Your Good News

Do you have good news for the readership?

I haven’t asked this for a while. However, today is of such a kind that good news would help.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. AutoLos says:

    The relic of St. Jude is visiting my city today! Bringing the whole family down to venerate it. The kids are excited to see the arm that embraced our Lord and waved goodbye to him as He ascended into Heaven. :)

  2. redneckpride4ever says:

    My 11 year old son is now home schooled and part of his curriculum is the Our Lady of the Rosary Family Catechism. He has serious behavioral issues, but he is trying to work with us and get to where he needs to be.

    My 18 year old stepdaughter has begun reading the Catechism of Pius X and is serious about converting, just as her mother did after we had our convalidation.

  3. Mitchell says:

    Well, earlier this week I celebrated Mass and heard confessions at a nearby Chesterton Academy. I was very impressed with the young people there. Very reverent at Mass, which was ad orientem. They confessed the usual things for that age but it was clear they regularly frequented the sacrament and were all striving towards holiness.

  4. Diane says:

    Our son-in-law has been in the hospital in Madison with pneumonia for a week, and finally they have discovered which organism is making him so sick! So they have changed the antibiotic and he is on the mend! Thanks be to God!

  5. Zeddy says:

    I woke up this morning and was completely, perfectly peaceful; it’s been a long time and was hard-won. So, to celebrate, I went to visit a rare book seller. The owner loves encylopediae as much as I do!

  6. Charivari Rob says:

    I got to attend a preview showing of Cabrini this week.
    It was marvelous! I heartily recommend seeing it!

  7. I WENT TO CONFESSION last night, followed by stations of the cross, Holy Mass, and then had a wonderful PBJ with fresh-ground honey-roasted peanut butter on the best whole wheat sourdough bread to celebrate the Lord’s mercy. I should have taken pictures to share. (It wasn’t a very penitential meal for me since peanut butter is my favorite food, but I abstained and enjoyed and rejoiced.)

    Thanks for always reminding me that the answer to my problems begins with me going to Confession.

  8. bookworm says:

    Hopefully good news for us… my husband and I have been talking about adopting a cat for several months. A few weeks ago a beautiful and very friendly gray kitty came to our door, meowing quite insistently. We let her in and fed her and got attached to her. Subsequently we discovered she was pregnant… she is expecting 5 kittens sometime in the next two weeks! We are hoping to keep 1 or 2 of the kittens as companions for her. Might seem a bit trivial but she has been a source of joy for us and I am praying for a safe delivery of her little ones….

  9. An Old Historian says:

    Our West Central Iowa community was invaded two weeks ago by an unexpected flu virus (not Covid) that wasn’t in last Fall’s shots. That first week our hospital’s emergency dep’t., clinic, and urgent care clinic treated several hundred patients. Some clinic doctors treated 15 – 20 patients every day. At times the emergency rooms had 30 or so patients waiting! My wife and I were among the “invaded,” and are mending gradually, but the worst was REALLY MISERABLE – 102 fever was not unusual with sinus and bronchial infections and the physical feeling that every muscle, tendon, joint, and especially arms and hands had been diligently beaten with bamboo rods by some evil sadist! Oh, Yes! The good news is that invasion has almost run its course. AND, unlike COVID which was fatal for a number of our friends and neighbors, there have been no fatal cases! Praise and glory be to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Plus, by the grace of God, the protection of St. Michael with his almighty heavenly sword and shield was requested and he provided it. Also, God has moved Spring early here, and all His gifts of this season are flourishing. Our Resurrection Lillies should be in bloom by Easter.

  10. grateful says:

    My husband and I went to confession today. :-)

  11. Rob83 says:

    Good news of a sort – based on diocesan statistics, the TLM now makes up about 1% of the weekly Mass attendance across the whole diocese (a decade ago it was 0.1% to 0.2%).

  12. I LOVE those reports of having gone to confession!


  13. BeatifyStickler says:

    Family went to confession.
    My sons started serving low Mass and they love it.
    A pilgrimage in Alberta has been approved by the bishops of the province. Latin Mass pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Rockies shrine in Canmore Alberta on May 11th. Hundreds are expected to turn out for the event. Solemn Mass and a Marian procession. Very excited to meet new families from
    Western Canada at the pilgrimage.

  14. NancyP says:

    Here in Maryland, it looks like the medical aid-in-dying Bill (AKA physician-assisted suicide) will die in Senate committee, which will ensure that the bill will not pass this year. There’s still an outside chance it could be brought to the floor via the House of Delegates, but this is very unlikely, given the lack of Senate support. Next year proponents of PAS will try again, of course, but for now, I am thankful for the voters who made their views known and helped defeat this bill once again. Kudos to the Maryland Catholic Conference, which has worked hard to ensure that Catholics knew about this bill and understood how to easily contact their elected representatives. Also, kudos to all the faithful priests in Maryland who have taken the time to educate the faithful on the many evils and dangers of physician-assisted suicide. My heart feels lighter. God is good.

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