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Registered here or not, will you in your charity please take a moment look at the requests and to pray for the people about whom you read?

Continued from THESE.

Let’s remember all who are ill, who will die soon, who have lost their jobs, and who are afraid.

I get many requests by email asking for prayers. Some are heart-achingly grave and urgent.

As long as my blog reaches so many readers in so many places, let’s give each other a hand. We should support each other in works of mercy.

If you have some prayer requests, feel free to post them below.

You have to be registered here to be able to post.

I still have a pressing personal petition.

Pray for the best result in the upcoming election for the true good of our nation.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. beelady says:

    I will pray for all who post here and for Fr Z’s personal petition.
    Please pray for my husband, Pat. He has been bedridden for two days due to a migraine brought on by Covid-19.
    He is also suffering with tears in 3 out of 4 tendons in his rotator cuff.

  2. Mariana2 says:

    Of your charity, please pray for my mother who has died at 88. A most difficult person, feared by all. Lutheran.

  3. VForr says:

    Please pray for my brother, Nolan, and please pray for a dear friend, Rob. Both men have lost their way.

  4. I will certainly pray for all the petitions listed here.

    Please pray for the Pentlow family (mother, father, 3 boys): for healing of many physical and emotional ills, healing of addiction, healing of anxiety and depression, and for the gift of fortitude and perseverance.

    For all priests and religious accused of misconduct, whether true or false.

    For all of my family and friends who support and promote abortion.

    And for myself, a renewed fervor in my twin vocations. Thank you and God bless you.

  5. I’m praying for all the requests listed here.

    Please pray for all, including myself, who are going to be hit by Hurricane Zeta. May we all be abandoned to God’s most holy and perfect will.

  6. Luciano says:

    Pray for my father-in-law’s small farm. Crops really need rain now (Brazil). He risks losing his annual income.

    I also ask for the solution for a home purchase that has become a mess

  7. IngridAiram says:

    In your kindness, would you pray for a smooth delivery not to far from now? Yesterday was my due date and it’s getting quite hard and painfull.

  8. Noelle says:

    Please pray for me; tomorrow morning I have my third doctor appointment in 10 days, as they are trying to rule out a serious condition which may or may not be developing. I will pray for all here. Thank you so much.

  9. Padre Pio Devotee says:

    Praying for everyone’s intentions! Will include you all in my rosary today!

    Holy Mother the Church, all her members but especially her bishops, priests, and religious, especially on this Feast of St. Jude. and Simon.
    Please pray for the intentions healing of P.O., L.M., P.C., B.A., V.M., and A.F. As well as my 2 novena petitions.

  10. GM Thobe says:

    Please pray for our fledgling TLM group. We are long on interested faithful and short on clergy and accommodations, waiting patiently as it were in a limbo of expectancy.

  11. MundaCorMeum says:

    Please pray for 10-month old baby Raphaella and her family. She was born with serious heart defects, and as a result of multiple open-heart surgeries has apparently suffered serious brain damage. She and her family need all the prayers they can get.

  12. Please pray for my husband, Stephen. He just finished 6 weeks of chemo and radiation and will have surgery next month and then more chemo.

    Praying for all your intentions.

  13. No True Sophist says:

    I have been placed charge of a wide-reaching-college-student-catch-all-weekend retreat that has demanded a lot of effort and gentle correction to give it a greater Catholicity. If you would please pray for all of the spiritual needs of retreaters, and for conversions, and for we who run and plan it amid the other obligations of college life.

    For my own part, I would appreciate prayers of endurance as I discern a monastic vocation in a period where visits to communities are difficult to plan, and persistence toward the call is often tested. Thank you very much, I will pray for all these intentions in the comments and for Father Z’s.

  14. Anneliese says:

    Please pray my mobility improves and that I’m healed of MS.

