Daily Archives: 10 September 2024

“The young are more to be pitied, since they know not of what they have been deprived.”

How fresh the Fathers of the Church can be in our own times.   No wonder Pope Benedict wrote that we need to recover the perspective and methods of the Fathers. Let’s not imagine that we are the only ones who … Read More

Posted in Patristiblogging, Pò sì jiù, The future and our choices | Tagged

Prayers for Bp. Slattery, Emeritus of Tulsa – Prayers Requested – ACTION ITEM!

You might remember that when the Archbishop of DC refused to allow Card. Castrillon to say a Pontifical Mass at the Shrine in DC, Bp. Slattery of Tulsa stepped into the breach and gave a MIGHTY sermon.  HERE I received … Read More

Posted in Urgent Prayer Requests | Tagged

Daily Rome Shot 1117 – Piove!

The other day there was a big storm in Rome with lots of lightning. The view from the steps of my adoptive parish, Ss. Trinità dei Pelegrini.   Welcome registrant: beardown5240 Please remember me when shopping online and use my … Read More