We, the faithful, are surrounded by prelates who have caved in to modernity. Pius X warned us against this disease, and now we see, as Pope Francis appoints nothing but weirdos. We need a 16 year old warrior named Joan, oh, I almost forgot, the bishops disposed of her also.

  13. jhogan says:

    Words fail! I hope and pray they at least removed the Blessed Sacrament from the church.

  14. teomatteo says:

    It would appear from the pic that two yogies vacated. Maybe before the picture was taken purposely. Smart that.

  15. Kenneth Wolfe says:

    Is this separate from the parish’s official “Zen Meditation Group” ?

  16. Adeodata says:

    Maybe one should be grateful they are not doing goat yoga.

  17. Clinton R. says:

    There are far too many (both clergy and laity) within the Church who are hellbent on bringing down the Lord’s Wrath upon us with these horrific displays of paganism. For them, it is as if Christ and His Church never existed, they are so swallowed up by the worship of idols.

  18. NOCatholic says:

    Not just the Aussies, but the Jesuits are going overtly pagan.

  19. Semper Gumby says:

    That situation calls for Chuck Norris, Hammer of the Heathens.

    Hmm… perhaps also a tune…

    And here’s to you
    Mr. Chuck Norris
    Jesus loves you more than you will know
    Woah woah woah
    God bless you please
    Mr. Chuck Norris
    Heaven holds a place for those non-soy
    Hey hey hey, hey hey hey

    (Then something about roundhouse kicks and yoga mats flying)

  20. Suburbanbanshee says:

    Ridiculous. There’s no way that a big old building like this doesn’t have a basement, or an old school, or a side cloister, or something. It’s also got a stupid mission statement; they say they’re a “prophetic community” that recognizes Jesus Christ “as Companion.” No, I don’t think you do, unless you’re the kind of friends that have parties and mess up your friends’ houses while they’re gone, and never clean up after yourselves.

    [There’s an attached SCHOOL.]

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