  15. Cafea Fruor says:

    Please pray for me. Seven months of being almost entirely alone during this pandemic is really, really wearing on me. I live alone, which has been fine so long as the world was operating normally, but now it’s just way too much aloneness. The loneliness ebbs and flows, but it’s always lurking. The only people I really see right now are a few colleagues a couple of days a week, as our office is partly open, but they’re mostly too busy to go do anything outside of work and are too busy during work to talk much. Other than that, pretty much everything is online because my narrowing circle of friends (people have drifted and/or moved away in the last few years) mostly includes those who don’t want to meet in person because of the coronavirus. I just turned 40 and never thought I’d be alone at this age–I’d wanted to be a nun, and that never panned out, and I’m left without a community or anything, and right now, there’s pretty much nothing I can do about it other than white-knuckle through the loneliness until there’s a vaccine, I guess. I’ve tried some online volunteering to reach out to others, but everything being 100% online just isn’t real connection. I need hugs and long face-to-face talks with friends and depth and connection. This virus needs to go away soon!

    I don’t want to downplay the problems EVERYONE is facing with the pandemic, and I don’t exactly envy people stuck at home with the same relatives or roommates all the time and driving each other bananas. This is my own cross, but it’s still very much a cross, and I could use the grace to get through it.

  16. KateriK says:

    In thanksgiving for the sparing of our neighbors’ homes and our own home in the subdivision that was first endangered by the massive East Troublesome Fire last week. This fire went on to devast the area east of us near Grand Lake, Colorado. Two elderly people lost their lives in this fire, and over 400+ families lost their homes. In addition to this, many folks have lost businesses and employment. Please pray for these poor souls during the approaching months of winter.
    Also, please be assured of our prayers for all the intentions listed here today.

  17. Gregg the Obscure says:

    please pray for me as i am assailed with fierce temptations to despair and other grave sins.

  18. Gregg the Obscure says:

    oh Kateri. that fire has been terrible. i live in Denver (100 miles away?) and a few nights ago i awoke in the middle of the night with my eyes burning from the smoke. it must be so much worse nearby. i will pray for you!

  19. JonPatrick says:

    Please pray for my son who has a difficult job situation right now and also that he and his wife will be able to have a baby.

    Pray that in the upcoming election next week those for the sanctity of life and for religious freedom will prevail over the forces of evil.

  20. Sportsfan says:

    I pray for all these intentions, especially you Cafea Fruor and Gregg the Obscure.
    Loneliness can be a terrible thing and despair is even worse. Take comfort in knowing we are praying for you. Pray, out loud, to our Lord, our Lady and all the saints. They will hear you and help you.

  21. Cafea Fruor says:

    @Gregg the Obscure, I’m right there with you. Holding onto hope and keeping despair at bay is a hard, hard battle right now. So I’ll be offering some of my battle especially for you. I hope you don’t mind sharing with the Poor Souls, though. I’ve already promised them the lion’s share of my battle. :)

    @Sportsfan, thank you so much for the prayers! After I finally discerned a couple of years ago that God was not calling me to religious life, I’ve found myself more and more desiring marriage, and this pandemic has just made that increase at the same time that it’s made meeting people impossible. And it’s really, really hard to keep up hope that that’s even possible. Like where am I going to find someone who’s never been married, hasn’t been promiscuous, values the same things I do, is OK with probably never having kids (unless adopted) at this point, and is a good fit personality wise, when I can’t even seem to meet any age-appropriate single Catholic guys at all. Even before COVID. I’ve been feeling like maybe it’s too late because I gave so many years to God in discerning religious life and trying not to feel duped by having given so much to find myself alone. I’m trying to take refuge in the Holy Family, and I’ve been praying out loud (one upshot to living alone, I guess, is that I can) all the time, asking for a good man, asking that I meet him sooner rather than later, asking just to be OK being single if that’s what God wants, asking for friends to stop fading just because they got married or moved away, asking for an end to this pandemic, and asking to get through it in one piece without totally losing my marbles or becoming depressed. The Holy Family is certainly getting more than an earful from me. I’m glad that they can take it. :) Oh, and I’m totally bargaining for the Poor Souls and offering all this for them so at least all of this can be fruitful somehow.

  22. discipulus says:

    My (non-Catholic) great Uncle passed away today, and sadly has no one to pray for him besides my own immediate family.

  23. 1jacobo5 says:

    My 6 month old daughter, Anastasia Rita Marie, is on life support and things don’t look good. Asking for a miracle

  24. 1jacobo5 says: My 6 month old daughter

    Oh dear. I am sure all of us who see this will pray for her and for you all. Please give us good news soon.

    Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary…

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