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Yesterday, in chessy news, in the Team Chess Battle, where pairs of players who can discuss moves battle it out, Hikaru Nakamura and Levy Rozman (aka Gotham Chess on YouTube) defeated Jorden van Foreest and Eric Hansen 2-1. Next, they face off with Daniel Naroditsky and Robert Hess. It is interesting to hear the thoughts of the players as they analyze the positions and come up with moves.
Meanwhile, white to move. Mate in 3.
NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.
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1. Qd7+ Kb8
2.Qe8+ Nd8
3. Qxd8#
White’s Queen is en pris, so this problem calls for a Queen Sacrifice:
1. Qd8+ NxQ
2. Bg4+ f5
3. Bxf5 mate
That earlier solution was too simple: it overlooked Black’s 2. …. Ne6, where the Knight is defended by the pawn. So try this instead:
1. Qd7+ Kb8
2. Qe8+ Nd8
3. QxN mate
Qd7+, Kb8
Qe8+, Nd8
Qd8+, Nd8
1. Q-d7+ . . . K-b8
White’s rook is effective, even though pinned.
2. Q-e8+ . . . N-d8
3. Q×d8#
Qd7+ forces Kb8
Qd8+ forces Nxd8